What's the worst kitchen accident you've experienced?
Pic related; I got careless and slice off a part of my fingertip and I had to seal the open patch using super glue.
If this is gore, I'm sorry
What's the worst kitchen accident you've experienced?
I'm generally fairly careful so nothing too bad, worst ever thus far was when I worked at a pizza junt, I was slicing the peppers and I cut my finger the deepest I ever did, I do not react loudly even to pain, my first instinct is always to "tighten up" my systems so to speak
My coworkers always hated and feared me, as I calmly went to wash my wound I heard them mutter "he didn't even react...."
Don't have pics, but I made a little diagram to what my thumb looked like
hit my thumb on the meat slicer
Bled tons of blood for days. Had to change dressings every 40 minutes or so or blood would drip out of my gloves.
Took months for all the flesh to grow back and now my thumb is gross looking
>he didn't even react
I accidentally a mandolin slicer. I washed it up and be free I looked, I knew it was bad...
Exact same thing happened to me but it didn't end up so bad and The bleeding stopped in a few hours and it healed up nice
>Don't have pics
I do this too
I always clench the cut finger, tell someone to throw away whatever I was cutting while I assess and dress the wound
Everybody thinks I'm a clumsy hardass, but I'm actually a trap loving half homo that shitposts all day
avocado skewered through the palm of my hand with a kitchen knife
Working culinary services at my university. Grabbed a tray of chicken pot pies out of the oven without realizing my towel of choice had a hole in it. Grabbed the hot pan, dropped scalding pies on myself. Received some 2nd degree burns and was written up for "wasting food".
Bonus pic, I found the part that was sliced off
I once burned like a 3 inch section on my forearm pretty badly when I accidently touched it to the door of my oven while pulling something out. After that day I always made sure to open the oven all the way
Burned the back of my hand on the active heating element of a toaster oven while reaching in to flip what I was cooking. Because, you know, I was too lazy and retarded to slide the rack out first.
Pic related, about a couple weeks afterward. Didn't scar, but the area's been slightly discolored ever since.
One time i accidentally an entire bottle of coca cola
my buddy dropped something in the fryer and instinctively grabbed for it and deep fried his fuckin' hand
Old school fryer. Draining the fryer to filter and clean. Once it's done I unscrew the drain pipe. It's a good 350 degrees, the most painful burn I have ever had. Sorry no pictures.
How the fuck? Does he still have a hand?
While scraping hardened brownies out of a pan i foolishly put too much force behind the knife and sent it right through my left pointer finger. I fucked the tendon and cant bend it at all anymore.
Im left handed.
yeah it was a few years ago, healed up almost perfectly except i think he's got a bit of nerve & surface skin damage
he didn't like hold it in the fryer for any amount of time, it was literally like he just kind of slapped the oil, ya know? still fucked it up nicely tho
I cut a chunk of my thumb off on the mandolin, and bled like a stuck pig
Kind of like but it was more on the side
I sliced open my finger to the bone opposite the nail. I waited a day to get it stitched though so I got a bad scar
used a cleaver to chop green onions and forgot to move a finger
>worked at a kfc as a teenager
>cleaning out the cookers with the polishing pump
>our particular model has a detachable hose that is held in place by a cheapo latch and the seal
>cleaned out a fryer, pop the hose in to fill it up
>hose pops out of its latch
>scalding oil starts spraying out the fromt of the unit
>all the oil that was up in the hose runs back down onto my leg
>jump back, bite back a curse (customers in the restaurant)
>turn the pump off, oil stops spraying
>whole thing takes place over the space of around half a second
>around half a gallon of oil on the floor and front of the cooker
>leg hurts
>look down
>based kfc pants still intact
>hobble over to an empty sink
>climb in and start running cold water over my leg
>give it five minutes and get back to work
Ended up with a massive blister on my calve. Could have been worse, at least nobody was standing nearby when it happened.
I got a really sharp knife for the first time (Tojiro DP 240mm gyuto) and pretended to be a professional and tried to chop up an onion at speed. I made an incorrect claw and sliced off about a third of the nail of my left ring finger, sliced through the nail bed and took off a bit of flesh from my finger tip, too. It hurt like a motherfucker. Thank god it all healed up nicely without a trace.
Stabbed myself with a raw chicken bone and got salmonella
I fractured my finger when it got caught in the handle hole of my chopping board during washing.
>was dishwasher at the time
>finishing up shift
>bunch of retarded chucklefucks thought it was okay to show up 10 minutes before closing and order 3 courses
>had school next morning so walk at brisk pace with cups in hand
>don't realize somebody already mopped the tile floor
>oh fug
>right ring finger sliced the length of a whole knuckle
>pissing blood
>took forever to heal
>scar still clearly visible
Also a few bad burns, although I'm a welder now so bad cooking burns ain't shit.
In college I used to stumble home from parties/bars blacked out and cook myself amazing and very complicated meals (which were always fucking awesome to wake up to, the best was when I made like 10 servings of pad thai) but once I very drunkenly poured hot bacon grease onto my fingers and melted the skin off one of them between two joints.
