Go to burrito place

>go to burrito place
>they don't have any sort of hot sauce

>go to OP's house
>they only serve dicks

>go to ops house
>fuck his mom

Wew lad

>go to OP's house
>all the condiments are semen

>go to burrito place
>they don't have any burgers or fries

do they not have salsa? what is "hot sauce" to you?

>go to OP's thread
>it's shit

There's salsa but it wasn't spicy.
Just want a little heat.

>Want a real burrito
>Have to travel to the bad part of town with hella spices doing graffiti and knitting ponchos and other mexi stuff
>Get home with prized authentic burrito
>Thank god im white and enjoy my food

What's a real burrito?

One made by real mexicans with ghetto mexican ingredients

>go to Mexican place
>order cheeseburger and fries
Fight me.

Then order red salsa. Or green. Whatever fucking one is hotter.

None of them are hot.

No, you're just a hipster.

Not thinking salsa is hot means I'm a hipster?

>go to Chinese place
>order cheeseburger and fries
>It's better than any meme burger from Five Gays or whatever meme burger place Veeky Forums likes this week

It's a nice feel

Can confirm. Went to OP's house once. It was nice.

Is it made with authentic cholera?

>go to burrito place
>they don't have any burritos

shit dude i'd try to buy a poncho
i'd be all clint eastwood n shit

>go to a burrito place
>1 shot of tequila
>"that'll be 9.99 please"