Which book has had the most profound influence on your life? The one you derived the most meaning from

Which book has had the most profound influence on your life? The one you derived the most meaning from.

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Fart Bums by James Joyce

Sniff Sniff



Elle Fanning is an Angel, by Me.
i love her so much

Me, too user. My goal in life is to become a famous European scriptwriter abd meet her at a film festival.

The alchemist

uhhh... dianetics by l ron hubbard

great book!

The very hungry caterpillar

The Lord of the Ring and I'm not even memeing

Discourses by Epictetus.

Honestly Plato's Phaedo had a profound influence on me.

What a great man Socrates was.

Has to be Demian by Herman Hesse.

The Kindly Ones turned me into a wehraboo

bukowski ham on rye

i'm not really convinced that books can actually have "influence" to the point where it impacts you, you mostly read a book because it speaks to you in the first place.

Any books with characters like Elle Fanning, who in my head can be played by Elle Fanning?
She's qt.

Franny from Franny and Zooey
Leni in Kafka's The Trial
Marcelle in Batailler's Story of the Eye

Brothers Karamazov

Changed my whole perspective on life and made me happier as a result


>he fell for the nofap meme

Bukowski for me too, I've moved on, but those days of reading Bukowski were fucking great. It felt like I had a friend who was just as much a scumbag as me.

Maybe that's why I enjoy Veeky Forums. "enjoy"

Dude I got the chance to loss my virginity some months ago and I couldnt get it hard, and Im pretty young, so I need to rewire my brain

The Zibaldone by Leopardi taught me everything I know about art and craft.

Confessions by St. Augustine turned me down from being a militant atheist.

Ficciones by Borges was my intro to literature, before that I wasn't that interested in this medium.

how can u be so basic, pleb

The Phenomenology of Spirit.

Four Quartets.

Primo Levi's "Se questo รจ un uomo"

The Remains of the Day

Trying to find happiness and meaning in a world that seems so hard to understand really resonates with me

>Marcelle in Batailler's Story of the Eye

The Metamorphoses

probably Of Human Bondage. If you want to read about a child becoming a person it's the best one ever written

Tom sawyer

Tao te Ching

The Quran

I'm pretty sure The Count of Monte Cristo fucked with my head to the extent that can't be undone. The Count is literally my idol.



how young are you? I'm 18 and had the same experience, now I'm nofap and bang my gf every other day


see and despair.

>Ficciones by Borges was my intro to literature, before that I wasn't that interested in this medium.
Borges made me really connect with literature and got me reading again. Something about him is inspiring.

This one for me as well. It really gave a good reason why someone should look to gain knowledge and become an intellectual. It's the closest I got to having a religion.