Greentext the plot of your new novel, it's not like is going anywhere

Greentext the plot of your new novel, it's not like is going anywhere.

>A dog sprouts wings from its anus and begins to fly around the house and yard (ass) backwards
>finally the police and fire dpt. get a handle on the situation, but not before the news arrives and the story makes national headlines
>dog gets its own twitter and instagram, book deal, morning tv and radio show appearances
>after a few weeks, it turns out that the wings belong to an angel, who in the middle of the dogs guest appearance on saturday night live, finally pulls itself completely out to the shock and awe of the live audience and thousands of live viewers of their tvs at home
>you will have to wait till it is published to hear the rest :^) im not gonna give away all the mysteries, suspenses, drama, romance, symbols and twists

>it's not like is going anywhere.
>it's not like is going anywhere.
>it's not like is going anywhere.
Maybe you fucks could ever write something worth finishing if you had the creativity to come up with a better opener for these trash threads.

>if you had the creativity to come up with
user... the people that make these threads and look in these threads are just trying to steal other anons ideas
Of course they are aware they do not have creativity, but people will post in the threads regardless

>about farmer
>purchases first tractor in village
>finally able to move big ass rune stone away from field
>turns out stone says if you move it you get cursed
>shit starts going bad for farmer
>gets worse as story progress
>eventually even tragic
>farmer refuses to believe in curse
>somehow story concludes satisfactory

It's been pointed out before that even if you're that much of a sad pathetic fuck to steal someone else ideas to write an story, the starting point is actually so general that it would end up being two completely different stories. If you believe otherwise you don't really know anything about writing.

Also Veeky Forums it's actually a place to share and criticize creative writing, so you both insecure plebs can fuck off

i want her to spit shine my asshole

>Pitch dark in the wood.
>Boy next to a firecamp gathering the ration for tomorrow.
>He can only hear the wind colliding to the high dorest, the chirping sound of the fire eating wood and the grunts and cries of one of the man that he and her friend raided.
>Blood splatter to the sides. One man lay face down a meter from him. Another far behind with his arm sliced open.
>At the end of the cave, he can only figure the muscular silhouette of the 2m orc he's been travelling with.
>Breast covered with thick brown wolf skin. More pelt loosely strapped below her waist. Standing on one leg and another raised. On one hand a battle axe raised over her shoulder. Another one pressing the raiders torso into the large rock thatsupported his back.
>And her hips thrusting into the man, furiously.
>Boy takes the last food ration found on one of the men's backpack
>Finds a knife at the bottom.
>Nervously, grips its handle and raises it.
>Looks back at the cave. His eyes narrows and his grip steadies.
>With disgust in his face, stands up picking his own knapsack with the spoils obtained. Slides his knife into his inner pocket and walks towards the chilling forest.

Its about a big pair of scissors.

>Girl plays poker
>Most of her income comes from winning big poker games
>Loses to a shitty hand

That's all I have for now.

>A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>last year of high school
>Spring break
>Chad and his brother(protag) go to Argentina
>Find Hitler's grave
>Find Nazi technology
>Kid gets power to slow down time by half

You can fuck off yourself. I just want somebody to show some originality in the OPs of these threads.

>It’a about complicated semi-erotic semi-Platonic relationship: i wouldn’t fuck her but if i got a chance to sneak into her house and smell her panties and jerk off i would....kind of thing

>By half
How does that even work?

Just imagine The World, but instead of stopping it slows everything in a 1:2 ratio.
8 minute mile to a 4 minute mile.

Gravity like falling goes slower, wind, the whole world. Only his body is the same in the time slower. Also due to this, his strength doubles. So say he long jumps usually only 20 feet, if he slows time and only comes out of it as soon as he gets of the air he'll go about 40, a little less though

Look at the first greentext after OP. Look at how original (as far as I know) that concept is. If everything was touched upon, by someone else, the poster of that green text, may as well not right their story. You retard.

u can b honest m8, you just dont like seeing those discouraging words, its not like its going anywhere... m8... use it as fuel... to fuel your fire, to succeed

Going for some of that YA cash eh?

I want her to kiss my feet in respect.

