Did I do the right thing?

Did I do the right thing?

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You did half the right thing. Please edit again and change it to "claire's feet and armpits". Thank you.

Thank you, user.

>haha I wrote something disturbing on a YouTube comment, cause that's what us depraved 4channers do, am I right guys? lol. Please laugh at this so I feel like I fit in. Also I'm not underage I swear

Great. Hope you guys are fucking proud of yourselves. It's over.

>pretty young woman who loves literature and wants to share her passion with the world

>miserable faggot who pretends to read to make up for his lack of genuine personality

Nothing in your life has been "right," lad

>haha I'm so aware and smart that I can see right through the irony that you stupid 4channers use, right my fellow gentlemen? lol. Please agree with me so I feel like I fit in on this anonymous imageboard. Also I'm not a redditor I swear

I will not stand for this you faggots.

Does her mom have a youtube channel or something?

make more videos you bald foureyed faggot
p.s. i love you

>If I defend the maiden on the internet she will surely become my wife


It's not about defending anyone, it's just about not being an asshole.

I'm not bald reeeeee

Then who is he writing to?


Maybe you should fuck off to reddit then, faggot white knight.

>wanting to see a ballet dancer's feet
isn't gore banned?

>if I bully a little girl who shares what is ostensibly my interest in literature then I can be a REAL 4channer like all those epic lulzers I read about on encyclopedia dramatica !

Calri Claire MUST sit on my face.

Fighting the good fight Dave, I'll be sure to at least read one of your essay collections now

>this is Veeky Forums, bub. Were a pretty tough crowd here... as I'm sure you can tell. Bullying little girls on Youtube is just part of what we do. And we take our edginess quite seriously if I may say so. You seem pretty nice... innoncent. We're the opposite of that. So let me give you a tip. Go back 2 reddit. I've been there. I know what it's like. Those people are soft. Nice. Normal. Not us. Now if you'll excuse me. It's still lunch break at school so I have some more inside joke youtube comments to make and post screenshots of to show to my buds on Veeky Forums. Later


No, retard.
Leave these people alone.

I love the voice this is written in

take the redpill, retard. We must harass her until she kills herself

>Can you do a review on Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, please? I didn't quite understand the story.
im actually being serious about this and yet people think im joking. I read it and it doesnt really tell the reason he hated the jews. It says that he only hated them and thats all. The judaism has a very dark past when it comes to it, but so had the other religions. It all brings it back to the round table, the templars and their weird sacrifices and rituals.

oh well...

This is all very funny, but let's make something worthy now for a change. Someone with access to her instagram please check if there is any armpit pictures and share with us. Feet too.


>her instagram is now private
wtf does she know?

Can't wait till japan moot shuts Veeky Forums down

Sick of you "raid" faggots

Wow, she looks like an exotic princess in that one

wew lads.

Princess, you must put your arms down, you mustn't let the perverts see your armpits


Her mom is furious at her and believes she's hiding something. We got this girl in big trouble.

someone has to get into this. there's some tricks online but I'm too lazy to figure them out. This is the insta she actually uses, there's probably a lot there