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Literature #91
Any tips on starting this Goliath?(Have already read one day in the life of Ivan)
How do you feel about "woke literary fiction"?
So I need to read a young adult novel for one of my college classes...
Give up
What's some good Arabic literature?
Really makes you hmmm
Poetry is the future
The is–ought problem, as articulated by Scottish philosopher and historian David Hume (1711–76)...
How to structure a joke?
Can a book solve your life problems?
Any of this stack worth buying?
Hey Veeky Forums what's your economic background? Were you raised middle class where your parents owned their home...
Tfw writing a monumental work which will change the future as we know it
Do you have a girlfriend, Veeky Forums?
Love him or hate him, you have to admit that Elliot Rodger's book is absolutely hilarious
What does Veeky Forums think about H.P Lovecraft?
Stop disrespecting the canon
Veeky Forums humour thread
What would be a good book to read to a 6 year old boy?
Wtf did they do together?
Is he right here?
ITT: shit books you were memed to read
Stop being sophist
Do women know how to read? Like when they read, are they actually processing and understanding information...
That's it
What is the best language to learn from a Veeky Forumserary point of view?
Children's books
Who wins?
Capitalism killed more people than Communism
What is your major Veeky Forums ?
Booklets BTFO. How can you even debate this classic /v/ comic that utterly D E S T R O Y S your SJW meme trash?
He's not writing fetish smut pandering towards sexually liberated women
I made a bible translation guide yesterday, and I've taken people's comments on board and made a better version
Tfw Plato is dead
Man, i didnt know it was this good, i mean ive never read something like this before...
Let's talk about this fucking age we live in
I've never read a book in my life
Really makes you think
Anybody have any luck getting book recommendations from B&N cuties? I haven't
Stop being an atheist
You will never work on a ship
Why is this book the definitive statement on aesthetics?
ITT: The single dumbest book you've ever read
Hey, what are good books for learning useful skills...
Talking to some NYU grad girl
What the hell was this guy's problem?
Hi guys
Latin American Boom edition
Will publishers think my novel is too edgy if at one point the main character (a demure...
I haven't ever read it
Stop living in houses
Why is Korea so uninventive and a cultural wasteland?
Have you read this carefully?
What are some good books about Pinochet?
Forever virgin
ITT: Post God tier philosophers
How Veeky Forums is your country?
So, what do we thing of new Torment? It's clearly lit, but is it lit approved?
What do you write with?
What exactly was their problem?
What does Veeky Forums think about Ezra Pound? Trying to get into his Cantos at the moment
New QTDDTOT-thread
If the greeks were so gay, why are all there love stories about a man and a women?
I'm about 2/3s of the way through pic related. I like it but it's strange...
Open a poetry book
Is this an example of good contemporary philosophy?
“We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way...
Best study bible to read as literature?
Stop seeking control
How do I dress appropriately in everyday life?
What does Veeky Forums think of Werner Herzog?
Could you recommend me some pretentious and avant grande literature?
Stop living complex lives
Describe it
Do you guys write in the margins or on blanks pages of your books (notes, etc)?
Woman authors
Ulysses, JRR Tolkien, War and Peace, Philosophy, Dune, One Dimesnsional Man, World Politics and critiquing writing
Been three chapters on this
Dispute this
This bitch has singehandedly caused more harm to the world than Communism
Tell The Women We're Going
Would a brutally honest book about the female mind have any audience or immediately get shut down my feminists?
Islam Thread
Is this book any good? What are the best Christian apologetics books?
Individualism / Collectivism
The Dark Enlightenment/NRx
Stop being Christian
So Sam Harris is focussing on books more than he does on TV shows or stand-up
Tfw read about the third man argument
Was this guy really that good?
Sam Harris
Its another Melvyn is rude to his guests episode
Stop being a school of theory and become a school of life
What are some Veeky Forums approved political books? Just finished reading Evola, he was so red pilled...
Australian literature general
Never read a book before, where do I start?
Tfw you realise that every single action we do is purely to benefit ourselves and that there is no such thing as...
Just told my relatives at the dinner table that I'm studying latin as a hobby and they laughed at me what the fuck
ITT: 20th century masterpieces you've never seen discussed on Veeky Forums
Start living
Is this site legit or not ?
Your favorite YA novels
At which point did ideology overtake substance in Western thought?
What is the most expensive book you own?