Sounds pretty good

> Man commits a bombing in a major city
> Afterwards he anonymously posts a manifesto explaining his motivation: the world has lost all meaning due to overexposure to media, technology, etc.
> Nobody notices his manifesto and a bunch of separate terrorist organizations claim responsibility for the bombing (ISIS, anarchists, etc.)
> Bomber gets pissed that no one is hearing his message and tries to draw attention to his manifesto by posting about it online
> Soon the police come to him
> He shits himself when he realizes that him trying to draw attention to the manifesto has put him in suspicion
> The police sit him down and tell him to "stop spreading rumors and false leads"
> Man is at first relieved that he's not going to be arrested but soon starts to get pissed that the police don't take his message seriously
> He has an awkward argument with the police where he tries to convince them that the manifesto is real but that he didn't write it
> Eventually the police let him go
> Three days later, he is walking through town when a bomb explodes and injures several people
> He dies in the hospital hours later
> The last chapter is a news article which states the the main character was the only fatality and that no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing

This is pretty good actually

>MC is an edgy teen at college
>he's actually pretty inteligent but also a weirdo and thus gets rejected by all his classmates
>reacts the edgy way to this and his classmates hate him even more, ends getting bullied slightly
>bully gradually intensifies, shit starts to get really serious
>hell in earth for the MC
>get to be friends with a gurl who's getting bullied as hard as him by the same group of ppl
>they get close and obviously end falling in love with each other
>actually happy with this gurl
>but bully doesn't stop
>MC really suffering and can't stand it anymore
>Figures out a nasty plan, kill the nice gurl to get the approvation of the bully popular group
>kills her
>works out... or not

Have been working on this for a few months now, what do you guts think? it is total shit?'s not awful but it would take a seriously compelling depiction of the MC's mental state and an actually resolved ending. The fact that the last two lines of the greentext have no information is not comforting.

Maybe it's just me but I don't understand the angle on bullying in college. Bullying happens in high school and lower because the kids are basically trapped with each other for 40+ hours a week and have super underdeveloped brains. If a kid gets bullied it's tough luck because he's still going to have class with them for the rest of the year and/or see them on the playground. Constant supervision keeps pushing the bully and bullied together. Also the bully doesn't have any other ways to get kicks than to keep being a jerk, etc.

In college there is no reason for this to happen. If person A is a jerk to person B then person B can just leave. Boom, bullying over. Also the people who were bullies can know get their rocks off any way they want and don't have to channel their frustrations out on some nerdy kid. They can just ignore him.

Obviously it still must happen in some rare situations but when I was in college everyone just kind of lives in their own circles. I didn't see roving gangs of jocks giving nerds wedgies.

>Igor runds a mink farm
>Igor goes bankrupt
>Igor decides to build a mink clad zeppelin and crashes it into an famous landmark

>MC is a man entering his 30s
>As a kid his stepfather was abusive
>Goes through life blaming him
>Finds out the dad he never knew is dead
>Makes MC resentful
>A year later he learns his stepfather is dying
>He begins to get "flashbacks" about his stepfather
>He is angry again
>Realizes for better or worse he was his only father figure
>Stepfather dies

Based Igor
Watch the world burn

Thanks for the feedback.

I agree for the most part of your arguments but that's exactly what I'm trying to archive actually, to show how the bullying it's not a thing from middle and highschool only, and how sometimes you see this anomaly happen in college.

Also yes, I'm working on the develop of MC mental illnes, and about the ending thing, I'm actually working on both, haven't decided wich one is best yet. Any suggestions on this?

This sounds literally terrible.

Find a new hobby

I'm just glad to get a response, friend. Would you mind elaborating on what you dislike about it? How would you improve it?

>Two vapid, competitve corporate attorneys can't stop having horrible violent hate sex while trying to undermine each others careers
>There are no underlaying feelings and things do not end up happy, they're just horrible people who do horrible things to each other

Decent concept, mate. With good prose, not letting it get too sappy, and vivid scenes of the abuse/moments of good fatherhood this could be cool.

I think you should have a secret ending chapter, where the manifesto is finally found, by parents, or whatever, and the connection is made in the news, and the manifesto is so bad and cringy that everyone just laughs, and bonds over it, the bombings stop, everyone across the world holds hands in laughter, marking the day of his death (or discovery) a world holiday, the darkness and meaningless fades and the world begins marching toward a pure, futuristic traditionalism utopia

>chapter in a book
What did he mean by this?

