Why pursue anything that isn't hedonism?

Why pursue anything that isn't hedonism?

Pursuing anything is hedonistic behavior.

Because some people find the proposition "pleasure is the final Good" to be deeply unsatisfying, especially in comparison to virtue, duty, beauty, and so on.

Literature's just, never seemed rewarding enough compared to the alternatives, even for finding higher aspirations like beauty, or novelty.

Read some non-hedonist philosophers, like Kant, Rawls, Aristotle, Nietzsche, etc.

I'm basically a stoic but wih a bit of hedonism mixed in

I want to feel punches

so you'd say what? that that's their pleasure?

this is right

I could. I'm capable of doing so. But, why move beyond hedonism?

... Why?

then don't read it dude, no one fucking cares

do what you like, don't while your time away here if you're not into it--go obey the inscrutable exhortations of your inmost

Higher order pleasures > simple pleasures

Well, there has to be a reason you, or most people who're on this board I assume, are so dedicated to either the medium of literature or the pursuit of higher ideas. I just want to understand it.

You don't pursue hedonism, hedonism pursues you.

As in, it's not a choice? Like, it's the lowest form of a decision I could make, therefore it's more of a cage than something I'm striving for?

The only reason 'one' would/is 'skeptical' of hedonism, is its potential to shorten/degrade the life span (quantity) and (thus, and more) quality.
Threatens the sanctity.

For example, heroin addict, or alcoholic, are these examples of hedonists?
They may lose their job, lose their loved ones, and it may be the argument that what one thinks they are gaining in pleasure, does not make up for what they will lose. And it is a hedging the bets;

"yeah but not evvvverrryyonneee dies from heroin/alcohol/cigarettes/promiscuous sex"

Ok, but there are some statistics that suggest certain 'risks' as much 'rewards' as are there and thought to be there, may have equal or greater punishments.

same could be said for Veeky Forums but I don't bother asking them to explain

i have a vague idea but I don't care that much

if you want to get into literature pay attention to the low end of the books that get churned up here time and time again

By that logic, I see literature as too inefficient a method, as higher truths, at least in my current environment, weigh little, and their costs far outweigh their benefits. But, since I still want to pursue them in the abstract, I'm trying to find some driving force that invalidates this reasoning.

The, low end?

>it's not a choice?
You can discover what manages to please you, you can indulge in what manages to please you, but you don't determine what manages to please you. You never had a choice.

So what, an Epicurean?

No, that their final ends or conception of the Good are different entirely. I don't see how you got that from my post.

And you simply aren't educated in philosophy if you think all pursuance of a philosophical system is 'hedonist.' Primarily the outgrowth of one's Will-to-Power, sure, that's reasonable, but not pleasure.

To make father proud.

>coming to Veeky Forums and asking "Why?" with a whole bunch of extra words tacked on

nice job pseud 2deep4me