Debate Me On The Bible
Tfw father found my book of axioms
What does Veeky Forums think of Christopher Hitchens? Was he just a pretentious contrarian worshipped by fedora tippers...
Stop using computers
Can you guys recommend me military novels?
Tfw you finish a paper in three hours when it's due in four
Is it wrong to give up politics and to pursue literature alone?
Theory Fiction
What do you think of him Veeky Forums?
Critique Thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
How does socialism and communism solve the problem of every man wanting to own something?
Is 108 iq a lot? i feel like a brainlet when i read Veeky Forumss usual iq threads
Who are your top literary and philosophical geniuses in history?
Si fractus illabatur orbis, impavidum ferient ruinae
ITT ugliest words in english language
I've been accepted into an MFA program in creative writing with a full tuition scholarship and a stipend worth around...
Average person reads 0 books a year
What is the difference between an intellectual and a pseud...
Shit writer
Since people keep asking about bibles, I've made a handy idiot-proof chart
How the hell do I make warewolfs scary?
Chart Thread
Postmodern literature is great
What European language is the best to learn in your own opinion and words?
Are you fat Veeky Forums?
Why cant we have a philosophy board?
Debating someone's solipsism
Star Wars Novels
What is your ideological hell?
What do you guys think about my book collection?
Do you know any other books by black authors that are completely bereft of black people?
How can I read Finnigans Wake, when the words on the pages mean NOTHING to me. Absolutely nothing...
How much of a loser try-hard do you have to be to not appreciate how literary this show actually is?
I have developed the ultimate theology. The only one that makes sense and is not logically debeatable
Is there any good poetry about >tfw no gf?
Life is nothing but avoiding pain
I'm literally shaking right now
What does she mean? Was Lacan redpilled on women?
What the fuck is supossed to be wrong with the "6%" in this sentence?
What the fuck was his problem?
Where does Veeky Forums read? I'm looking for a new place to read that isn't my bed or my fuck awful computer chair
What is the greatest good?
Approximately how big a portion of your bookshelf is unread?
Veeky Forums approved movies
How to get a Veeky Forums gf?
Stop enjoying life
Can we ban philosophy threads to Veeky Forums already?
What are some good books/poems that paint a picture rather than tell a story?
What are the 5 most essential books in the western canon?
Let's See Veeky Forums's Mental Prowess
Hi Veeky Forums, haven't posted on this board for a long time, but I'd like your input. This may be an odd question...
Is it okay for me to begin reading Kafka's works if I'm depressed?
What are some good reads (preferably novels, not philosophical essays) related to existentialism / absurdism / nihilism...
Write what's in your mind
Just had a death in the family...
Is unqualified reservations the biggest literary accomplishment of the 21st century?
"—A day of dappled seaborne clouds
What are you currently writing?
In your best prose, write something profound
Stop being politically correct
Apparently he spoke at my university yesterday...
Deep Springs College
Is there any novel out there that has dealt with millennial dating yet?
Catholic Theologians and their Works
ITT: post your favourite book of all time
I cum out from da streets knocking nigas out...
"read Gravity's Rainbow, it's a masterpiece"
Is it ever ok to be prideful?
For the past 2 years or so I've been in an on and off existential crisis...
There is nothing wrong with consumerism
Haven't read a book in close to a month since uni started
That guy who opens old books and sniffs the smell
Describe the plot of a book badly
STOP READING BOOKS FROM /LITS TOP 100 CHART. THOSE are entry level pleb shit
What do you think of Rupi Kaur's body of work?
Post YFW you realized the students are actually sorted by their flaws
So what exactly would Gandalf's plan had been, had the party stuck together all the way to Mordor...
Reading groups since january: short stories once a week, war and peace, don quixote , start with the greeks...
What are some books about friendship?
Is Theatre still a worthwhile art form?
Cute everyday LIT moments
How do you read books in other languages without succumbing to the urge to look up every single word you don't know?
Be completely honest now...
Miss Kitty
I like tits
Anybody on Veeky Forums go to St. John's college?
*rehashes ideas written 100 years ago*
Plato is stupid
Ask yourself honestly
Is tobacco use still Veeky Forums?
What are some good books on realising that you're God and that everything is God?
Veeky Forumserary confessions. All your Veeky Forums-related sins must be repented for. Otherwise you'll never be cool
Why is rationalism demonized?
What did he mean by this?
User, I want you to tell me your
Meta Veeky Forums
I have a gift for you you faggots
*blocks your path*
What age did you first feel confident in writing your novel?
