EliI Wiesel's Night

Hey Veeky Forums, what are your opinions on Elie Wiesel's "Night"?

(need to pick a holocaust book for school, this is just one i was keeping in mind)

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Never read Night, might check it out.

This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen is a pretty good Holocaust book.
It's a collection of short stories by a non-jew who was at Auschwitz.

Sorry, but I'm really not into reading fiction.

lol k

Finkelstein describes two known frauds, that of The Painted Bird by Polish writer Jerzy Kosinski and Fragments by Binjamin Wilkomirski, and how they were defended by people even after they had been exposed. He identifies some of these people as members of the "Holocaust Industry", and notes that they also support each other. Elie Wiesel supported Kosinski; Israel Gutman and Daniel Goldhagen (see below) supported Wilkomirski; Wiesel and Gutman support Goldhagen.

According to Finkelstein, Elie Wiesel characterized any suggestion that he has profited from the "Holocaust Industry", or even any criticism at all, as Holocaust denial.[15] Questioning a survivor's testimony, denouncing the role of Jewish collaborators, suggesting that Germans suffered during the bombing of Dresden or that any state except Germany committed crimes in World War II are all evidence of Holocaust denial – according to Deborah Lipstadt[16] – and the most "insidious" forms of Holocaust denial are "immoral equivalencies", denying the uniqueness of The Holocaust.[17]

its pretty good. Haven't read any other shoah books but I liked this one because it has literary merits besides "aushawitz sucks"

like most jewish writers, Wiesel is too biased to see the positive aspects of national socialism

Half your class will pick muh Night.
Do Primo Levi.

This. I've actually heard good things about him.

God, don't fucking do it.
Or do, actually. You know those gas chambers kikes are always worked up about? I'm pretty sure it never mentioned them once in the entire book. Just about everything in it is bogus except for mischling kids being treated better.
As with every holocaust book.

It's artful propaganda in the vein of Triumph des Willens, but less accurate and sincere.

You don't have to be a holocaust denier to deny the authenticity of this book and its contents.

>You don't have to be a holocaust denier to deny the authenticity of this book and its contents.
But it helps

We had to take turns reading it out loud in class. I read in a funny accent but it was a sad part about his dad and I looked like a major asshole. 0/10.

Why don't they have us read books about the mass rapes committed by the red army instead of getting 300 pages of a bitching kike that we already get in all of our other media?

If you just need to pick a holocaust based book, that's fine.
Honestly, not a fantastic read, but still worthy of reading.

Recommend me a novel about the mass rapes committed by the red army.


This book is faker than the Diary of Ann Frank. There is this part where Jewish babies were thrown into the air shot similar to what one does with plates.

>entire thread is about hitler being right

why is Veeky Forums so shit nowadays

i'm fine with some of that shit but every fucking board and every fucking thread has to be about you nazi faggots these days


It's trash and made-up, and near the end in the original text he promotes the rape of locals (power-trip fantasy)

You may as well pick Ass Goblins from Auschwitz, both are terribly offensive, nonsensical fictions.

Read Maus instead. It's less biased, more realistic, and a better written piece of literature overall.

Here's some pages I couldn't post for some reason:



I'd read Maus. It's a great example of the graphic novel form, and one of the better told Holocaust books. It's also a lot easier to write university essays on, since a lot of the artistic choices make easy fodder for writing material.

Plus, there's a lot of controversy surrounding the authenticity of Night. No need to deal with that rabbit hole.

remember the part where the guards pick up a baby, chuck it in the air and shoot it with their MP 40's as if the baby was a sporting clay

The book is worth reading if only because of this ridiculous scene.

There's actually some controversy regarding the authenticity of Maus as well. For example, did you know there was not a single mouse targeted by the Nazis in all of World War II?

Just stopping by to tell you guys that you're doing a valuable job, and your efforts are very much appreciated. It's amazing to see how far we've come on Veeky Forums of all places.

Keep spreading the redpill.

see dad shitty jokes like that are why we kicked your ass out of the house

Primo Levi is an amazing writer, If this is a man is his main book about Auschwitz, but the drowned and the saved is also pretty good (more a collection of short essays)

>thinking Finkelstein is redpill

That part was fucking hilarious, I had to do it in school and my sides still hurt from it. The best part is no one questioned all the ridiculous shit in the book at all
>oy vey they threw my little cousin up in the air for rifle practice and then incinerated his remains in a burning trench filled with hundreds of dead babies for fun