Alright lads

Alright lads,

What's the best way to make oatmeal taste good without dumping a ton of sugar on it? Asking for Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Blueberries, banana, walnuts

This is a covert Veeky Forumsgot thread.


he literally said "Asking for Veeky Forums"

cinnamon, bananas, and scarfing it down as fast as possible so you don't realize how terrible it is

- use whole milk
- add fruits, especially bananas and berries
- cinnamon
- splenda if necessary

peanut butter

with coffee and honey. try it

>fructose isn't sugar according to Veeky Forums

Plays Southparks Dum-dum tales theme song.

Add some cinnamon, cardemon and nutmeg. If you like it more sweet without adding sugar you could go for star anise and vanilla.

wish I saved the thread of making oatmeal with eggs and bacon.
any recipes to eat different styled outmeals? I'm too used to the sweet honey with milk one and fruits for breakfast but never even imagined you can it with meat and eggs or mushrooms.

Porridge also good for savory meals?

Try making it savory, or even spicy. Hot sauce has basically no calories.