>Very small country in the Alps
>Decide to enter the Olympics so that they can become 'big'
>Have almost no infrastructure to do so
>the most athletic people in the country are the convicts
>enter them, why not?
>ex-king/president has to fool the olympic committee into thinking they're competent.
>convicts are going to trying to make a break for it during the games
>a false flag operation is going on and the hosting country is going to bomb the stadium to declare war
>only convicts notice something funny is going on because of criminal past/bored out of their minds
>meanwhile, the ex-king/president is trying to mingle with the bigger countries
>is mocked and degrated
>goes to get his team and go home, only to find his team awol
>kidnapped, country thinks he knows
>team is awol in service tunnels of stadium, trying to survive host's agents
>find president/ex-king
>end up actually doing athletics and saving the day
>president is fed up with trying to be big
>makes a scene, exposing the other country
>earns some respect
>becomes territory of larger country who was ok, but still retain their identity

It's supposed to be a Terry Pratchett/Confederacy of Dunces sort of thing.

Also, no one is named until the last chapter when two convicts are talking. Everyone is referred to by job/status.

what, youve never read the secret ending chapter of finnegan's wake, titled "Its Just A Prank Bro" ?

That'd be a pretty fun read

>Autistic guy who wears a box that looks like a robot in his head hasn't left his apartment for good knows how long
>Gets a letter from someone he used to know a long time ago....maybe (the actual content of the letter is undisclosed)
>Decides to get out of his apartment and heads out to were he was supposed to be
>To get to his destination he has pass some weird forest that may or may not be magical
>Think stalker the movie
>Then he has to take a bus
>I love buses for some reason and i don't know why
>While heading to the forest he meets a qt who also wants to get were she was supposed to be
>They decide to travel together since apparently the path that one has to cross to get through this forest is the same for everyone but the exit leads to where you were supposed to be
>When they enter the forest they find that something or someone is chasing them down
>They also find that entire communities have settled along the path they have to cross
>The people who live in these communities are the people who were afraid of finding the place they were supposed to be and they are not exactly friendly
>As our main character gets deeper and deeper into the forest he start to realize what his life is really like and how he allowed it get so fucked up
>Also bonds with qt
>Yadayadayada something about loneliness, yadayadayada something about chasing things that were (or perhaps not even that), yadayadayada nothingness, etc.
>At the end our character has an opportunity of changing the misery that he has been living in for the last couple of years, but due his obsessive desire for finding something more meaningful that is beyond himself, his past and his future, he exits the the maze that is the forest and fucks everything up for himself

>A boy's grandfather dies on that boy's birthday
>the funeral arrangements are all made so his funeral is held on the boy's birthday
>boy was fishing with a friend while this was happening
>fishing montage
>drives to the funeral
>driving montage, funeral scenes focusing less on dialogue, more on the boy's indifference towards his grandfather, but the effect it has on his father
>parents pick up boy to celebrate his birthday and simultaneously honor his grandpa
>birthday party that consists only of the boy, his sister, and his parents
>father needs to clear his head, suggests he and his son go fishing (forgot to mention they either love fishing/do it as a job cant decide which yet)
>fishing montage 2: electric boogalo that is cut short by the father's restlessness
>son comforts his father while a light wind picks up
>the father casts his reel again
>slowly transition away from the family, and into the slow stream, where salmon are beginning their journey back to the distant waterfall

Uh, o-of course I have, user. That's my f-favourite. Who hasn't? Bunch of pseuds in here, th-that's for sure. This place is r-riddled with em!

>>chapter in a book
>What did he mean by this?
You know like blooper reels after the credit of a movie? Have like a bunch of shit at the end, thanks, publishing info, etc., blank pages, images. and then a few pages, maybe even written in near white, or glow in the dark ink :^)

Really good, a great essence, hopefully you pull it off convincingly and compellingly. A lot of neat angles, and things going on, very noice.