Notebooks & Journals
Who is the literary equivalent of Mahler?
Apart from when Humbert tracked and killed Quilty, and perhaps the characterisation of Quilty himself...
Tfw rejected for publication again
I'm shaking my life and death of the best way to go back in my head
On the internet, a pure genius, a maverick, a winner, simply a God
Why pursue anything that isn't hedonism?
What literature will stimulate my oral fixation and obsession with maternal affection
How important is it to you that your books look nice on your shelf?
Do you pair your lit with wines?
Does making disparaging comments about the Jewish people invalidate ones Philosophy?
Is this worth reading or is it a meme?
This is reddit's view on Stirner
What do you think of some of my finished poems?
ITT: intellectual black belts
I can't thInk of another board to ask this besides Veeky Forums
Is this more difficult than JR? Worth reading?
Real-life actual /literary/ memes
Has a scene from a book ever aroused you?
What is the most recent sentence you read that made you pause for a moment in admiration
You walk into your campus and see /ourguy/ about to be eaten alive by these untalented arguers
33 year old internet personality gaming reviewer
Any Marxists who don't hate mysticism or the occult?
After Bob Dylan, why not give a Nobel to Scorsese who is unquestionably America's greatest movie director alive?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Has there been any philosophic attempts to theorize about the eradication of what can be considered worthless men, i.e...
Would anybody on Veeky Forums know of any books that go into what it means to be or have a nation?
Wtf is wrong with french people
What books will help me understand women?
Read mein kampf on the subway
Write the worst opening to a novel you can
Do magic mushrooms give you an alien consciousness...
Nonfiction Essentials
Was this supposed to make me care about whether lobsters suffer or not...
Greentext the plot of your new novel, it's not like is going anywhere
Paper books or ebooks
/journal/ /diary/
Something like this
What would a book modeled after this comic be like?
Hello Veeky Forums
Read genre fiction normie friend told me was good
Funny words
Insinuating that a greater poem was ever written
Sent my books to a publisher!
How do I into Stoicism?
Book has sex scene
Punch a stoic
Is this the greatest american poem of the 20th century?
Hi, /lit, /pol here. What books do I have to read to stop being a hateful bigot...
Is it wrong to want to have a child just so one can raise them to be a well-dressed poetry expert...
Why didn't Ligotti and Alan Moore sue?
I dont understand i read this book and its obvious kant preemtively btfo all this hegel marx netsche schnitzel...
The voice of our generation
New Acquisitions Thread
Driving around during a sunny day
What to ask for for my 20th birthday
Tfw my 16 year old brother learns English by reading John Green
Popular Books with plot holes that ruin them for you
How do I become more smarter?
Has anyone done as much irreparable damage to western thought as this retard?
What should I read in order to understand the Phenomenology of Spirit?
So, Veeky Forums, how would you approach a fiction of pivotal historical events in our world...
How would you describe a phrase like "black don't crack"
She thinks a book's length is an indicator of its difficulty
Shitty aspiring author here, quick simple question if you folks don't mind
Why isn't anyone bold enough to use greentexting as a literary device?
Has any book legitimately changed your life?
I took a political alignment test (ethics, specifically) and I ended up matching 100% with this old bag of bones
You have two seconds to tell me your reaction to each of the following works
Who is "your" writer?
How come frogtwitter follows all these obscure (f.e...
Best version of The Holy Bible?
If people are content to wallow in ignorance, is it ethical to try to educate them?
ITT: characters that remind you of yourself
Is this book any good?
Now gimme SIX words
Attending Academia in an age of YouTube, Wikipedia, Libgen, KhanAcademy, Private/Public Trackers...
Daily reminder that the idea that George Orwell predicted the contemporary surveillance state is a constructed...
What does Veeky Forums think of Neal Stephenson?
Is there any games based or inspired by the philosophy of Nietzsche?
Supposing you have billions of american dollars at your disposition (or whatever symbolic value able to represent...
Jane Eyre
Absolute shit books you liked as a kid
How can this guy be such a good orator and such a poor writer? I literally can't stand reading any of his essays...
Is politics the most important aspect of art, literature, and entertainment? Of life?
Should I get the Less Than Nothing paperback?
Lit stories
ITT: Novels that cannot be fully understood unless the reader has inhabited the place in which the book is set
Is it just me, or is western society increasingly beginning to resemble a JG Ballard novel...