When it eventually healed the skin had a weird dent in it where it was oddly attached to the muscle below, but after several years that went away and there isn't even a scar now.. I can't even remember which finger it was anymore.
... now i really want pad thai...
somehow this looks way worse as a thumbnail
>heh thumbnail
Had a big splotch of hot grease fall on my arm while I was hammered/stoned.
I seared a steak on high heat, but the skillet got so hot it started smoking like crazy. After I pulled off the steak, I started shaking it up and down to dissipate the smoke, but a drop of grease came off the pan onto my arm that left a giant circular scab/scar about the size of a quarter and another that was a smaller. The big scar is barely visible now though.
Accidentally slipped on a banana peel while cooking and accidentally butchered my whole family. On accident.
Eh, don't sweat it. Happens to everyone at least once.
i couldn't stop eating and got really really fat
working in a restaurant and putting mugs away, i slipped in a puddle of water and put my hands forward to break my fall, smashing the mug and slicing my right hand open almost to the bone, i had to get 9 stitches 2 inside, 7 outside, couldn't work or jerk off properly for several weeks
Unpacked a blender once. Blades took off skin from my thumb on its 1st joint right to the bone. It didn't come of completely, hung by a piece so I treated it, bandaged it up and it actually somehow didn't rot, dry out or fall off. Kinda regretting not snipping it off and going to get stitches, because it left a wart-like scar and that part doesn't feel anything now.
>Didn't scar, but the area's been slightly discolored ever since.
that's a scar though
Same here, except I fell dick-first into my baby niece and went to prison for 10 years.
I've done this twice, once to my thumb and once to my pinkie. Considering the amount of knife work I've done over the years I'm thinking I got off pretty easy.
Hurts like a bitch for a few days though.
1. cut my thumb's tip halfway through the last falange including the nail as a kid, was cutting chocolate (why?) and the knife slipped. the wound healed fast but it took two months to outgrow the sliced nail and it still has a little bump
2. spilled a few drops of boiling caramel on my hand
3. 1001 cuts on fingers/hands
How the hell did that even happen? Do you wash your dishes in an open top-loading washer or something?
Accidentally put a normal table knife (pic related) under my index's nail.
Had the same a few months ago, but with the middle finger instead.
Do thumbs have different blood circulation than other fingers? Because it didn't bleed anywhere near as profusely for me.
>Do thumbs have different blood circulation than other fingers?
I'm not sure. But cuts can bleed at different rates depending on exactly where the cut is located--how close it is to a blood vessel, etc.
Idk I've cut my my fingers on multiple occasions and it usually lasts a day if it's medium bad
I lopped off a huge chunk of my thumb that time though, so maybe I just cut through more blood vessels or something
I've cut the tip off my thumb multiple times while chopping celery
Plus an alcoholic will bleed a lot more due to reduced liver function, and therefor a lack of vitamin K which promotes wound clotting. If you drink a lot, take potassium supplements.
Mine is retarded. I dropped a 2 liter bottle cap-side down onto my foot and broke it. Walking was painful for months.
Or just stop drinking.
>not suing the latch maker
You say that like it's a realistic option or something.
I've never experienced anything too bad. My worst experiences were probably when I was working at Popeye's for a year. Slipped on the floor and banged up my knee and wrists some. Wasn't so bad, but I do fear I left long-term damage. The second experience actually hurt at the time. I was cleaning the fryers and an oil bubble popped, splashing still-hot oil on the back of my right hand. Oh, I've never cussed that much before.
That's just makeup though.
An exploding fridge that burned down a tower block in London causing my death, other deaths and untold injuries.
My worst accident was when I accidentally dropped a tendie on the floor when preparing to cook them. I screeched loud enough that neighbors filed a noise complaint with police.
i pooped my pants making beef wellington once
Careful with that edge, son.
I was hungover and trying to make eggs and I got a waft of sulphur that made me gag and then throw up in the sink. Then I had a few dry heaves and during one of them I shit my pants. Some even got on the floor
It was a nightmare
friend sliced his entire nail from one of his fingers. the finger itself was intact except for a missing fingernail and the blood. im not sure where the pics are but hed get mad at me for posting them anyway. his free healthcare made him wait in line while his blood drained away. this nigger is the most anally retentive person i know when it comes to knife safety, but he also has mental problems and was probably hallucinating when he brought the blade down. the nail surprisingly grew back and is only kind of fucked up.
Ran a knife through my forearm when slicing a pecan pie.
are you me?
Get a load of this goy.^^^^^
>give it five minutes and get back to work
There's a reason they call people wage slaves and this is why.
>wasting food
lmao, do they not realize that a lot of girls will get full plates of food and throw them away untouched?
Peeling an orange for an old fashioned. Peeler slipped and ripped off a quarter of my pinky nail on my left hand. Finished the night after wrapping with gauze and a couple finger condoms. It was a very stressful service.
If you fucking chop yourself, which happens, sit in the walk-in cooler for like 10-15 minutes after wrapping up the wound. It helps slow your heart and bleeding.
You're welcome.