>protagonist is a back-alley doctor to whom wounded criminals and other folks who can't go to a hospital are taken
>has "magic hands" and always manages to save the wounded fellow no matter how unlikely their chances to survival may seem
>became a back-alley doctor after losing his license in an unexplained past event but pretends he doesn't have a license because it's only valid in his country, as he is not American but residing in America
>a corrupt violent police officer starts pursuing his business to try and arrest MC, and asserts a fair deal of blackmail upon him
>the past story of the main character, as he works for a well-installed and nearly ideal hospital somewhere in New Mexico is told
>MC discovers a conspiracy happening in the hospital among a head surgeon and all of the nurses to conduct experiments on the comatose patients to poison and try to bring them back to life repeatedly, also harvesting and selling their organs if they stay dead
>ends up being forcefully taken into the conspiracy
>shit hits the fan and he is one of the main figures to be screwed of this
>rats everyone else out and escapes prison, loosing his license
>becomes back-alley doc in New Mexico
>as he is pondering murdering the officer who's after him, his past comes back to his door as he discovers one of the sociopath nurses is stalking him
>drastic measures and the necessity of taking lives ensue

This was supposed to be a dialogue-centric, very dark black comedy I wanted to write as a play, but I don't know if a novel would be better

>nameless narrator wakes up from a falling nightmare
>takes a shower, puts a gun in backpack, walks to school, keeps being sad, thinking about dumb shit
>goes to class, starts to trip balls a little bit while still being sad and loney
>eats lunch, plays piano, starts to trip balls hard
>goes to next class, super sad now
>walks home in the rain
>sits in the dark in apartment for a while, then leaves and buys beer
>drives to nature park
>walks around drinking beer, pondering suicide
>starts raining, drunk now, tripping balls
>walks back to car and starts to drive
>crashes into a ditch
>leaves abandoned car, walks back to town several miles away in the rain
>gets to town, goes to bar
>sits in a back corner drinky whisky
>hallucinates a conversation with a demon that tells him to kill himself
>leaves the bar, gives all his money to a homeless beggar on the street
>hallucinates some deformed spider creature chasing towards him
>fires gun into crowded street to kill the creature
>runs to abanonded building
>climbs to the top of the building fully tripping balls now
>stands around in the dark for a while, goes to window
>jumps out window
>the end

it's going to be the next great american novel.

If I could urge you to not even start writing that I'd be doing literature a huge favor

>young man graduates college with humanities degree
>gets job at father's law firm as assistant
>meets girl, gets somewhat serious
>girl dumps him because he lacks ambition, not independent from father
>sad for a while, considers maybe that he was trying to hard to meet father's expectations, decides to leave father's law firm and start business with shady friend from college
>eventually discovers ex was cheating on him whole time
>shady friend doesn't deliver on business plans, also fucks over protagonist
>protagonist considers that maybe he was actually trying too hard to meet expectations of ex gf and peers
>asks father for job back
>eventually discovers satisfaction in the law practice, gets law degree, moves up in the business
>relationship with father becomes closer all this time as well, whereas it was somewhat distant, with self imposed barriers while growing up
>finds new gf, gets married has kids
>tries to teach kids the importance of family in personal identity

I like it until the last two green texts

I think you can go with something much more interesting
That being said, i have no better ideas as of now.

wtf I love Israel now

>a young stoic man living in a big townhouse next to an imperial libary
>work in some kind of laboratory but i just describe the impressions of working there
>meets seperately two old friends from his military time
>one friend is like napoleon, the other one like René magritte
>he begins to suffer under the strong personalities and starts to work desperatly
>he discovers something, what he beleaves could be important
>the 3 start to get chased and it ends in 'tradegy'

Cecilio Don Arugulo is a latino cyber pimp in the year 2045, and after one of his girls goes missing he finds himself pulled into a massive international conspiracy.

that's all ill give away. this is the next great work of meme literature, after all

I like this, its modest

when is Abdiel gonna update already? Tomoyuki X Seiko was actually bretty gud

That sounds more like a short story than a novel.

> futuristic traditionalism

Cogent concept there, bruh

>Novelle about a southfrench fisherman that catch tellines in traditional way to grant quality
>tourism and greed in the neighboring city cause the tellines to shrink because they have no time to grow and dont get sorted out
>whole subjekt is just a Symbol for modern art and livestyle seen trough the eyes of the past (this will be not mentioned openly in the book)
>endchapter about how the fisherman carries his heavy telinaire (the tool he uses) on the back because he sold his house and his car
>He has a long way to go to the second neighboring town where his children live
And goes to sleep on theyr couch

>when a person is born they have a tether of flesh protruding from the back of their head
>it slowly grows as the child matures and will eventually fuse to what is most important to that person
>the tether can extend and stretch as far as it needs to, and is very flexible, meaning movement is not hindered
>it may also change what it is fused to throughout the persons life, the world is changed to accommodate all of this
>the main characters tether as far as he can remember, never fused with anything, it has constantly been stretching into the distance for his entire life
>after suffering the extreme trauma of the death of his dog, he journeys to discover what his tether is stretching towards

is this a half decent idea or have i finally lost my mind

it's already written, and is more than likely better than anything you have ever written, you fat disgusting virgin

A bfake biography of a fake writer

I'm so sorry, but yeah, you've finally lost your mind. Why the fuck is it flesh? Make it fantastical and make the tether some magic thing, not head flesh, not nonsense Pynchonian hell-taffy that's going to get tangled everywhere and result in arduous hijinks.