So... i'm not a native english speaker but i really want to read this...
Why is it so shit?
You guys...?. You may want to take a look at this
What were you made to read at school?
What went wrong, Veeky Forums?
Dude, being nice is for FAGGOTS :XD
The Nobel Prize
I'm seeing zizek speak tonight. Is there anything I should know?
4215 pages
What books should a 25 year old NEET read?
Open Letter
Master and Commander
ITT: Deaths you will celebrate
Why is there no great Canadian novel
This book
This is the book corncob wished he wrote. so instead he wrote about scenery and gave bloodmeme a reddit tier ending...
Why aren't you translating
You should probably go leave some love on Joseph Mcelroy's instagram page. before, well... you know...
Is there a 'start with the poets' list?
As far as I know, there's only one A-list mainstream writer, Michel Houellebecq, that writes about sex honestly...
Will this be, dare I say it, the literary event of the 21st century?
De Vlaamse Leeuw
Write what's on your mind
So when does The Prince get good?
Good books that came out "recently"?
Tfw your parent(s) never encouraged you to read
ITT: Authors no one outside of America likes
Universities are for Plebs
Hunter will never write about the sad state of American politics during and after the 2016 elections
Be le me
Is the life of Odysseus's dog, Argos, the saddest story in the history of literature?
Literature about Drug Use
ITT:Post books you thought were gonna be good but ended up being shit
What is the best language to learn? For both literary and career purposes. I'm 18 years old...
Which book has had the most profound influence on your life? The one you derived the most meaning from
OC poetry
ITT everyone posts one of their favorite short stories
Veeky Forums is a hell-pit. Why would you let discussions about literature, wondrous literature...
Really makes you think
Live into Washington DC
Is this it?
What are your thoughts on the Oxford comma?
ITT: Books for people with moderate to severe mental deficits
Have you ever bought a multi-volume set? What sets are relevant for a personal collection?
Ok, cool, I admire Joyce, the guy was clearly insane talented, probably the most talented writer to ever live, yeah...
I fell for the "don't subvocalize" meme
What's the message?
What are some books for people with a high IQ?
Any of you boyz think this dweeb has incredible potential as a literary character...
I'm interested in Beckett, and thought this would be a good place to start. Is this worth reading? What should I expect...
Should I read Against The Day or The Recognitions as my next book? I want to read a meme novel as my next book...
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this book?
Is this podcast the only space for unbiased and uncensored in deep intellectual discussion...
Books you read in school that didn't suck
Character's name alludes to their personality
How do you feel about footnotes? Do you skip em' or is that sacrilege?
Does this stand on its own as a good book or is it just propaganda for her philosophy?
How does Veeky Forums cope with loneliness?
For anyone who thinks women writers are bad here's a list of Great women writers:
Postmodernism and Memes
Mfw I have just completed my fully fledged history of Veeky Forums
Read his books
Hey, Veeky Forums. I just wrote a short story and was wondering if you'd be interested in reading it
So I just read this and thought it was great. What do you guys think of it?
Psst....kid...wanna read some Jung?
Mere christianity
What separates a great writer from good writers?
/Brainlet/ general
Is majoring in philosophy retarded? Genuine question. I'm going to graduate in philosophy this year...
I need a book that yanks my bf out of his immature mindset
What is the single best book you've ever read? What did you like about it?
A History of Veeky Forums and Isolation
Who the Alt-Right is and how many of them there really are and whether they form a real movement are all good questions...
Stop reading other books
>mfw currently on page 900 of a collection of essays i intend to self-publish
He's right, you know
Buddhist lit
These are men, in short...
Is there a literature-related way to actually increase intelligence? What kind of books can help in that endevour?
How am I supposed to read this?
Just be yourself, bro!
What is book
The entire doctrine of stoicism hinges on the easily falsifiable idea that people can 'choose' the way they feel about...
Is anybody else here well on their way to inhabiting a totally solipsistic universe in which only their own value...
Lol i love Dionysus hes so cool XDD
Hey Veeky Forums
Who /patrician/ here
Insomnia general
"Postmodernists believe there is no objective truth!"
Really makes you think
Really makes you think, huh? Do you believe reading is beneficial to the society as a whole?
Has anybody here ever considered buying a mobile library and living in it full-time?
"Sorry, what's your name again? Oh ok, and you're a published author, right? Only...
