Stop being politically correct.
Stop being politically correct
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>Saad was born in 1964 in Beirut, Lebanon, to a Jewish family. His family fled to Montreal, Quebec, Canada in October 1975 to escape the Lebanese Civil War and Antisemitism.[6]
Of course...
Will do, faggot.
>dude capitalism is totally congenial lmao
Who says I am?
dude looks like he secretly touches little boys.
don't we all? what are you, some kind of faggot?
'Political Correctness' is just an euphemism for being a decent fucking human being
I like it when people say this right before they insult you.
Political correctness is about being nice and tolerant, you fucking asshole!
I was never PC to begin with... both parties like capitalism.
ok, i'll stop you fucking criminal shitskin nigger
wait... let me try it again
Gads based though
>business sciences
Filthy kikes.
based his penis in a kid's butthole more like
Did he really do this?
Political correctness isn't real
The truth of human sexuality is disturbing to my postmodern sensibility. I'm going to delude myself into believing tabula rasa because facing the truth about humanity is blinding. Anyone who tries to convince me otherwise will be attacked viciously because I'm so insecure.
Afem I. Nist
Doesn't matter, his ideas still hold true.
Why do you care what some guy did in his free time. If he's a known pervert the authorities have taken care of him already. Stop being a slave to tabloid-tier news.
i just want to know if he actually did that
it's just a series of programs, some directly opposed to each other, that attempt to socialise people into a fundamentally absurd and brutal society. American culture in general is based on infantilisation and Oprah/ESALEN emotional manipulation.
i agree. gad may have inserted his penis into a 4-year old boy but his fight against THE EVIL THAT IS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN.
I bet there are people who actually believe this
biology is obsolete, meatbag. Trannies are actually the next step in enhanced human evolution
i disagree. gay pedophilia is.
Are a you a girl? If so, this is an example of female irrationality. You are wasting your time, your most precious resource, on gossip. We will never take you seriously if you don't get control of your emotions and realize what's important in life.
>gad may have inserted his penis into a 4-year old boy
Why does that matter to you? Seriously, how can the veracity of that proposition affect your life? If Gad is a bad guy he will be apprehended by the people who deal in apprehending bad guys. You are wasting your time, your most precious precious resource, concerning yourself with this shit, dumb woman.
I don't hate women, it's just that the behavior of most of you is both erratic and stupid.
hey bro why so triggered, i agree with you. he may have put his penis into a 4-year old but that's no big deal considering his based work, bro.
>biology is obsolete
You're an animal with a penchant for animalistic behavior. Your delusion that you've overcome biology shows how far your delusions have gone.
***Disclaimer: I know you were being ironic, but I am too. If you weren't being ironic I would have said the above words candidly.****
A gendered event may not exist in biological reality, but it can be thought of as an emergent biotechnological phenomenon, tho
t. gay pedophile
>pedo apologist
wow you're fucked up
hey gad is doing god's work. both in and out.
>be me
>watch Annie Hall with my gf
>it's her first time seeing it
>film ends
>Me: "What'd you think, babe?"
>Her: "Well, it was really good, but I was so distracted by the fact that Woody Allen is a pedofile."
>Me: "Okay, but what did you think of the film?"
>Her: "It was good, but I really hate Woody Allen."
>Me: "What do you mean it was good?"
>Her: "I liked it."
>Me: "Um, okay. There weren't any moments of profundity?"
>Her: "What do you mean?"
>Me: "At any point in the film did you experience an intense realization about the nature of human relationships?"
>Her: "Um, no..."
>Me: "..."
>Her: "Maybe we should stick Gossip Girl next time."
>Me: "Okay..."
>3 days later
>walk up behind her in kitchen
>standing 4 feet away
>she doesn't notice me
>raise glock 23 to the back of her head
>pull trigger before I realize what I'm doing
>kill myself before guilt sets in
>die a free man
t. Woman
Not an apologist, just someone crazy enough to think that ideas are independent of the minds that created them.
Okay, I'll believe you if you post proof.
how are you posting after dead?
i bet you get laid a whole lot.
I do, in fact! Thanks for noticing.
