Have you ever tried to impress a girl with your writing? Did it work?
Have you ever tried to impress a girl with your writing? Did it work?
Is that the girl from mad men? I had a crush on her in high school
Yeah, it is. She's cute.
I impress everyone with my writing, bitch.
Yes, but she was already my girlfriend.
Oh wait, I did seduce three of my English teachers with my essays. Good times.
1) No.
2) Still had a woman go out of her way to tell me she wasn't impressed.
>liking girls
>Trying to impress anyone
>Having accomplishments so obscure that you need external validation to be confident that they exist
>Not covering up your inability to form and maintain healthy relationships with a myth of self-sufficienty
Fucking gutterpleb
You sound like a valley-girl, bruh. Liek a straight up Stacey, yo.
No but I sometimes try to impress them with my reading
how is her head so fucking enormous lmao
I tried to impress her with content not style, she was pretty dumb and not worth the time to write something pleasant.
Didn't work, she just thought I was a cuck while she continues to suck nigger dick.
By impress I mean effect.
10/10 would do again if I found a cutie.
>>Not covering up your inability to form and maintain healthy relationships with a myth of self-sufficienty
This wouldnt work cuz my writing is either stripped down and minimalist (which women don't like) or obscure and masturbatory (which women dont like unless it was written by a woman)
Wish I was more of a pseud so I could impress normies with my shitty free verse
Fucked two airheads (not at the same time, like 2 years apart) because they thought it's like being a muse or some shit. Just acted non-autistically eccentric and a bit pretentious, didn't talk much, and listened to their bullshit. I also smoke and drink so I fit the meme. I never gave them anything finished, just half-finished short stories or stuff waiting for editing. They didn't have an opinion on anything on Earth, they never had, but I fucked both for 2 or 3 months so I guess it sufficed.
I managed to impress my lit teachers in HS and a mother 3 though. Did not have sex. One of the teachers and the MILF were the subject of some wetdreams back then, though, so I wouldn't have objected.
yes but i wrote her a song
iam really proud of the lyrics though
>thinking your writing is good enough
You guys are not Veeky Forums
Greentext time.
Every single woman I've fucked (about 8 at this point, two of whom were 4+ year-long relationships, the rest just flings) I was able to fuck because I impressed them with my writing and my brooding tortured writer demeanor.
Woman hate me after knowing me for about two weeks, but it's not hard to get their legs open with words.
Yes, about 5 different times. I think I might just have a nice face or I surround myself with girls who are "dreamers".
I'd say about 3 of them were genuinely wetting themselves while the other two were more like "wow that's good".
Tl:dr people have zero taste, I hate my own writing
>asking for greentext of a fictional claim
Oh yeah andhad sex
Greentext is a storytelling medium, I don't see what's wrong.
I've always wanted to meet a schizophrenic.
You just have to cater to what young girls want to hear, it's not that difficult.
Turns 18 on November 10
Reader, I married her.
what do you write?
Poems and stories. Some of it was just stuff I was working on anyway, some of it was for her. She genuinely liked some of it, and some it she just appreciated the effort.
I rarely tried to do sincere "Shall I compare thee" writing. When I write for her, it's playful and ironic. When I have a few things done I'll usually bind up a chapbook for her and make it a gift.
It's become a form of intimacy between us... the private poems and stories. It's not that they're full of personal detail or erotic or anything, but something that I'll put time and genuine effort into and then give it to her alone. I dunno... works for us.
I made my therapist cry with my writing. Could've fucked her, she was a cute young graduate student, jewish too.
I wrote my gf a sonnet for valentine's day. She loved it, so that felt pretty good.
I suppose the only thing left to you is comedies, then
I don't think I'd ever be able to do that, I'm afraid the girl would think me as a feminine man and cuck me. But that's me though, I happy for you.
I know, it's less of the quality, more the "sentiment", like that one guy at parties who says he can play the guitar but can only fumble the chords to smells like teen spirit, the girls love it anyway
Not tragedies?
I hate that song.
An attractive girl well above my league gave herself to me because she liked my writing.
What's with the deep state pedophilia dolls? What does it mean?
I never got why girls would fuck down, it's insanity.
is this part of your book?
Leave your house once in a while
She was an aspiring writer so she really thought highly of me.
She was only above my league in looks (she was a fashion model) and girls can be forgiving in that department to a degree. I mean I'm not ugly, but I'm not a headturner or anything.
I'm gonna kill your character off and there's nothing you can do about it.
You can have a partner less attractive than you that you're still attracted to, what's not to get? The only reason this might not make sense is if she's extremely attractive and only looking to get fucked rather than be in a relationship, so it would then make "sense" she'd only fuck the top tier amongst those interested in her.
It doesn't make sense to me being a good looking woman and not using those attributes to power your way to the top of social hierarchy.
girls are plebs, it doesn't take much to impress them
I've had a few girls that were impressed by the type of books I read and how much I read, as well as how I sound "so intellectual" (according to them; I'm a pleb) in conversation, but I've never shared my writing with any women.
>tfw I let her read my diary, desu, and then she laughed in my face
The literary lifestyle leaves no room for sex. You people make me sick, and also painfully aroused. Please stop.
kek, same here. My "diary" was basically just me writing for the sake of writing (it's relaxing and I enjoy it) and I'd just write what I did that day, which wasn't ever much. She made fun of me for it.