ITT: only the gayest novels
Is it really that hard to find an academic job?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Notes from Underground Discussion General
Write something
What are some good essays on the concept of "genius"?
"But in their blind quest for uniformity, they will never eradicate conflict...
Give me Satanic books
Author is Mexican
Is it even worth asking where to start with Aquinas? Is it even as if I would understand him?
Does reading increase the IQ
Where could we go after postmodernism?
“Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl...
Best book in your opinion
Who is the coolest character in all of lit?
So I come to writing from a pretty hard-core, abstract place...
Why is irony considered to be the only honest attitude?
How good is your command of the english language
Which one was the superior novel?
J.D. Salinger was regularly published in exclusive literary magazines like the New Yorker...
Stealing this thread from /mu/
House Of Leaves
How do i recognize and eliminate overused/empty phrases and words?
Veeky Forums humour
Tfw you read economics and realize right-wingers are full of shit...
Was Socrates right, Veeky Forums?
Is philosophy nothing more than mental masturbation?
Have you read self help books? Which ones are good? I'm a shy male. I want to become powerful alpha male!
What happened to the horror genre?
Stack thread
2017 reading challenge
Is the book of Job in the Bible poetry?
Is she, dare I say it, our girl?
I have determined to read the "The Bible"
Explain something to me
I am troubled by the Big Questions - what is the purpose of life? is there a God? what's the right way to act? etc...
Veeky Forums I cant decide if I should major in math and physics or major in math and minor in philosophy...
21st century academia, ladies and gentlemen
Hadji Murat and Forged Coupon Reading Group
What a fucking hack
Phyiscal Elitism
I want to get into Arthurian literature. I want to become familiar with all the main elements of the legends
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Confess your sins and repent, you plebs!
3x3 influences thread
Holy... I want more
Last 5 books you read and others will judge you because you're so insecure and need to be knocked down a few pegs
It's there any book that deals with losing pleasure on the things the plebeian consider what life is about
Grafiti from Popeii
Daily reminder that Tao Lin's parents bought him an apartment in central New York when he was 22
He would compile and compose the annual report on the insurance institute for the several years he worked there...
Is love stronger than death?
Peter Sotos
Hey Veeky Forums I need help writing a sonnet. Thought you guys could help me
What happened to Kantbot2000 his twitter disappeared? And can someone redpill me on German Idealism...
Tfw doing Philosophy in college and loving every second of it
Prove to me the pipe strip wasn't engraved millennium ago, when Moses descended Mount Sinai with the ten commandments
Why does society fetishize dying young?
Tfw an embarrassing video of me exists on youtube that will ruin my reputation as an author in the future and will...
Tfw u didnt major in Classics as an undergrad
Wild eyes were another sign...
Prove to me that the Odyssey and the Iliad weren't written in the last 100 years
Writing tools
What did the mental micros known as women mean by this?
Those of you who have read Montaigne, what are some of your favourite essays of his?
How did he manage to look so cool?
*blocks your path*
Really makes you think
Is he still respected these days? I never see him posted on here. Goethe general I guess
This book is the ultimate redpill. Prove me wrong
Implying uTOOLitarians ever recovered from this
Which books, fiction or non-fiction, do women generally like to read?
Exit, pursued by a bear
A thread about Bleak House, nothing more, nothing ness
Tfw I realize I am a literary genius but the life of a writer is boring as hell
So what are Veeky Forums's opinions on H.P.Lovecraft
My school took all Shakespeare out of curriculum because of "racism and sexism"...
What are some good introductions to gnosticism?
Adventure books
Often when you make the argument that Socialism or Communism are murderous systems...
Who are the hottest 21st century female authors?
Does Veeky Forums like tolkien?
Writing my son a book to guide him through life
Who are the best 21st century poets?
Sure ya do slavefucker
Very broad request here. What are the best books on the nature of time? I'm interested in novels...
What are some books I can read that will make me stop being a loser?
What's the best way to start writing a novel?
Discworld Reading Group
Other than William F Buckley, has anyone ever beaten him in a debate?
Are all spooks necessarily bad?
/tv/ here. What is the literature equivalent of kino?
Have you guys read any Romanian literature? Only asking those who aren't from Romania or Moldavia
Of course I've read Infinite Jest
What does Veeky Forums think of comics/graphic novels?
Is he attractive?
It really is true
Chan culture’s shitposting and crapflooding shares more with the Paris ’68 slogan “It is forbidden to forbid!”...
