In your best prose, write something profound

In your best prose, write something profound.

Aww what a cutie girl :D

Now take my prenbus, BIOTCH!!!

The cock lifts.
An ascension?

stiff, blood engorged peckers

We were on the floor looking at each other.

I post
Several people attack me because they don't understand.

My eyes drifted downward, just as my hungry member began his ascent to the cosmos

I love you

I feel nothing for you. I hold myself down. Keep to yourself. You shouldn't touch me. My skin peels off from my bones. You use it to amuse yourself. Your thighs generate a low spudded. When you chew your finger, you remember myself in your mouth. My bones crack.

poo poo, pee pee

I'm not so sure about the profundity, but the topic is weighty if lacking in complexity.
Here goes:

Of obvious prime importance is the survival and improvement of life on Earth. The primal urge of life itself. It is our goal is to make haste in switching from fossil fuel consumption to renewable energy. Any and all efforts to combat our rapidly approaching climate disaster before it is too late. It is quite troubling that this pronouncement must be spelled out, and that there are some that disavow the incontestable evidence that excessive human consumption has had this negative impact on our shared global environment, and that there are still others who acknowledge these facts, yet have little to no compunction in continuing their genocidal tendencies. These naysayers are our common enemy and must be removed from all positions of power as soon as possible, like the spoiled children they are. The monitory compensation these men and corporations would owe in fair litigation would more than bankrupt them all, for life in the present and the future is priceless. Their madness must not be allowed to continue.


Your thread is a fucking piece of shit. Go blow a torch, tugger


However much we might wish it were not the case, the truth is that things are as they are, and this cannot be changed.

>there are some that disavow the incontestable evidence that excessive human consumption has had this negative impact on our shared global environment
That's because climate modeling is not a real science and there are more important things to worry about.

I'm really sick of reading your commie bullshit on this board.

I guess science is commie.

Minimalist tripfag.

Climate modeling, again, is not a science.
Just from the fact that you posted a pic of Bill Nye, I can tell you have no idea what you're talking about and you believe all of the catastrophic nonsense you read in "I Fucking Love Science".

You're so beautiful but you gotta die someday.

>Degeneracy Vs. Deviancy: Fight.

He who swims in metaphysical rivers is a bad lover, because the moment he tries to stand he sinks.

Is it possible for man to negatively impact the environment/climate (and secondly, inconvertibly)?

Effecting what percentage of the globe?
(putting what percentage of mankinds life in mortal danger?)

Excellent trips, but counter-point; truth is at best highly subjective and at worst irrevalent. Ideas fight each other until one is the winner, or the discrepancy is tolerated under obscurity.

In my life I have said few things, so simply this: There are moments, and they are beautiful.

Truths exist.
It is the truth that if you drop a rock it will fall. There may be different ideas as to why it falls, but the object will fall all the same.

Fifteen years ago I would've believed that the internet was a powerful technology capable of deterring major conflict and abuse through the sheer status of constant connectivity and a capacity to spread information and react in time. Later, during the Arab Spring, some governments did in fact shut down the services, disconnecting the population, because leakage to the outside world was perceived as a threat. The population also saw this as a major violation of human rights. Yet it was an error. The internet in twenty years will still not have yielded any substantial good for humanity in any way. There's no connectivity, only commodity.

>In my life I have said few things
Your contemporaries thank you for this

>Climate modeling, again, is not a science.

Dude I told you during the evolution debate, claiming something isn't a science when you don't like its results isn't proper discourse

To understand the impact of increased CO2, we need to know the climate sensitivity. Q: how can scientists, at least Popperian scientists, evaluate the climate sensitivity? A: they can't. There is no falsifiable procedure which can estimate climate sensitivity.

To estimate climate sensitivity, all you need is an accurate model of Earth's atmosphere. Likewise, to get to Alpha Centauri, all you have to do is jump very high. The difference between the computing power we have, and the computing power we would need in order to accurately model Earth's atmosphere, is comparable to the difference between my vertical leap and the distance to Alpha Centauri. For all practical purposes, climate modeling is the equivalent of earthquake prediction: an unsolvable problem.

Not sure who you're talking about, breh.

That does seem true, maybe I'm thinking too deeply into human behavior. Something along the lines of "that rock didn't fall, you just set it back on the ground, I saw you!"

Thats not what I asked.
I asked:
Is it possible for man to negatively impact the environment/climate (and secondly, inconvertibly)?
Effecting what percentage of the globe?
(putting what percentage of mankinds life in mortal danger?)


Like your legs, sometimes you gotta put one arm in front of the other.

Like when you're swimming?

No one could ever fucking know, you dipshit.

Or climbing.

Or fighting.

Here's your climate sensitivity.


You have designed your unhappiness a way only you could receive.

I'm not the guy your responding to, but the fact that out ability to accurately gauge what the environment was like in previous ages runs out very fast. We can get a good picture of what it looks like, but it is not a detailed enough picture. We can correlate, but without being able to look at climatic patterns in minute detail on the grand scale of geographical prevents us from being able to verify our correlation as causation.

