Does Rupi Kaur have any literary merit whatsoever?

Does Rupi Kaur have any literary merit whatsoever?

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This is the shit on the dedication page of the author who neglected his wife and his wife's son for a couple of decades to write a travel memoir.

>i want to be so complete
>i could light a whole city

A finished puzzle won't light Seattle you dunce.

no you don't understand
if you are writing poetry it gives you a free pass to string together literally any words you want
there's no need for coherency or a central theme just so long as it sounds pretty
i like the feeling when i take a shit after three days of not taking a shit
- rupi kaur


This made my day.

Does anyone have the fake one about DFW?

Rupi Kaur can check my dubs


>digits duplicates

- rupi kaur

Am I missing something or is this just awful """poetry"""?

>noiseless wheels
>crackling sound

What the fuck, Rupi!

her poetry being shit, doesn't excuse the fact that you two can't read and understand verbal meatphor


I honestly like it

This might be the worst shit i've read in my entire life


I want to play this game too.

you took Dr. Pavel from me
when all that i desire
is a cold-fusion generator
weaponized into a bomb
so that i might give the city
back to you
the people

was your catching me a part of your plan?

if you remove my mask
it would be extremely painful
for you

with no survivors - rupi kaur


we had to find out
what he told you

i said

- rupi kaur

Sounds kinda comfy

>back to you
>the people
This part doesn't sound nice in my head

Unironically, what's wrong with this poem? It isn't the best thing I've ever read but it's nice.

wow, what a keen literary analysis. thank you for your insight.

>Implying you have to analyse it
Desu, no.

It's the Shel Silverstein effect, in that you can write some dumb, pretentious, ignorant, or even nonsensical shit and it'll be fine as long as you put it on thick creme paper with some shitty doodle next to it

tell me
is it slavery
when you get what you want

when you take life
you live deep in fear
that your life will be taken away as well

you can take control of my mind
and my body
but there is one thing a Saiyan always keeps

when you harm me
you are only harming yourself

you fool
this isn't even
my final form

hyaaaaaaaa - rupi kaur

she's full of it alright


i told you
not to come in
me but still
you blasted off

after just thirty seconds like
the rockets israel rains
down on my people

the only thing separating me
from men
is the thing that i can't separate my legs
while men can with their member of a privileged club

to bash their head with a
unprivileged club
makes my phantom member
hard like a club

they just trolling bro

this is now overfamiliar,
your rushing around,
barking out orders
do this,
do that

always in a hurry,
unable to appreciate
the rustle of leaves,
the yellows of autumn
on a sunday morning

all because i crept into your room last night
and crazy-glued your eyelids to your head

10:13 AM - rupi kaur

>i want to be so complete
Do you know how much nuclear energy exists in the human body? I want to be so complete (complete the circuit)


>tfw this is most likely true


this is a joke right lads?


nice dubs

She writes like in the movie Patterson by Jarmusch.
I was baffled at his first poem, thought it was shit on purpose.

>ITT anons which dont understand P O E T R Y

the womanly cavern
to you
in those subterranean depths
pale fingers crawl
like birds
piscine odour,
you cry
out in disgust

cant handle the
scent of a real woman

What did rupee poo-ar mean by this?

i bet u don't even write dodecasyllabilic french sonnets fag

Their land
not theirs
stink of sweat
not like curry
Remove Kebab

-Rupi Kaur

the dirt-filled
with people
young and old,
the communal squatting
of the people
by the privileged

that was not dirt - rupi kapur

Can you explain me how that's a functioning metaphor? I was under the impression that for a metaphor to work, an aspect of A has to have a link to B.
Saying you want to be complete enough to light a city doesn't sound right to me. Is that just because English is my second language and I'm overlooking some jargon?

this poem literally means traps are gay
Rupi Kaur confirmed based

It is like a kind of Streisand effect but different

Would've never considered reading this if there wasn't such a big deal

That's literally a poem by William Carlos Williams.

to me*

frozen at your laptop
you try to capture my essence
binding me up
in your words

mansplaining cisgender shitlord,
is this what you want?

the undeniable charm of it
is one i associate with you

in this thread - rupi kaur

>come on user, at least learn to play the game

meant for

It's mostly the narcissistic concepts which ruin them. Their formlessness wouldn't look so self-satisfied if the content weren't founded on egoism and basic bitch life affirmation

Goddamn, why does Rupi have to be so bad? She takes a relatively pleasing conceit--perhaps not entirely original, but pleasing nonetheless--and just completely mars it with her "style." Here, I can transform it into a significantly better poem with minimal effort:

I stood apart, shining in my fullness
As the City on a night in June..
Broad highways crossed my veins
And my legs were high-built steel. Was this
How Helen felt, sending forth
Those ships by her mere seeming?

You came, and with a kiss
Set the widening ways on fire,
Toppled the high-built towers down.
And there I found the greatest fullness.

wow.. just wow... just ok... wow
that was awful

I didn't say it was a good poem. Only it is a far better one than Kaur's on the same topic.

the warmth of my body
brightens me
as i approach the warmth of yours
and give permission for you to approach me

our burning bodies will pile up
like jews on a furnace

-rupi kaur

I like this guy. He's sincere

I don't know who she is but this is /12yoteenagegirl'sfirstdiary/ tier.

