Universities are for Plebs

>Start Uni.
>I've been a NEET for, what, a year now, and it's a bit intense for me. Gradually, I'll get used to routine again.
>Excited for philosophy course. Not to brag, or toot uponst one's horn, but I'm rather nuanced in the subject.
>"All reading material will be made available by mid-week," the lecturer did quoth on Monday.
>Expectantly, I wait for Wednesday. It comes slowly, but surely. My finger couldn't have clicked the link as fast, Monsieur!
>My eyes, straining to focus, read the first PDF link...
>"Dennett, D. Free Will But Not As We Know It"
>Second, "Dennett by Zawidzki, T."
>Too enraged to continue reading. I spose it's more Dennett. I scream out in a cacophonous retch: "DENNETT IS SUCH A PLEB REEEEE HORSEMAN OF ATHEISM IS SO REDDIT!"
>My father, hearing me, enters. Nearly tripping over all the Classics strewn out on the floor, my personal lit cannon.
>"user, what's wrong?"
> "Jesus H Christ, user. You do nothing round the house for a year. You're not dropping out. Or I'll kick you out."

What do, lit? Do I read Dennett or go live on the streets?

Other urls found in this thread:


>My father, hearing me, enters. Nearly tripping over all the Classics strewn out on the floor, my personal lit cannon.

>been a NEET for, what, a year now
>enrolls in a course for professional NEETs
Just drop it, user. Your job experience will make up for the lack of degree.

you have a lit cannon in your house? sounds dangerous

Y-yes, "user"

shoulda looked at the course before you applied, dummy

Compatibilism is just rhetorical trickery ol' Danny boy came up woth to make himself feel better about the fact that free will doesn't male sense as a concept in his worldview. Same reason he came up with emergentism for the hard problem of consciousness. But I guess he wouldn't sell as many books if he just bit the bullets.

>tfw to intelligent for uni

Seriously guys, how do you deal with the fact that university is awfully normie?

>a lot of boring masturbatory essays instead of actual works of literature (this in particular makes me feel a pleb every time I browse Veeky Forums)
>professors wanting you to act like a normie during oral exams instead of having a cool and spacious intellectual conversation
>mnemonic learning and dry notions instead of penetrating deep into the most challenging questions of world literature and philosophy

And what I cannot bear the most is spending a fucking month or more to prepare an exam on a single subject that includes only two or three books. I mean, don't you get bored to spend every day over the same shit repeating it? When I read for myself I'm more into jumping often from one book to another, that's how internet and (then) our reality works.

>Compatibilism is just rhetorical trickery ol' Danny boy came up woth to make himself feel better about the fact that free will doesn't male sense as a concept in his worldview.

So it's basically Kant's 'intelligible freedom' given a new lick of paint?

>university is for plebs


>attending a shit-tier uni where dan dennet is part of the curriculum

The reading material wasn't made available until today... Monsieur, I fart in your general direction

"an historic"

Has anyone else blown their chances of ever achieving anything intellectually worthwhile?

I liked my subjects at school but thoughtlessly picked a chemical engineering degree. Even at its best, a chemical engineering degree is just introductory maths / physics / chemistry courses along with a load of job training-esque stamp collecting courses. A fourth year physics student could easily learn any part of the equivalent chemical engineering student's curriculum, but vice versa is obviously not true. I feel really sickened to have wasted my time in a glorified job training degree. I have my entire life to waste on pointless "professional" BS, so to have a university degree that is glorified job training is depressing.

In addition, I picked my nearest university instead of the best possible for my grades and realised halfway through that the courses have much less content and depth than other universities and employers consider me dumb. My courses were a huge joke compared to what I've seen from other universities. As an example, I got to fourth year without knowing what dev, grad, eigenvectors, or curl were, and I didn't know the difference between a model and a theory, (and this is the UK, so I took zero phsyics courses).

Sometimes I feel like an unwarranted snob to criticise my university so harshly, but it deserves criticism when it skips entire topics that other universities teach to all STEM students. And it got government money because I chose it. What a fucking joke, they have almost no incentive to offer courses with proper content. It loves advertising its old age but it offers shallow shit.

I remember one really stamp collecty course in fourth year that I really fucking hated and realising that other fourth year students at a good university, doing maths or physics, would be learning almost cutting edge secrets of the universe stuff. I knew that it made no difference whether I did well or not, I would still have achieved literally fucking nothing.

Some more depressing randomly picked highlights):

Putting in literally zero effort in the last 1.5 years (3 terms), where, apart from attending lectures, I probably did less than 2 weeks worth of 9 to 5 on weekdays work.

My senior thesis where I quickly realised that a maths or physics degree would have given me 50 times better preparation, my lack of mathematical maturity left me as a type of illiterate (which was a brutal feeling), I didn't give a shit about the topic and procrastinated like a madman.

Being "that guy" in a major group project in my final year. I never thought it would come to that but I really was. I remember there was another all nighter but I actually couldn't stay up all night due to a lack of interest / willpower, even with tonnes of coffee.

Being at a job interview at canary wharf (that I failed and was surrounded by people from actually good universities) and then in my university the next day. It was like a brief jolt in everyday life where I could look around and see that everything was shit.

The old library that was too small yet always half empty, being knocked down for a shiny new library constantly filled with normies that opened after my first year. In my first year I literally overheard two people talking and one girl saying that only weirdos go to the library. These are the types of people that people like me are supposed to go to university to get away from (not that I thought that, but it should be true).