>Geographical prevents
*geological time prevents

"I would be glad to have you at lunch, but I can see you're reading John Green, which makes you disgusting to me. I have cigarettes to smoke anyway."

She put a hit on me after that. I moved a couple towns over and held up in my friend's basement We started recording hip-hop.

This. Because CO2 is rising and the temperature is rising, it doesn't mean they're related. This is not the sort of reasoning that appeals to scientists, but voters. What is terrible about Climate Change apologists is that they want to dictate government policy based on unfalsifiable claims.

Solipsist brainlet. Wow

I will say however that it might still be prudent to enact some further climate protective regulations anyways. Nothing on the scale of what
suggests which is essentially using the climate as an excuse for a communist revolution, or even for the same reasons, but we could do better to protect the environment.

I am seated in furnished darkness, with nothing left to smoke, nothing left to think about, no pieces left to risk or trap. It's not that ive solved any of these thoughts, or even that ive gotten bored with them, ive just exhausted them, led them to a draw. The thought that all internal debates end in a stalemate because both sides are perfectly matched has just occurred to me, and i have decided to write it, but i have decided to write it nested in another thought explaining it, and now im writing it into a further layer of metasomething because i thought it would underestimate the original thought and therefore make it more memorable, the way a cool observation is couched in a sentence that ignores its importance. But that only made the structure implode, the way it took on too much all at once. Too heavy too quickly. I'll have to fix that sometime.

Very reasonable.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>No one could ever fucking know, you dipshit
Oh, thank heavens!! that means we may as well pollute as much as we want! Phew, logic saves the day!

Tell me where I said that we should "pollute as much as we want".

"Hey guys the earth is heating potentially due to human activity, we'd better surrender our freedom to corporations and the US government to protect us!"

Well I am an 80 year old, relatively healthy multi billionaire, how many years do you think I have left? I am going to spend all my money and all my remaining time buying as much pollutants as possible and sending them into the atmosphere and rivers and such. Should I? Will someone stop me?

You said no one can know if Mankind can negatively effect the environment/climate to a significantly lethal degree:

Do we have any idea... what it might take??
Like a range? We know its not 1 particle of pollutant... we know if a mass of pollutant the size of jupitar were in the atmosphere there would be problems... so it must be somewhere in between there; we must have some notions of how to narrow down from those extreme poles toward a potential center of realistic danger zone.

And ok, considering maybe we start (around the time of the industrial revolution), and we are talking about these things now, but maybe these wont be significant in our life time, but in 100 or 200 or more years, what we choose to do or do not do know, effects then.

Of course you and everyone need not care of that, as long as you get yours and get out of dodge.

But..ok yea we cant know if it is possible to show negative signs in our lifetime.

So, should we take any precaution? Do we have any reason to think we could potentially have a devastatingly lethal effect on the environment/cimate within our lifetimes/100/200/+ years?

Knocking worthless power hungry twits of their pedestal to protect our only home, and "keeping it in the ground" sounds too radical to you.
You are a part of the problem.


i suck a dick

the dick tastes good, like my childhood. i wonder what went wrong

It is reasonable to err on the side of caution for the moment. What is not reasonable is to let fanatics start deciding government policy based on what is ultimately fake science and media fear mongering about the climate.

Fuck off, commie scum.

Yes targeting vast and vaguely defined sections of the population to steal their money and property is too radical for me.
If that makes part of the problem so be it.

You're not good at rhetoric, always appealing to emotion. Which is why no one here likes you. Read Aristotle's Rhetoric & Poetics, then come back, or continue to be disliked or apathetic toward.

>I stand by my tormentors Rights to own all the imaginary value points, even if it kills everyone.

No no. The gimp class will never listen to any kind of rhetoric. Empirical science? Nothing. Jesus inspired the Pope to speak up on these issues and he's being booed and hissed by said gimp class. They simple must be rounded up and swatted across the knuckles.

>Ahhhhhhh.... the engorged phallus, the oral fixation from childhood, as well as the rectal fixation from when your father beat you from pooping all over the floor...something like a mother's teat in my mouth, or like a baby bottle's binky, a pacifier, a cigarette, the lip of a bottle --- in fact, what better than a dick? And what better than a dick to plug up my ass so I do not unconsciously shit all over the floor again and get subconsciously beaten by my Dad?
OP on his Freudian problems and homosexuality

>Empirical science
The sad thing here is that you have no idea what you're talking about and you just want to be the sort of person who feels smart and believes the correct things.

>I stand by my shitposters right to shit post in any thread, even if it annoys everyone.

No no. The shitposter class will never listen to any kind of post that isn't shitposting. Not ruining threads? Nothing. Marx inspired the butterfly to pick up on the shitposting and she's being booed and hissed by said thread. She needs to rounded up and swatted across the forehead.

holy shit faggot I haven't lurked here in months and you're still active. kys

Another science denier?

You're the one killing yourselves.


>obvious prime importance
Wew lad

do you have a job m8?

back to riddit, cow

Science is commie.

It's really time for you to leave this board and move to /r/books.

Another shitposting denier?

You're the one shitposting yourself.

>Of obvious prime importance is the survival and improvement of life on Earth.
How is this obvious?