>Always make fun of Rupi Kaur with my girlfriend
>Bought her Honey and Milk as a joke gift for her birthday
>We lie in bed together and spend the next two hours crying of laughter because of how bad it's written

Thanks Veeky Forums

its a verbal metaphor and the 'complete enough' is actually separate.

the metaphor is found in '[I] light a city"

specifically 'light' being used as a verb to indicate she actively shines which effectively compares her to any bright source of light (think the sun, or the collective lights of buildings) by saying if she were complete (again, not the metaphor, but a prerequisite for the metaphor exist) should would be /like/ a bright object that could light the whole city.

Verbal metaphors take some explaining but they're simple to make and are often forms of personification. Take this shitty example:

>my heart burrowed in to my ear
>and coo'd of her again, and again

the verbal metaphor is comparing the heart to a small burrowing animal without actually mentioning the animal

this shit's easy

jake is cool
plays football with
other boys
and i just watch

they stand behind
locker room shower
milking each other

-rupi kaur

I honestly think she does. Kaur is very talented and while her poems are short and can seem shallow at first glance, they're actually filled with poignant symbolism. The overarching theme of victim versus oppression or women versus men is extremely valuable to our contemporary society; both women AND men have something to gain from reading Kaur. Unfortunately Veeky Forums with its /pol/-influence will refuse to acknowledge this.

Irony truly is the scourge of our times.

bad bait
there are GOAT brown women like Fatimah Asghar

that are much more nuanced

It's not even irony anymore, it's post-irony where we are endeared by things that are so shit they become good again.

What is so oppressive about Canada?

a screaming
across the sky
it has happened
but there
is nothing
to compare it

gravity’s rainbow - rupi kaur

This one?

Sorry sweetie, I don't play identity politics, I prefer to remain a competent individual who values people for their individualisttic values. I'm not willing to let myself get sucked into a dangerous battle of resources that can only be won in a phyrric victory, but thanks for thinking that everyone who doesn't agree with leftist identity politics is automatically a full blown far-right meninist white identitarian.

Coincidentally, I'm reading a book on that same premise.



so "dead white men" never had to deal with depression, isolation, heartbreak, or marginalization? huh, you learn something every day.

>competent individual who values people for their individualisttic values
>what is an idealistic 18 year old fedora

Oh that's pretty neat. I guess I should read more poetry. Seems like it's a less passive experience than reading prose, or at least more ingenious in its use of language.
Thanks for the explanation!

The poem is confrontational, I'll give it that. That, however, is the only thing notable about it.
It's very easy to be confrontational, even the stupidest people on this site can do it with ease.
Finally, the general sentiment of: "Old white men couldn't possibly understand or have much of anything relevant to say about the trials and tribulations of a young girl of colour" has already quickly become a cliche and was always weak, slam poetry non-thinking.

How is idealism something an 18 year old fedora would believe in?

18 year old fedora sounds like a Randian atheist to me.

it's no problem, the techniques in poetry are often complex, but the way they appear in the poem is often intuitive.
I believe you knew what she was 'saying' but caught on to the technique without realizing it was purposeful.

Poetry is great if you are willing to spend time with fewer words to show for it.

You are doing yourself and fellow men a great disservice when you instantly start complaining about arbitrary white cis-problems like isolation as soon as someone brings up the much more important topic of a society oppressing half its population.

Climb the stairs out of your basement and leave mommy for an hour or two every day and I'm sure you'll be just fine, honey.

Well Rupi I don't talk about my dick in public so I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about your twat, it is "too real" in fact to be honest.

It's not an important topic. Women's issues are boring and make for boring fiction.

I'm in the U.S. work in a huge building with various companies in deifferent fields. The women outnumber the men not just in amount but in head positions. The oppression meme is overblown.

>muh anecdotal evidence

Look at the condescension in your post. Do you even see it?

well seeing as most of our clients not only in the U. S. but internationally seem to also have women in directorial and strategical positions, it's not so anecdotal. keep being angry about your vaj, doesnt make a difference.

is this real? are you memeing?
I didn't think these kind of ideologues actually existed. I assumed /pol/ posters were just being hyperbolic.

>muh further anecdotal evidence
If most men in your company are as mentally challenged as you, then it's no wonder women are ahead of them career wise.

This is one of those cases where I really do begrudge an author the publication of their work. Its just wrong that these blase musings are being sold off as poetry. If you respond to this and disagree you will be wrong and I probably wont even bother trying to explain why other than because I say so.

I can't believe she did it. the absolute madwoman

I work in a different country in a different building in a different company in a completely unrelated field and what I see is most managerial and high-responsibility positions are held by men

and my anecdote just happens to be backed by statistical evidence in most (all? Iceland maybe?) of the developed world

really made me think

You're retarded

>so "dead white men" never had to deal with depression, isolation, heartbreak, or marginalization? huh, you learn something every day.

*Rapist in the middle of Rapeing*
Rapist: Pipe down honey... what... you think ive never been hurt before???!?!

yes but that's rather irrelevant to the matter at hand

>move to The USA from India
>complain everything isn't designed to pander to Indian teenagers

This bitch should be sent on the first plane home.