I could go on but I won't.

Street life is the most philosophical and literary lifestyle.

Shut the fuck up you stupid idiot you have a degree that gives you access to jobs where the pay of a year is more than most people will get in a lifetime
Just shut the fuck up

Not an argument. I'm practically chortling to myself, you ad-hominem-spewing cretin, you!

this cannot be real

The way they're speaking seems intentional desu. Why is everyone pretending it isn't? Agreed it's funny as fuck though.

If you're at Rutgers I feel the same way lmao

Oh god, this is exactly what happened to me, I ended up quitting and joining the army.

is this a pasta?
i have seen this before somewhere

Yup. I chose "English and American Literature" at a mid-high UK University and it turns out they only give you like 6 hour per week on a quote-unquote Fulltime University course.

Sounds snobbish but almost everything I've learned in the last 3 years has been on my own initiative

Yeah, this guy must have posted this last time there was a university themed thread.

How do you know the prof isn't trolling by putting out some shit on the first round of reading so he can teach you to deconstruct and consider what you've read rather than just blindly accepting what has been given. That's what I'd do anyways. Teaching a group to think for themselves is more valuable than anything else.

I wish I wasn't low IQ retard and could get into uni.
Tried 5 times and fucked up each one.
Absolute brainlet..

>What do, lit? Do I read Dennett or go live on the streets?
That's a tough one, user. But I think maybe it's best to take your chances on the streets.

Define: Free-will

>not attending a god-tier uni where Daniel Dennett is on the faculty but only teaches a no-credit seminar at 1:00 AM on Saturday.

Keep your head up. Your degree is certainly not worthless. All those 'stamp collecting' job training.. going to college the point is so you can get a job. You probably qualify for good paying and respected jobs all around the world.

What would you have done with 'secrets of universe'? Helped build another 50 billion dollar particle accelerator that will offer humanity nothing?

I'm studying business and finance now and I'm a bit worried about what will happen when I finally get my degree. I pretty much started studying because I didn't want to continue working at my literally shitty job. Uni is free in my country so I'm basically just procrastinating when it comes to working. Hopefully I can get a well paying easy job or something but I'm the sort of person you'd expect to visit Veeky Forums so I really don't know.

For now I'm actually enjoying my life and if that's all there is and I don't benefit at all from my education, so be it.

>Mnemonic learning instead of deep understanding
Blame feminism. Im not kidding in the slightest.



Girls are better at memorizing. Guys are better at understanding and applying.
Equality of outcome is an imperative, cant let boys getting higher ___ than girls. What can we do? Lets systematically change the way we teach, lets apply this globaly. More homework, more group work, more memorizing. Less tests. That way we can achieve our beloved equality.
This may seem silly stated like this, but its a fact. Things were not always like they are now in education.

He's in the UK dummy. No wonder you're at Rutgers lmao.

Not him, but making teaching a low-paid woman's profession probably has lowered the emphasis on deeper learning, since most teachers got a B.S. education degree that only ever asked them to memorize.

My good teachers were either young men who just want to chill and read classics or crusty old battleaxes of women who would have become doctors or engineers if they were a couple of decades younger and taught to that standard.

This. The fact that you are going into this expecting to get material to just blindly accept tells me that you, in fact, are the fucking pleb.

Thanks for redpilling me bros

well at least youre not in a third world uni with low paying jobs.

>not to brag, or to toot uponst one's horn

this is excellent OP

>I feel really sickened to have wasted my time in a glorified job training degree. I have my entire life to waste on pointless "professional" BS, so to have a university degree that is glorified job training is depressing.

I had similar course in my CS degree. It's painful when you're fed obvious bullshit like that.

>I got to fourth year without knowing what dev, grad, eigenvectors, or curl were

Oh man, I feel you. I actually just went and looked all that stuff up recently, because I wanted to be able to understand 'proper' scientific articles and physics simulations.


It's settled then, anons. I shall live, just as Diogenes, uponst those streets of mine dearest city - she's am embittered harlot, but I love her!
I now recall to you, anons, that short story by the venerated /ourguy/, Tolstoy. "What Men Live By"...
Indeed, I shall be just as the protagonist, when he walks home in the snow, upon seeing a homeless fellow, disrobes himself(!) and hands the fellow his garments... But, in a turn of swirling, almost discombobulating events, I shall be the hobo whom gives out his clothes in charity to the world...
And even when I am in danger, in hazardous weather and without supper, do not fret for me, Veeky Forums, for I am already dead. My ego has been buried.

Are you doing chemical engineering at Rutgers?

It's my top choice right now, but lately I have been hesitating on going there or even studying chemical engineering.


Found out ;)

>intentionally try to break students' faith at the start so they'll see all Christian philosophers as stupid idiot dead white guys
thanks wall of separation between church and state

Someone's underage.

Post feet, kid.

Uponst my table, holding down the unbounded sheets of my sci fi novella, is a copy of Blind Watchmaker.
There sits my McBook before me, its keys tap, tap, tap as I type away a most nuanced dissertation on Atheism.
My trilby, preens, not like a fedora does, above my slanted forhead. I give it, now and again, a slight inclination, a tip, as I type away. It stays my writing rhythm, a most sensuous metronome.