I'm narrating from an old recorder to my brother.
fuck off stormfag saad is the best
Come here Jimmy, sit on Grandpa's lap and I'll explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
Fiction is type of story that comes from the imagination. A good fiction writer will tell stories they make up in their head and then combine that story with a message. If the message is powerful and should only be seen by those intelligent enough to be responsible with its contents, it will be told in a story that's difficult to understand for stupid people.
Non-fiction, on the other hand, is a retelling or description of events that happened in the world.
The state of humanity is in trouble because reckless non-fiction writers known as academics are giving messages to people who are too stupid to be responsible with their acquired power. Have you seen Jurassic Park, this is the message that Spielberg was sending through a story packed with action and adventure.
Fortunately for you and I Jimmy, we are part of the select few who will go to Mars in two years to start a colony while humans on earth exterminate themselves with the power unleashed by scientists.
It's funny. I'm literally a virgin, but could fuck any girl I want.
I don't care if you don't believe me and that ability to not care is why every woman on earth sees me as desirable.
Also, you are only saying that because you're too stupid to refute what I said.
Fuck off
Why are identity thieves so unoriginal in their lies? Because they're liars and liars are of inferior intelligence and thus can only produce simple fabrications.
>Why are identity thieves so unoriginal in their lies? Because they're liars and liars are of inferior intelligence and thus can only produce simple fabrications.
It's a joke. Please, calm down.
shut the fuck up
>It's funny. I'm literally a virgin, but could fuck any girl I want.
I don't care if you don't believe me and that ability to not care is why every woman on earth sees me as desirable.
Also, you are only saying that because you're too stupid to refute what I said. girl I want.
no, you're on the right track, you lazy spic nigger leech on society
Tired: political correctness
Wired: Cultural Marxism
Desired: ZOG
>It's a joke. Please, calm down.
>shut the fuck up
You humans get so mad when someone challenges the way you see the world. I'm a fucking God to you pathetic ants.
>girl I want
You're probably not a virgin and I'm looking to marry a virgin girl and remain with her until death. Sex will be a much more profound experience when we do each other condom free on the night of our wedding.
Get the fuck off Veeky Forums, you fucking moron. You interest in literature because your head is so far up your white ass that you can't read anything but the inside of your small intestine.
*You can't have an in interest in literature because your head
please do not believe this. being self aware is the first step to change.
No, I don't believe that's the appropriate response to my demand. Do you dislike my jokes? Calm down, please.
lol you have to be b8
That's how I know I'm right, I'm one of the most self aware people in history. I've lived my entire life in my head, constantly reflecting on everything I see. From an evolutionary perspective men aren't supposed to that. They're supposed to be confident and live in the moment, but I lived the exact opposite of that for 15 years.
Also, I know that women are attracted to me because I go to the gym and peacock myself and women return in kind.
Explain this: I sat on a bench that was 10 feet away from a stretching mat. There were two girls sitting on the mat. I stared at them with crazy intensity. What did they do? Walk up to me and tell me to stop? NOPE. One of them turned and exposed her cleavage to me and the other started doing a stretch in which she laid on her side opening and closing her legs with her feet pointed directly at me. It was as if she was waving me in for a landing in her vagina. I didn't bother asking them to go back to my apartment because I want to remain a virgin for my lady on our wedding, but I could've had a threeway with these two broads.
And that was just one of many examples. I can list at least 12 that I have happened in the last week of my gym-going.
You're telling me to calm down because you don't like what I'm saying because it makes you feel insecure.
lol you feel insecure and you try to deflect that feeling by writing me off as a joke
why do you keep writing all these reterded words
Stop larping whoever you are.
>why do you keep writing all these reterded words
Because no one has explained why I'm wrong.
>Stop larping whoever you are.
>you're making me feel insecure
Lmao don't stop user, I almost believe you.
Ignore the pseuds and godspeed, glorious ubermensch.
Where should I release my ideas? I have so much written down that will convince people I'm correct if they'd just read it.
neckbeards and muscles aren't mutually exclusive also you write like a virgin
You talking to me pussy? Are neckbeards and getting pussy mutually exclusive? How about living in SEA?
alright pal you got me scared running. have fun with your ladyboy hookers. SEA is for faggots who couldn't hack it at home.
