What am I in for?

What am I in for?


an easy read for high schoolers

Xenophobic hate crimes likely inspired by Trump's inflammatory, divisive rhetoric

It was le hot

Sun in le eyes

Symbolic bullet for himself.


It's a fun enough read if you don't take it too seriously or expect anything mindblowing.

>When did my mom die? Fuck, I should know this.

Don't forget you sunglasses

I love threads like this on thread. You really notice that Veeky Forums actually read the book because of the jokes related to the content instead of the usual more universal applicable jokes used in threads about books that are considered difficult or too long. Really makes you question the validity and worth of replies made in comment sections of the latter.

Read it if you like. I don't care, it's your life, you choose how to live it. In the end we all die, right?

It's OK. Didn't quite live up to the hype for me.

The Fall is better

I'm going to shoot you now.

You can read it in one evening, just do it dammit

You can't. It's overcast.

Maman died today, or yesterday, I don't remember.

a pretty monotonous read of which the main idea is quite easy to understand. it's one of my personal favourites. a lot of very quotable moments and elements of absurdism or nihilism. a disdain for religion as well.

is that suppoused to be weed?

The rain was in his eye :^)

A bad translation

main character is a douchenozzle