>in your best prose
>The primal urge of life itself.
Not a sentence.
>It is out goal is
>Any and all efforts to combat our rapidly approaching climate disaster before it is too late.
Not a complete sentence. Seems like a whole clause was omitted?

>for life in the present and the future is priceless
Again, your whole argument is built on this assumption, which you attempt to pass off as a universal truth.

"She" is here all fucking day. It is unlikely.

>>I stand by my tormentors Rights to own all the imaginary value points, even if it kills everyone.

Direct hit! How will he ever recover!

>High five
>tripfags of the world unite!

You're already united because you're the same fucking person.

good to know lmao, this motherfucker been shitposting for so god damn long.

We are taught numerous lessons throughout our life. Cold, calculated classes laid before us without our consent. These lessons are not always the severe raps on the knuckles that everyone expects from their first breath, those of death and poverty and disease. There are sharper ones, the ones we never prepare for because we are told that they do not happen to people like us. We know of heart break, but not abandonment. We know of mistakes, but not of shame. We know of self loathing, but not of wastefulness.

These lessons are not our fault. They are the darkness born of our own imperfections as a species. Some are taught more than others. Some are never allowed to leave the school. Some become teachers themselves. The point being, no one has a choice.

With that understanding, that life is a plethora of different shades of grey we convince ourselves are white and black, why would anyone ever put to paper a story that did not have a happy ending?


Don't see the captors as malevolent. Making them your enemy is a mode of maintaining your captivity. The only way to free yourself from their shackles is to allow the bondage to pass through your body via indifference to their existence. Once you do this you are free to leave the cave.

>Don't see the captors as malevolent. Making them your enemy is a mode of maintaining your captivity. The only way to free yourself from their shackles is to allow the bondage to pass through your body via indifference to their existence. Once you do this you are free to leave the cave.
The master told the slave, with a hearty laugh

>why would anyone ever put to paper a story that did not have a happy ending?

Fatalism is as useless as solipsism. Ultimately irrefutable but totally impractical. Abandon these confining frames of thought and your life will be better.

You have a mind that lends itself to good thoughts, user. Enjoy them more often, they're the best thing we have.

I'm free and I'm telling you this. There are a lot of people like me out there. We've figured out how to be happy in an imperfect world. I don't know what our next move is, but believe me, we do exist.

The grass isnt greener on the other side. Its greener on the side you're never on. The lack of content creates a void with a belly thats never experienced satisfaction. You can taste but never satisfy.

>You can taste but never satisfy

That's why you try a new flavor every day. For a creative mind that's more than possible.

frantic to connect with the wire matrix of ambivalently felt allies
the silent watching friend abides behind every desperate projection of longing
where we direct our shallow inclinations, swept along tiresomely circular crests of turbulence
who now must remind me of what is real in me? as crisp as a tiny bell, it clicks
you can wait for what won't arrive for as long as you will, go on and wait for it
the longer heaven is submerged in the dark waters of the sparkling void while we trot about our time above it's mirror surface
the greater it gains in definition
always waiting, the intoxicating beauty of a being in longing
belonging in longing allows for the mystery to truly be what it is
home even as the storm rises around us all

gas jews and lynch coons

i heard viagra helps with that

While I sat there, too drunk to stand, I thought I heard God speak to me. It was beautiful but in a language I didn't understand. I let myself drift off and forget about you; just for the night.

Shit is fucked and nothing matters.

>Shit is fucked

Go read The Ethics. Shit is definitely not fucked

Thank you, user. Post more often

why are you such a pseud?

Lucetta produced a pint glass from under her dress. She put her penis in it, and it touched the bottom. Henchard was impressed.

do something interesting, acquire fame, and then die whilst at your peak, so that humanity will be slow to forget you.

Bye me, by me.

the boards beneath my books give wooden screams. shredded innocents holding up the leathern flesh of their brethren. mm what shall i read today?

As I said last night.
Things get louder in the dark.

I've hit the replay button on this youtube clip about a thousand times and it's just getting more and more uncomfortable. My left arm is really tired, it's stuck under my thigh so I can press play with the trackpad. My legs are shaking and straining, spread apart so I can put my laptop between them. My neck aches because it's bent downwards so I can see the laptop screen. My right hand is getting tired because I've been jerking off for the past hour.

I managed to find the perfect 30 second clip of Ally Sheedy in war games. It's the scene where she's stretching in her gymnastics gear. She's so fucking hot. I wish I had a girl like that in highschool. Actually, I wish I had a girl in highschool. I wish I had a girl right now. Instead I've been fantasising about sleeping with Ally Sheedy while using this video so I can get the perfect mental image of her into my brain. This morning I was thinking about her and Molly Ringwald on the set of The Breakfast Club. I think I liked that better. I was eating out Molly's tight little asshole while she made out with Ally as Ally was bouncing on my dick. I was Brian Johnson and stupid John Bender had to watch in the corner.

A looming sense of studious eyes, peering over my shoulder, halts my breathing and staggers the tapping of the keys. If I really had nothing to prove, to anyone but myself, why couldn't I be content with my own disappointment.

Alone from night to night you'll find me.

No, you're just gonna steal it