Well, if you have a compendium then just having a link to it would help. If you can find a good quality mic/have a good speaking voice I would recommend doing some videos/audio, but if not then don't.
Also as soon as you have a link post it on this board. I hope to see more of you soon. Veeky Forums needs more people genuinely trying to think.
lol I just read this thread and your entire personality is a walking neckbeard meme. I really hope you're writing this shit ironically otherwise you should probably shut the fuck up. you're embarrassing yourself. I'm embarrassed for you.
the fact that you think you could make anyone insecure is hilarious keep going.
> if you have a compendium
It's not ready, but I'll release one once I've edited the mess I created in Word.
You're insecure and that's why you replied to me with an insult. That's the function of insults, to deflect insecurity onto a threat.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. I lived like Leonard Lawrence for 15 years. The cruelty of the world unleashed on the weakest man in history. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to stop posting.
I was joking. I live an apartment my parents pay for. Eliot Roger type shit, except I have no desire to kill anyone because I've literally transcended desire and achieved full detachment.
post a pic
Of what?
of yourself dummy
Another pseud like Peterson. Why the fuck does r/theredpill force it's shitty pseuds down Veeky Forums's throat?
I remember when this board was full of intelligent leftists. Now it seems to be infested by right wing fuccbois. No wonder Veeky Forums's quality is so shit nowadays.
heres a better feeling
lol inbred righty fuccboiz btfo, nice one
im alive you gay scream
I'm not self-conscious about posting my picture as I was doing it two days ago all over /int/, but now's not the time.
That being said, I have the funniest two pictures from before and after my epiphany.
I've never taken a selfie before - ever. I've always seen it as vain and I was too embarrassed anyways because I always thought my handsome face was ugly. I don't know what came over me, but I took one in the locker room after lifting on the night of my epiphany.
About 3 hours before the moment of profound realization my eyes were glazed over and I looked dead inside. I pointed my s7 at the locker room and clicked capture on the photo app. My face was drained of color as I was a couple days sleep deprived and dehydrated.
3 hours later I had my epiphany and realized that I had to do something drastic to mark the change. I did the only thing I thought reasonable and shaved my head bald with the trimmer I've always used for my pubic hair.
It's cold where I live so I keep a bucket in my room and fill it with hot water to warm my feet up when they're cold. Using the pube trimmer I lopped off my hair and let it fall into the bucket.
Once I could feel that all my hair was gone I grabbed my phone and opened the camera to see how it looked. I was so giddy with excitement that my face broke into an ear to ear smile and I fumbled the phone. As I result I accidently took a picture of the happiest moment of my life thus far.
If I walked across my messy floor right now and picked up my phone right now, you'd see those two pictures in the gallery app. It's absolutely hilarious and uncanny.
True story
I don't know that much about the redpill community, but they're right about one thing. Feminists are creationist-tier deniers of evolution. I can tell you with absolutely certainty that you are "on the wrong side of history."
My mom is an 80s feminist and my dad is an 80s beta-male. My life has been hell because they have been such shit parents as a result of having been indoctrinated by the pseudo-academic dogma of feminism.
Confident men are happy men. What you people have done is make millions of boys miserable because none of them are being taught to be confident. I don't hate anyone for this. I don't blame my parents or teachers even though they were the ones that carried out the orders that led to my torment. I don't blame the sociologists who came up with feminism in the 70s. And I don't blame you for believing in a false, dogmatic understanding of the world. I can't blame you for being convinced of these false ideas anymore than I can blame a dog for shitting on the carpet.
I just hope that you will realize how much damage you've caused and will continue to cause for me and millions of others. I'm no longer in pain as I suffered so much for so long that I learned to ignore it. However, that's not the case for millions of little boys that will be submitted to your wrath if you continue on this crusade.
Lol le rant man about religion but very ideologious himself.
Pure ideology
And I think he generalizes way too much, there's different kinds of mate selection in humans
Might give him a try but a quick look at his blog gave me already a bunch of information
But sure I can see how political correctness is bad
sort yourself out kiddo or risk becoming a marionette to malevolent ideologues