The death of his dog is a stupid complication, too.

i dont really like the idea of making them ethereal or magical, but to each their own i guess
and the death of his dog is his motivation for his journey. he considered it to be the most important thing in his life, but apparently that cant be true if thats not what he was fused to

dig it. Definitely better as novel (and a film, has a no country for old men vibe, there is a lot going on, and a bit of that tv show 'weeds') than play, play would suck all the life out of it, and all the descriptive language you can use etc.

Try to publish, I'll buy it. It's absurdist and a good plot. Take it off here so no one steels it

oh noes!

i'll be next

you again?
holy shit, stop posting on Veeky Forums and write it already ffs

i'm in

I fucking love time based fantasy stories. That's why I'm very critical with them. Even if its fantasy, I would encourage your to ground that idea a little more.

>Bourgeois Parisian 18yo kid sells drugs to other kids
>He is popular, has a girlfriend, is a good student and leads a perfectly comfortable life.
>His best friend just got out of rehab
>Being an asshole, our hero makes his best friend relapse
>He also cheats on his girlfriend, usually with a prostitute who hides his drugs.
>After some party, the main character and his best friend have a car accident.
>His best friend dies. Our main character survives
>He's crippled by guilt. His girlfriend also realizes he cheated on her. She leaves him.
>Our hero is still well liked. He sleeps around a lot.
>He overdoses on his own drugs.
>He eventually goes to rehab.
>He gets out. Tries to get his girlfriend back. They have a conversation, she rejects him.
>Novel ends on an ambiguous note. We don't know if the main character is going to relapse or if he'll be able to live a normal life.

I am forced to the conclusion that your MC is stumbling over wayward testicles everywhere he goes. Is this the future of absurdist literature?


How do you get Israeli from mexican navajoian asian/korean ecuadorian eskimoian hondurian 2% ukranian

>incase you are attempting to make fun of me because you falsely perceive an incompatibility
>futuristic traditionalism
>Cogent concept there, bruh
>Traditionalism was started way way back in the past
>There are people today who believe in and claim to be and think it is good to hold traditional values
>In relation to when Traditionalism was started, according to the current year, it is now currently, the futuristic future
>cogent indeed, my bruvski

>Novel is set in the far future. First wave of space colonization occured 1500 years ago. That space faring society collapsed into a new dark age, civilization is resparked on a continental earth like world.
>Protagonist is a naval officer on board a frigate voidcraft during this second age of space colonisation.
>centuries ago, earth was annihilated by an accidental impact of a craft entering an emergency FTL jump.
>Story takes breaks to explore earlier memories of the MC.
>English exists much like Latin did, as a dead language for studying ancient texts.
>MC patrols space encountering deserted outposts from first colonisation.
>Visits earth to explore the strangeness of learning his history from a world he has never seen until now.
>Reflects on why those civilizations collapsed and whether his civilization will too.
>During a patrol, ship is attacked by revolutionaries who dislike his nation's presence in their space.
>Becomes the captain of his frigate.
>Decides to FTL to a continental world on far fringe of perseus arm.
>releases a false emergency beacon to trick nation that ship has been destroyed.
>Mutinies with crew to settle on world.
I haven't quite figured out how to write it, but I will.

Its good. But you are implying the ending, is that it is tethered to the grave plot where his dog is buried?

I mean, you have definitely been watching a lot of anime right

I hate that premise.
In all honesty, it's disturbing in its absurdity.
The first time I heard it was late one night after having recently experienced a horrific existential crisis.
The idea of these two people who are so unaware and uncaring in their pointless contact with a parallel universe, in pursuit of a love which is right in front of them, is somehow sickening to me on a very deep level.