I've had several professors approach inappropriate levels of familiarity after reading or hearing my words. It was far from intentional and each time I fled from their advances.
>he fell for the spook of the century
there was a cute girl I used to fuck who was in my friend circle. We argued a lot on Twitter but she was congenial in person. I'm an unvarnished reactionary and she's an SJW. She invited me out to have a drink to "discuss my writing" which she said she liked. She was supposedly impressed by it but I think it was mostly a pretense to fuck.
I cucked her boyfriend
Do tell us more
It's the spook that makes the world go around.
You only cuck her boyfriend if he watches, retard. And calling someone who enjoys watching his bitch get plugged a cuck is hardly offensive.
that isn't true. That's an aspect of the cuckold fetish. The original sense of cuckold is a man whose woman fucks other men
He's probably a worthless numale anyway.
You know that cuckolding is a much older term than the one used to describe your favorite genre of porn right?
So, all men are cucks?
You'll have a very difficult time talking to people if you bring this up for every word you use. It's best to use the word as it currently is.
not inaccurate
>I made my therapist cry with my writing. Could've fucked her, she was a cute young graduate student, jewish too.
I actually envy this scenario and am enraged that you didn't. That would've been a Veeky Forums moment par excellence and you fucked it all up.
people use it in the original sense today
Kek, do you know him? What those SJWs are most in need of is a strong male presence in their lives, it's so obvious.
yes I knew him. He's actually smart and nice, but yeah nu-male stuff there for sure
she told me his dick didn't get fully hard
Textbook beta sjw dude. Probably faps to interracial porn.
>she told me his dick didn't get fully hard
lmao what.
Low test
... damn. always though that was just a meme. you can be so low test you can't even get it up??
ED isn't always low t, it's usually just a circulation issue. Viagra literally just reduces blood pressure and can't actually induce arousal.
You guys have never experienced this? Must be nice to be a brainlet.
Neither of these are always the cause of the problem either.
I once tried to impress a girl by telling her to read Mein Kampf.
Haven't heard from her recently.
>tf when I get fully hard I cum immediately and can't stop
I just want to kill myself.
Did I say they were?
Yeah, it happens to me, but only either when
>the room is hot and I start getting sweaty
>I'm not super in the mood but my girl is and she gets grumpy when I don't do her so I do her then anyway
>I've pounded away for several minutes and I'm starting to get bored and she's not the type to get into sex, so...
No. Are you ok, user? I was just adding that there are a bunch of reasons.
I don't write much so no but I guess it's quite easy as long as you're not genuinely seeking validation.
Unfinished stories would be a good idea. You can be all 'so I'd love to know your opinion blah blah blah' and use it as a way of snagging a date.
Although I would give kudos to any guy whose writing was solid enough to win a girl's heart outright.
It's not especially exciting or sexy in truth.
>publicly praise my work in front of the class
>learn my name and face when 3/4ths of the students don't exist
>repeatedly volunteer me to answer questions or provide input
>this advances into weird amounts of eye contact or proximity in class
>can clearly tell they are genuinely stricken by what I express/ how I express it, there's often an alert luster in their face
>called upon to discuss things things with alarming frequency, forcibly buds into a rapport and then into the casual exchanges of personal information
>two professors even risked regular and unnecessary physical contact like taking my hand with theirs, or touching me on the shoulders
It was the furthest thing from an enviable situation.
Fucker beat me to it. CLOSE THE GODDAMN DOOR.
Fag here. My boyfriend loves my writing and I write him love poems all the time. Yes, it works.
>Must be nice to be a brainlet.
i read all the time. you just have no testosterone.
>living in bad faith
>Yes, it works.
you are literally a couple of fags you don't even count. enough of this meme.
I wasn't trying but she was way into the writing I wrote, she was the secret, sneaky seer sort
She wasn't too much of a qt-puss but I would'a done her had I not been so shy and had I seen her again after
>Woman hate me after knowing me for about two weeks, but it's not hard to get their legs open with words.
Yes, but it would have been very unprofessional of his therapist to be with a client. Like, she should get fired.
Of course, if there came a point where she was no longer his therapist...it still would be sketchy, but...
Yes and yes. Blog inbound.
Back when I was in highschool I showed my girlfriend who was lit nerd like me, my poetry. She actually laughed at me and mad fun of it, but eventually said she liked it and thought it was interesting how accurately and cohesively I could put down my thoughts. I wrote some for and about her and she said it was sweet.
She killed herself soon after we broke up
I'm sorry to hear user
PM me if you just wanna chat
Thanks bro, its nice to know you guys are here for me.
love you user
Alright, alright, don't make it gay.
U too bby
How was her footgame?
>high school sweetheart and i go to university
>she gets more distant
>goes to more parties, takes more drugs
>breaks up with me
>desperately attempt to win her back
>spend all night composing a love poem
>read it to her at her work
>she laughs in my face
>security escorts me out
>totally humiliated
>on a whim, submit to local poetry magazine
>forget about it
>months later get an email
>tfw accepted for publication
>it gets published in a regional anthology
>ex-gf hears about it
>tries to ask me out for drinks again
>too busy plowing hipster puss at my poetry readings to respond to her
>Yes, but it would have been very unprofessional of his therapist to be with a client. Like, she should get fired.
I don't care I wouldn't rat her out or anything. I might move on to another therapist after but I wouldn't play her like that. If she had some professional crisis of consciousness over it later then that is her thing to deal with. I would've been A-Okay with it, personally.