I was boiling eggs one morning and went to drain the pot, but first i wanted to shift all the eggs to one side for some reason. So I tilt the pot to shift the eggs, without realizing that I'm retarded and pouring the boiling water all over my foot for a good second or two. This was close to 10 years ago and my foot is completely hairless and i'm still retarded
I split my head open running into the sharp corner of a kitchen wall when i was 4. Does that count?
It actually might be worth it to not be a giant fucking pussy, wrap up the appendage, and move the fuck on.
If you are at work (ie. have access to a walk-in cooler), you either have prep to do or meals to make. Who the fuck has 15 minutes to sit in a walk-in because they cut their finger? That's also kind of dickish to the other cooks who have to pick up the extra weight because you dropped everything for a cut. You might also be the laughing stock of your co-workers and lose the respect of your bosses if you do this.
Seriously, go over to first aid, wrap it up, and keep fucking moving.
Before you get kicked out of the kitchen because you're bleeding all over the place, and before you get to fill out an accident report, it helps.
Chefs know this. You clearly do not. No chef is going to put some bleeding retard back on the line to prep or cook food.
What are you retarded?
>gloves don't exist
>accident reports are filled out for the kitchen equivalent of a paper cut
>managers and businesses gleefully waste company dime to babysit you during your crippling time of need while they fill out legal documentation for something that could be healed by the end of the day
Just because you would act like a six-year-old girl when you slice a finger doesn't mean everybody else would. Also, there's this really cool lifehack where you make a "cup" shape with your hand to catch dropping blood. I know, it's completely unheard of to you that some people actually take initiative in little situations like these, but they do. Next time you're on the line and one of your co-workers slices a finger, take notes. Note how they won't make a dramatic ensemble of it like you would.
Seriously, accident reports are a boss's worst nightmare and if you insist on filling one out for one of the most common injuries in a kitchen, you will have placed yourself in his crosshairs come the next lay-off.
Bitch I run two kitchens. Not sure what your problem is but yes I would insist that every injury is documented. "SUCK IT UP" is cool for burns and small cuts but if you chop the top if a finger off it's getting documented.
If blood hits the floor, you hit the door. Bye bye.
A groundhog bit me on the foot which ended up getting a pretty bad infection.
Lol I have almost exactly the same burn in size, location, and story. Top of oven taking out pizza
there's cuts and there's cuts
I had a ceramic plate shatter in my hand one time, it nearly took the tip of my thumb off. It was dangling on by a little thread of skin at the end. I was screaming curses and bleeding profusely. Went to the ER and got seven stitches to put it back on. You can't work through a big chunk of flesh on your thumb flapping around bleeding all over.
The liability of having even a chance of ANY blood on food is far more then the cost of sending someone home for a day. Those who don't have any middle manager experience wouldn't know though
Doesn't matter they paid for it.
i put a towel over my hand (for safety)and pushed a safety vent on my pressure cooker out of drunken curiosity and got a high pressure steam burn
Looks weird. Cut it back off and see if it heals right this time.
pressure cookers are so fucking scary
Groundhogs are known dicks. Fuck groundhogs.
or just cut the whole thumb off and see if it grows back like a lizard tail
Was pouring boiling water into a plastic bottle but it melted and the water went all over my legs
they're fine if you don't get drunk and retarded around them
Don't have photos, but my ENTIRE tricep area of the right arm bumped & pressed into the door of a convection oven, that oven was previously on full blast of over 500C.
My upper arm was bare because I rolled my sleeves to prepare for service.
I had a burn that is over 4 inches long and 3 inches wide, the burn ballooned into a giant bubble the next day. It looked grotesque.
That's pretty common in a tight kitchen that doesn't have calls. "Hot" "Behind" "Coming Down" "Sharp" are common calls in a kitchen.
>a normal table knife
The term is "butter knife"
Was making a pizza and dropped it but I was really hungry so I grabbed it and my fingers got engulfed by hot tomato sauce and cheese. Left a few blisters. The pizza was saved and it was good.
Was pineapple involved?
I splashed burning oil over the underside of my arm. All in all about two coins area's worth. The first day I thought it's gonna be ok, but after the second the uppermost layer of the skin started peeling away. Had that bitch in bandages for 2-3 weeks IIRC. It initially left a darker patch of skin I thought I'd have for the rest of my life, but one year on it's essentially not noticeable anymore. I'm very lucky.
lol roger is that you?
got drunk and was chopping onions, sliced my finger to the bone. Got blood everywhere and passed ou (from being drunk, not from blood loss)t. Didn't get stitches. Have a nasty scar.
held my forearm to one of the grates in the oven at work, left a pretty big scar, but it wasn't much worse than other times I fucked myself up
>Was pineapple involved?
>it was good.
clearly it wasn't
how how the fuck are you gonna justify getting blood on all the shit in the walk in to the chef
Back in high school we had some friends over so my parents order pizza. When it all came, I thought I grabbed only the top box but I grabbed the top box and the box's lid below it, so when I picked it up the box below opened up and a freshly made piping hot pizza landed right on my foot. Not only did it burn but the pizza was unsalvageable.