Why most of the male booktubers in booktube are homos? And most of them "review" the same YA shit
Atlas Shrugged
What are some good arguments in favor of political correctness?
Literature for an adolescent
Who else here learning other languages?
I feel filosofik
Veeky Forums daily routine
"What if you could manipulate people to do whatever you wanted? What comes first a blowjob from a supermodel or suicide?
/li/ is making me a sexist
Gravity’s Rainbow Support/Collaboration Thread
Does Veeky Forums agree?
I've never read LOTR, what is represented by the journey to Mordor, the ring, and destruction of the ring?
Write what's on your mind
*blocks your path*
Has any book ever moved you to tears, Veeky Forums?
So uh, I heard you guys are like the really clever guys from this cesspool
Okay Veeky Forums, let's settle this once and for all...
Hi Veeky Forums could you please rate my slam poetry?
ITT Thread: Famous people who browse Veeky Forums
How do I into Nietzsche?
Will Epic Poetry ever make a comeback?
I'm fascinated by the world and I want to learn as much about it as I can. Art, philosophy, politics, economics...
Just finished the stranger. Really resonated with me. I really feel as if i can relate to Meursault very well...
Tfw you realize the theory of the forms is metaphysical truth and you can effectively use the socratic method to make...
want to read Russian novel
Good god, this whole series is absolutely awful, how does it get such acclaim?
So, let me get this straight. Science is telling us we live in a multiverse, not because that's what is most logical...
What is art?
How do I get good at shitposting?
How is it impossible to enjoy pic related if you're not already a pedophile?
Books that changed your life
What's the one (1) book I read in front of a woman to attract her? She's like you, Veeky Forums
I'm a high school English teacher...
Is Holden Caulfield a profound intellectual or just a spoiled brat?
Do you ever reach the point where you have a whole shelf with just one author?
*tips fedora*
Do you read literature for fun, Veeky Forums?
I just finished Lolita, amazing
Should I steal this?
How do i find a gf in uni if im studying math and physics...
Read somewhere that this guy was called 'the last worthy heir to Nietzsche'
He reads paperback
"Hunger" by Knut Hamsun
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Dicks out for Carli
I'm an American...
Graduated from university almost 2 years ago
Trying to read 10 pages of The Iliad
Is it as good as people say it is? Is it comparable other modern classics (Harry Potter, ASOIAF, etc)?
Read the Republic
Would you recommend Houellebecq? If so, what should I start by him?
What's the most profound novel ever written?
What does Veeky Forums think of the Redwall series by Brian Jacques ?
How to be Veeky Forums?
Books about story structure and the art of storytelling
I don't really understand this novel, although I'm only about half way through
Hi Veeky Forums, what else would you recommend for my nonfiction collection?
I'm going to do a thought experiment Veeky Forums
What is the most practical philosophy?
Will videogames kill literature?
Where were the poets between the 1th and 11th century, Veeky Forums?
What kind of books do scientists read?
Do you guys read more than one book at a time?
Charts thread?
The Buddhist scripture (Pali canon) is 57 volumes
I've only read two books in my adult life, Propaganda by Ed Bernays and The Art Of The Deal by Donald Trump...
Which has the most/best literature and poetry?
Where should I start with Adorno?
He does a brilliant job of seeing through the ideology
Can anyone explain Nick Land to me?
Reading pynchon
What are some books about the press's relationship to democracy?
How to write lewd scenes while still retaining dignity?
What are your thoughts on published author, poet, and all-around Renaissance man James Franco?
Could any of his works be adapted? Should they be?
Can you guys hook me up with your favorite economics books?
Does /li/ like Stephen King?
Tfw Oxen of the Sun clicks
Don't bother reading "Star Wars: Aftermath" or any of the books on Star Wars by Chuck Wendig
Bleak house? any good?
Anyone here read on psychedelics...
What's the one (1) book I read in front of a man to attract him? He's like you, Veeky Forums
Video game based novels
New Critique Thread
Publishers who are good
Why is writing poetry so fucking hard?
Who the fuck is the Kenosha Kid?
Holy bible discussions
Press F to pay respects
Veeky Forums humour thread
Tfw insecure in your taste in books and overall literary knowledge/intelligence
This book is ugly. It's prose is ugly. I feel actively annoying when reading it, and I suspect it was part of the design
Who is the Brian Wilson of literature?
Is this why he did it, Veeky Forums?