>white man watches too much cuck porn
>convinces wife to cuck him
>she does
>has sex with black bull
>a month goes by
>cuck becomes frustrated
>next time bull comes over tries to sex wife
>kills bull and wife in bout of rage
>now has to hide the bodies and continue daily life without being found out

it's a pasta you newbies, fuck off

>Alt universe holy crusades where the fight is getting so desperated that clergymen were getting conscripted to fight.
>run out of clergymen
>start sending out bishops and other more important men of the faith
>Main Character is one such bishop
>Starts silently questioning his faith after seeing all the bloodshed. He can't believe that the same benevolent god he read about in the bible could give the order to spill the blood of others that also believe in him
>he begins to ponder why god would have them kill for the holy land if it belonged to them.
>comes back from the battle for reasons I haven't worked out yet
>ends up voicing his doubt to the wrong person
>kills the pope

>inb4 le athiest fedora tippan
I'm a catholic

A bishop who knows and believes in the God of the Old Testament would have zero issues with that same God sending people to kill each other or sending people to fight for their holy land.

i only have a vague idea of where its tethered
and fuck, there isnt an anime thats already done something like this is there?

is it based on real events, minus the two last sentences?

Good but the drafting clergymen seems like a faulty concept, since they'd probably just send more commoners and gentry. Do what you want tho op.

>Starts silently questioning his faith after seeing all the bloodshed. He can't believe that the same benevolent god he read about in the bible could give the order to spill the blood of others that also believe in him
>he begins to ponder why god would have them kill for the holy land if it belonged to them.
Have you read the bible?

I am still working on the ideas and haven't written anything 'hard' yet but here goes. Basically, it's a number of small novellas cemented together, set in a fantasy world. Sorry for formatting, on my phone.

>A pantheon of gods forms, similar to the Greek gods in terms of personality, rivalries, alliances, power and human qualities. There are roughly 800 of them.
>They are not omniscient, omnipotent, etc; some do come rather close however.
>Initially, they create for themselves a paradise to live in. They give themselves physical humanoid forms.
>After a very very long time of doing whatever they want - whether it be getting astronomically drunk, inventing things, quarrelling, or spending years having crazy sex - the gods discover they are incredibly bored.
>This boredom is common between them all so in a very rare occurrence they work together to find a solution.
>The result is a tabletop role-playing game.
>It is immense in size and complexity. The board is a simulated solar system, complete with an earth-sized planet. The rules consist mostly of the laws of physics and chemistry, among other things. The planet is in constant evolution from prehistory to the equivalent of the Middle Ages which is where our stories take place.
>There is no DM - the world is self-sufficient and in the eyes of its populace the real universe. It has its own history, countries, monsters, and nature. All gods have agreed to play by the rules or be kicked for thousands of years.
>Each God can control any character they like. Some choose animals, others take kings, others take soldiers. Everything else in the world is considered to be an NPC in the eyes of the pantheon.
>The book's plot revolves around the rivalries between two God-blocs within the pantheon as they attempt to thwart each other inside the game. More specifically, most of the book is short stories about many different player's characters and their adventures.
>As its really a board game, it comes complete with players being asses and doing stupid shit, while the simulated world tries to cope and comprehend it. Other times good-willed players will help the inhabitants in their problems and wars.

It sounds cheesy when I put it like this but within the world it exists in the same way as Tamriel, Middle Earth etc do. It isn't a clusterfuck of 'le game references!!!'.

A sort of traveling "televangelist" but set in a fantasy world where gods do exist but pay very little attention to this guy.

