Any madmen here that have actually read the entire western canon?

Any madmen here that have actually read the entire western canon?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, took a while

no and never will. that shit must be boring as fuck.

i gave the western cannon to your mom last night


ye, me desu. read it a few times. ama.

Who is best gril?

Isabel Archer

No I didn't. Ask me anything.

What was your favorite book to have not read?

a scanner darkly. the movie was pretty cool and I love keanu.


I read the entire list of the Western canon. It took a while to plow through because I hadn't heard of most of that shit. I read it in order too. Let me tell ya, about two thirds through I was ready to throw the whole thing out the window but boy, am I glad to have applied myself and pushed on to the end. This reminds me: I think it's high time for a reread.

Anyway, what do you need to know, lads?

Was shakespeare actually gay?

"He" was a girl and, yeah, that's one of the gayest things there is other than being an actual homosexual sodomite.

And a Kang

Are you talking about the list or the books that are on it?


Has Pepe taken the bogpill?

>western canon
No such thing, you tard.

I usually see the canons to the east

This or Rosalind

You tell me
[original pepe do not steal]

eff yeah

working on it harry

Edgelords: the thread.

retard: the post


yesterday i read like 3 western cannons lmao

Want to upvote him too? Give him gold maybe?

I'd like to give you a punch desu

As defined by which list? I may have read half or more, but not all.

probably bloom's