Recommend Scandinavian books and discuss Scandinavian literature
Where does one start with this fella?
What did they mean by this?
Reading in bars
Is reading the entirety of this book really needed to get into philosophy?
3rd year undergrad of uni
The English language is now a tool of the people! The elites don't control it!
Is Schopenhauer a good starting point for philosophy?
Existentialism General
Kantbot banned from twitter
Hey Veeky Forums any good christian philosophy books to recommend?
The absolute worst of GoodReads
ITT: Post your fav painting and others recc you books/authors
He ripped down the flyer I had just put up and studied it with narrow eyes. "But, what the hell is a manga club...
Where are all the female philosophers?
Tfw no young jordan peterson bf
Why does my sister have such shit taste...
Do we venerate him because he's simply the best Anglo-Saxon writer and Anglo-Saxon culture dominated the world through...
Are there any academic theory texts (feminist, postcolonial...
What happened to her? she deleted it all
This was my first Dostoevsky, and also one of the worst books i've ever read
This is what teens are reading nowadays:
Why do all intellectuals of any worth resist capitalism...
? use your literary observational skills and prime philosophers to solve
I fell for the meme boys. I'm halfway through the Pale King and it's honestly pretty good
How true is this
What is one book everyone should read at least once?
Were the protestants hacks, Veeky Forums?
Who is the Michael Haneke of contemporary literature?
What is the biggest redpill in philosophy?
Was this the peak of literature?
What is this symbol?
Pls mods let us discuss carliclaire's mother just a bit ;_;
Is there any good literature about dissociation/depersonalisation/derealization?
Post rare pictures of authors. pic related
NRx and froggists are being purged from twitter. Nick Land just got banned despite being weirdly nonconfrontational...
Is worth studying literature in college?
MFW finished reading the Greeks & Romans and now I have to read boring as fuck Christian and Islamic literature
What are some good books against the alt-right, /pol/, and identity politics in general?
We killed Carli Claire
Veeky Forums degrees
Why is this novel held in such high esteem?
Your Diary tbh
Someone tell me this isn't real. SHE JUST DELETED ALL OF HER VIDEOS
Do you use an e-reader? If so, which and how do you like it? I'm thinking of getting one
Anybody else hate people that utilize their large vocabulary so much?
I went to film camp. I've read Sartre. I've read Thomas Pynchon. I've read Ayn Rand. I've been to Italy...
Have you ever tried to impress a girl with your writing? Did it work?
How the fuck do you learn Russian?
Why isn't he more known?
Please, describe a concept for which there is no name
Stoicism cannot be justified. It's a meme philosophy for the weak and fearful
...Jesus fucking Christ
Using a word with more than three syllables
TFW u live in Latin America and books are way fucking expensive
Stephen King
Did literature peak with Tolstoy?
Cliff said he's reading Gravity's Rainbow
How does Veeky Forums annotate non-fiction? Is there a way to annotate physical books in a clean and editable way?
Is the state of education, intelligence, highbrow culture, readership, etc, dying?
Berserk is the only good manga. What is some lit I can read that gives me a similar feel...
Books to overcome misanthropy...
Why have you not read the greatest work of 20th century philosophy yet?
When is God going to get nice kind and shit...
Stop destroying authentic culture with capitalism
What's on your mind
Koran Transaltion
Veeky Forums memed me into reading this...
Mfw I get laughed out of class for telling the class that morals are objective
I've never heard a good reason not to use passive voice
Start with the greeks, continue with...?
Dude i ended philosophy bro
How is it possible for an entire country to be so completely devoid of literary talent? I say this as a Canadian
The Master and Margarita
Thoughts on this guy
Why does Veeky Forums dismiss Ayn Rand? Is it because Veeky Forums is not smart enough to understand her philosophy?
Alright, folks. I've decided to start writing seriously, but where should I start?
What's some scifi with a strong political narrative...
Thoughts on Robert Crumb?
Drawing upon all your powers of perspicacity give your best analysis of this short story by Kafka...
Daily reminder to learn a new language
Is there any reason to study math beyond the basics if you have no real desire to learn about it and don't see yourself...
That guy who comes on Veeky Forums to get triggered by frogs and badly pretend to be from /pol/
Read the book jacket
Good morning evening afternoon Veeky Forums
Read the first 80 pages last night
Is Secular Humanism worth reading into or is it just a meme?
What did one of Britain's most popular contemporary authors mean by this?
