Reading in bars

Is it weird to read a book in a bar?

I have a routine where every Friday I eat a late lunch with friends, go to the library from 3:30 to 6, and then go home. But I was thinking that I might try going to a nearby bar instead of just going home, to drink and read a little more. And who knows, maybe even talk to someone.

Do you ever read in public places? How does it go for you?

ps: im gay so it would be a gay bar, but i dont think thats really relevant

Only if you're reading Mishima and wearing a fundoshi. Boipussi will be literally throwing themselves at you

Anyone who reads in public when they have no real legitimate reason to be doing so is a fucking douche. And there's never really a good enough reason. They just want to be seen reading. And that's douchey.

Depends on the bar. Some are pubby places where there's hardly place or time to read and some are more relaxed.
If you're really adamant about this, try finding a quiet bar that's not busy and obviously don't sit at the fucking counter.
Also if you're gonna be going to a bar everyday you're gonna become an alcoholic.
Just go to the fucking library.

>ps: im gay so it would be a gay bar, but i dont think thats really relevant

Well media paints gay bars as spots for gay men to get drunk, hook up and then go fuck each other in the toilet. If there's any truth to that, sounds like a fantastic reading environment.

>getting semen on your 1st edition of infinite jest

I feel like it makes more sense to write at a bar than it does to read.

Saw a girl reading Hanya Yanagara at a bar once. Just looked unflatteringly pretentious.

My house doesn't have a bar, and supermarket alcohol is gross af. So if I want to drink while reading, its convenient.

Plus my library is right next to London's gay bar district, so its not at all out of my way.

>He's never been sitting on campus reading and had a qt walk up to him to ask what the book is
It is a fantastic feeling
I enjoy spending a couple hours a day reading with a coffee looking out over the green and your autism won't ever change that

it reeks of superficiality to me
but like said, if youre good looking and not a sperg then by all means go for it but if youre trying to look like a 'kool' character in a movie chances are you'll look like a tit

I read during my daily commute, and sometimes in a coffe place. I mostly read at home but I like a change of scenery from time to time, dont be such an autist.

So weird. Not everybody likes to be indoors next their computer all day friend.

>London's gay bar district


Every time I try reading in a comfy bar for a change of scenery I end up getting slaughtered and not remembering what I read.

I do this (and work on classwork) pretty often, including yesterday. Ended up having a pretty good conversation about the book I was reading (along with other books) with someone there. It's not my intention, but books can be a good conversation opener.

It really depends on the bar. Hipster-y/craft beer/whatever places are usually good, dumpy dives not so much.

>ps: im gay so it would be a gay bar, but i dont think thats really relevan
What the fuck, that is extremely relevant.
Why not a cafe?

I don't know user. I've only ever seen somebody reading in a bar once (he was an obvious pedant who was reading the oxford annotated bible in the middle of a sports bar on a saturday night), and people kept going up to him in groups and asking him why he was reading in a bar, in that flippant yolo attitude that woogirls in their early 20's adopt deliberately for some reason. He seemed quite self-satisfied, however, like all he really wanted was for stupid people to come up and ask him about his display of supreme intellect. I watched him for a while, because it was interesting to me that someone would be so pretentious as to do this, knowing the inevitable conversations that would take place with other people. If you're going to read in a bar OP, do it in a quiet bar, because if you do it in a place with a lot of young adult traffic, that will happen to you. Maybe that is what you want

This is a platitude but you really shouldn't give a fuck what people think. Read wherever you want. Yes bars are nice because you can drink and observe humanity etc. i have a bookstore near my apartment that has a bar and it's great.

Secondly, gay people can go to regular bars. A 'gay' bar probably isn't a chill spot to read at but my knowledge of gay culture is cursory at best

Be your own man ffs

Why would you read in a bar?
Reading in your house is okay, reading in a secluded area in nature (even a park at night will do it) is truly patrician.

Reading in a bar is like shitting in a public restroom. Don't do it.

Yep. I go to the London Library, the stacks are amaaazing.

You can't drink alcohol at a cafe.

Maybe if it was a really out of the way, abandoned bar on a Tuesday night. Any other time would be stupid. Bars are naturally loud. You might be better off going to a lounge where you can smoke a cigar. Remember, reading is an ascetic experience meant to be enjoyed alone or with your offspring.

As for reading in public places, there is some merit to it. Reading on campus, under a tree, or in transit from a bus are all good ideas. As long as the area is quiet (or you have to be there anyways) you should feel comfortable reading

>You can't drink alcohol at a cafe.

Head East. Most cafes are bars around there.

I've started reading at the bar since the semester started. Granted it's a dive and I'm a regular. Nobody really gives a shit, myself included.
Best part is that there's no teens like there with hot opinions about whether or not a person is reading where people can see them as though that was ever the point.
if you're out and you want to read then do so. There's no sense in going home to read a book that fits in your pocket anyway.

That being said, gay bars are far more social than dives or taverns

Once I brought a book to a punk show and stood in the corner and read in between sets like the autistic idiot that I am. Really cringey looking back on it, but a bunch of people actually came up to me and started conversations with me because I was reading. It could go both ways.

Who the fuck reads in a bar?

I really wish I was gay, I'm a pretty boy and although it helps a lot with women, I know if I was gay I would have an endless supply of dick

An easy barometer of this is how often you look up from your book, and how you hold your book. Anyone reading a novel at 5 pages per hour is fucking around; anyone holding their book up so everyone can see the cover is looking for attention. Read your book, enjoy a coffee, have a chat now and then, and maybe meet someone cool with similar interests. Just don't be a pseud.

Characters in Murakami books, and people who think that (good) bars are cosy and have food and drink, so are ideal palces to read.