Why haven't we dug a hole to the centre of the earth yet?

Why haven't we dug a hole to the centre of the earth yet?

>inb4 muh heat makes digging equipment useless
Once we get that far we can just start throwing nukes into the hole

most of the inside is liquid rock

I have

Why the fuck would we want to?

What practical reason would we need it for?

Why would we go to mars?

Mars is a smaller planet, digging to the center is easier

Why wouldn't we go to Mars?

Why the fuck would we want to?

What practical reason would we need it for?

god I don't know
in any case if we do set up camp there, all concern about global warming will go out the window because hey, why worry when we can just postpone our problems?

>Please answer my question without mentioning the answer to my question.

access to more metals(although the core is speculated to be mostly iron/nickel neither of which are in short supply)
gravity based research?

propagation of the human species elsewhere in the universe. Should a doomsday event happen here humanity and it's achievements would be preserved. Furthurmore a mars colony could provide a refueling station for further travels to planets in our system and beyond if not be the launching point. Also we have much to learn from Mar's geography, geology, and history.

This 100%

Watch the movie "the core".

because the water ocean will go inside and make liquid core cold and hard. earth will stop go around sun and drift away. if you drill to core we will die everybody.

Nigga what

sorry if you not understand, english is not mother language.
if we dig hole to liquid, ocean go in and make earth cold. then earth stop spinning and go away from sun.

we already have a hole that deep, we call it your mom.


There's not enough water on the planet to do that. And the core is kept that hot by pressure, not a combustion fire going on inside the Earth.

What you described is literally impossible. The Earth is not a charcoal grill.

Also the Earth's rotation/orbit has nothing to do with its core temperature.

I'm either educating a sorely underread Pajeet or falling for b8 but your comment was wrong on so many levels I had to risk it.

The best we can pull of with current technology is a hole 12km deep, the earth's radius is 6 000km

Infinite geothermal energy

Protection of our species
Scientific research
Space tourism
Land to house people, grow food, generate power etc.
For use as an outpost for future colonisation efforts

>all concern about global warming will go out the window
The fuck are you smoking? 7 billion people live on Earth, and far more will in future. Even with a fully fledged martian city those 7 billion people can't just relocate all at once.

infinite geo what? do you even thermodinamics?

Core is kept hot mostly by radioactive decay, not pressure but your point stands otherwise

Underrated post

A Space Elevator on mars is practical with currently available materials.

if we can set up a colony and some basic processing, all you'd need to do is send up a geosynchronous satellite and send a (very) thick kevlar rope down. once it's anchored, feed moar rope out and let the satellite act as a counterweight
then all you need is a lift, and boom. cheap AF space launches from mars

from there, you could set up space stations galore, build some big-ass ships for whatever reasons, maybe catch a few asteroids and mine them

it'd also ensure that no single disaster could destroy humanity, if it were self sufficient

i'll give you like 5 bucks if you go to mars

We tried and the rock got too plasticky to continue digging. Using nukes wouldn't help dig because that is fucking retarded

Lol no, there are no realistic benefits to going to Mars, if we could actually make fucking MARS live able then we would also certainly be able to make far more places on earth live able and support a much higher population much more easily than going to mars

This. Interplanetary colonization is primarily to mitigate existential risks. Establishing life on another planet extends out lifespan as a species from a few thousand more years to a few hundred thousand possibly. The goal is to keep expanding until nothing short of heat death can stop you and maybe not even that of trillions of years of physics research doesn't reach levels of application incomprehensible to modern man