Tfw you realise that philosophy and religion will never make life easier to live
"Hey, look everyone, user finally showed! Gosh it's been so long! Are you a published author yet, like us?"
A friend of mine says that he believes Capitalism and consumerist culture is destroying the earth's flora and fauna...
Post the opening line of your masterpiece. Don't be harsh
Now, I'm not shaying that I'm a fascist, but -
Is there any practical use to literature?
This scrawny motherfucker averages 60-70 fiction books per year, many of them 600+ pages. What is your excuse, bitch?
Request for Submission
How to write a character who is having a bad trip on LSD...
What are some storytelling cliches?
Being an autodidact sure is expensive
Why is this whole website so obsessed with right-wing ideology...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Why does Veeky Forums hate contemporary literature so much?
Does life end after university?
Post a movie. Get recced a book
Why do people like Jordan Peterson?
Why ppl like this guy? He sucked at life
Let's be honest. He was the last great social critic/comedian
What's the purpose of a preface?
Did I do the right thing?
Who else here remembers /thatguy/ who made a bunch of sockpuppet posts on /pol/ about 'hegelian dialectics' and then...
Has anyone else here been ostrichsized as a direct consequence of their intelligence...
Did he fuck the dog?
Excellent Erotica Literature
So why haven't you read the most significant long poem from the latter half of the 20th century?
P-please be my friend. I promise I will never speak to you
What makes some cultures more creative and innovative than others?
Write something from your diary
What are some political philosophers/writers one should know about?
In 1986, as a student at Stanford University, Harris experimented with MDMA
I just finished reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra. What do you make of this masterpiece?
Finishes book
his book deal has fallen through and now they refuse to publish it
Little over halfway through Ulysses, the first 200 pages were fun but now this is getting just tedious
I've just finished this book. Is it good?
Is it worth getting into occultism and alchemy or is it plain bullshit that will take my time I could devote to read...
"I loathe such things as jazz, the white-hosed moron torturing a black bull, rayed with red, abstractist bric-a-brac...
Are there any good books about serial killers? Other than the obvious ones like American Psycho or some shit
Are there any novels that deal with being in love with a slut? Could do with some insight right about now
Be extremely autistic
EliI Wiesel's Night
Horror is not a genre that exists
There are no books that can give me the same amount of emotion and memory I had expierenced while reading In Search of...
Sup Veeky Forums
School of Resentment Debunked
Sup Veeky Forums
Logic textbooks
How does Veeky Forums feel about sensitivity readers?
Veeky Forums BTFO
Are the Pevear and Volokhonsky translations just a meme due to marketing...
What books should a ugly man read?
Can people tell you're Veeky Forums from what you look like?
ITT: books you will never fucking get to read
Alexander Pope
An inventor of modernist narratives, Machado de Assis is said to anticipate features of Proust, James Joyce, T.S. Eliot...
Do you have one of these? I respect my books. Do you?
I swear to God that fucking picture makes my blood boil
So now that it is accepted fact across all peoples that Wittgenstein ended Philosophy, where do we go from here?
Alright Veeky Forums, you are the murderer in a mystery novel. Who do you kill, why do you kill them...
Suppress all information and media that disagrees with our morals
What are some books about Nazism?
What's wrong with using Microsoft Word as your word processor...
How do I read more than 10 pages at a time?
Let's talk about money
What i need to read before i start with this?
Veeky Forums help me get into Roman history and literature...
What 30 days of minimalism taught me
How do we save Veeky Forums?
Sentences in a book that came out of nowhere and hit you hard in the feels
Lacan versus Student
Ubiquitous shelf thread [1/4]
Why do you think there have been so many great homo poets?
Prove that """you""" ten minutes ago is the same being as you currently
What are some good Veeky Forums-based YouTube channels?
Does Rupi Kaur have any literary merit whatsoever?
Well Veeky Forums? Are you a cuck?
Could anyone on Veeky Forums illustrate me as to why pic related is considered literature (as opposed to a meaningless...
Would you ever use the word "nigger" in your writing? Or is your writing too politically correct?
Do you dislike pop psych and similar dumbed down books? Why? And how intense is your distaste?
Which languages is the best for poetry soundwise in your opinion?
God is scary
Do you ever use semicolons? How the fuck do they work?
This is literally the only way to live life. Nothing to discuss it's just a fact of life
Why do some people think wasting their time reading fiction makes them smart?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games