You're getting locked inside a prison for the rest of your life, you're only allowed to take 1 book with you...

You're getting locked inside a prison for the rest of your life, you're only allowed to take 1 book with you. What will it be Veeky Forums?

The Count of Monte Cristo

A really good edition of Shemale Fuck Fest


My diary, desu.

I admire your originality.

I admire your admiration.

Fuck does it matter, I'll go mad by year 5 anyway no matter how good the book is. Make it the bible then.

i wanted to post that but unironically


>mad with the bible
overdone desu

i see your bible and raise a tao te ching

Probably bible or complete works of shakespeare or some really long russian book like War and Peace or Brothers Karamazov. I'd lose my mind after a year though so it doesn't matter anyways.


An e-book


Yeah, KJV.

That or Finny Wake. Figuring it out should be a pass-time to stave insanity off for a fair while, at least. Or do the opposite, and cut my misery shorter.

The unabridged, annotated Tale of Genji.
It'll take about that long to get through it.

A knot-tying manual, so I can hang myself with the bedsheets

ISOLT or my bilingual edition of the Divine Comedy

Bible would be the best for being the most important single Western Canon book and its varied content like: law, history, poetry, prophecy, letters, etc. I'd get a big scholarly version that's filled with info. There's already degrees up to PhD for Biblical Study, so people are already studying the Bible for years on end outside prison.

I'm telling you so you know it

Infinite Jest.


Probably The Faerie Queene. Failing that, maybe Ulysses or GR. Finnegan's Wake would just drive me crazy after a while

A book on Eastern philosophy, or just Taoism. It would remind me how to be content with my new fate, and the concepts are abstract enough to keep one thinking for a while. An added bonus would be if it had the original Chinese and pinyin, so I could learn Chinese in the meanwhile.


a book with really sharp edges so I can kill myself sooner rather than later, it's not worth staying alive for 50 years in a fucking cell t. rampant shutin

this desu

The Big Book of Improvised Ass Rape Creams



The Science of Logic.

Do I have a qt prison cell mate?

Either the Bible, or a book concerning the history of Ancient Rome/Greece.

tier list:
1.) Bible (assuming theyd give you this anyways..
2.) Complete Plato/Shakespeare
3.) anything else