A serie of stories happening during one warm autumn day in Helsinki
>First: A deeply religious and demented old man taking care of his paralyzed son, the tone is light and comical
>Second: A man is woken up hungover in the betonsuburbs by a talking hedgehog and they discuss their differences and lifechoices with the hedgehog coming on top in the discussion and in the end burying the man under leaves for winter as a man watches the scene from a street
>Third: Two men are are having extremely pseudo discussions, mostly comprised of quotes by wiser men, but they also show creativeness by telling eachother stories in a café, until the other tells a story which has a story inside it which has a story inside it etc. until a story told is their reality, and after realizing that, the cafe goes quiet and they notice that all the people have gone away from the restaurant after which the other man also disappears, leaving the other man alone to walk home
>Fourth: A con man considers what he has seen and done today (he sold fraud insurance to the jolly dementic of the beginning, saw a man buried by a hedgehog, people behaving abnormally) and decides to take a walk
>On his walk through the centrum of the city there is a huge traffic and a lot of people walking around hastily and looking worried, but it is strangely silent.
>A man is selling religious things (candels with Jesus etc.), but nobodies buying so the seller stops the con man for a chat.
>They discuss the happening and religion, showing that the "messenger of god" is a fraud too and the fraud also notices that the con man is not really an insurance man either.
>They take a walk to the Olympic stadium and note many more things happening around them, such as birds dying from flight and dropping down, making the fraud nervous.
>The frauds nervousness spreads to the con man, but he grows furious with the weakness that the fraud is showing and kills him by hitting his head with a metal pipe until it's pulp, then, calmly goes to Kaivopuisto, strips naked and goes to swim in the ocean.
>Fifth: A lonely and emotionless cashier gets off his work, gets drunk, harasses people that have been kind to him and goes to his home fortifying himself in by blocking the windows and doors with planks and furniture.
>Through the night he remembers times when he, in his private social games, won over other people and between puking and short sequences of sleep he grows increasingly cold and clinical about himself, his surroundings, things that are happening and things that have happened, building a certain cold nihilistic feel.
>When he wakes up, it is absolutely dark and he cannot tell what the time is and as he feels his way through the darkness he starts to notice that things aren't the way they used to be in his room. In the end he tears out the planks from the windows but everything is black and cold outside too, he can only see his reflection in the window

A story of an average guy, living his last high school year (not my diary desu, pinky promise)

He is pretty silent and values humility, which gives him an air of honor which others respect
It's mostly because he sees himself as a shepherd and tries to handle other people without being condescending while behind his words he feels he is slightly superior to others
However, his role has created him obstacles. He is too cold and calm to enjoy parties or to establish close relationships, despite attemps at befriending people. When an intelligent girl he has grown fond of is picked right from under his nose by a small, moustached man with strong glasses, he comes to revalue his lifechoices and tries to prove himself that he wasn't wrong about who he was.
In school, the last tests are behind the corner and he must concentrate on them.
On the bus, he sees the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Later he finds out they are in the same school and seeks her name.
A week before the test he goes to a party, where he finds the girl and goes to chat with her. He is absolutely lost with the girl, he has never felt like this. He hangs out with her and she shows signs of interest.
He rushes through the tests, not really caring about them.
Spring comes along and soon they will have the ending ceremonies. He finds the girl running off with many boys, pretending she doesn't even know him. He tries to take solace in his books, but with the sun out, he feels drawn to the outside world. The test results come and he has barely passed them.
In the spring ceremony, after which they are relieved high school, there are titles given out (Best teacher, hottest girl etc.) and when there are titles of titles of "Cleverest person" and "The schools nicest person" he secretly hopes he would be recognized, but he is served a humiliation as the girl he was fond picks the first and her boyfriend the latter.
During the evening parties there is shot chess and he ends up playing against the beautiful girls new partner, a popular and loud person whom the narrator has made many negative remarks throughout the book. He has considered himself an experienced player, but is completely outplayed in front of all the people in the school, who take it as a sort of victory for "their guy"
Filled with impotent rage over his revealed mediocrity, he drunkenly starts raving how shit everyone in their high school was and how he's glad he wont see any of them. Everybody is very condescending towards him "Don't take it so seriously", until he is thrown out by the only friend he got from the whole school. He passes out on the sidewalk in the cool spring rain.
The book ends with bitter remarks over how there is no dignified in humility and silence, as it is better to be arrogant and loud, hated and loved than to live as already dead. The narrator concludes that he has trapped himself in his character, which he continues to play with no determination in the worklife.

Sounds interesting


>he secretly hopes he would be recognized
I'm not gonna say I haven't felt this but seriously
Was it autism?

Is shot chess really a thing during HS parties ?

this, kek

just make him fuck up an all in bluff in poker or something

>pleb tier westerners don't play shot chess in high school
I bet you didn't even play it with your dad as a kid

>man tries to get into art school
>decides he would try a political career instead
>tries to force his way to the top but fails
>gets arrested
>writes a book describing his experiences, and the ideals of his nation
>gets released
>gets into power through democracy this time
>tries to conquer the world
>kills himself
Your thoughts?

he should flea to argentina instead

That's more than a short hop away.

I really wish that this book existed. Well written, this book could have been the YA novel of the millennia.

Loads of bullying happens in military institutions, even in medical military colleges. At least in my country.

i'd say he definitely did everything right