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House Of Leaves
Read it years ago, recommended it to everyone. Don't know if I would want to slog through it again, but I thought it was brilliant.
in order to truly appreciate this book you need to find it in a stairwell or some shit. Me, I love Danielewski's vision so much that I've bought hundreds of copies. I take each copy and rip the covers off, then I black out everything on the title pages, and every page number. After you have to bind the whole thing in electrical tape, or loose staples, or carpenter nails. You can't give yourself a mystery, so I give others mystery by hiding these unmarked copies throughout my city. I am doing god's work
Jesus finding that randomly would be weird.
I feel about the same. I'm glad to have read it but it was probably because of when I did and I doubt I'd enjoy a retread.
Really liked it.
I haven't read extensively as others you will find here but I think it is a unique experience.
That would be weird as fuck
Horrible, unoriginal to a comical level. It's very funny to know that everything he did was done better before.
What the fuck was even the point.
It's a Tarantino flick at best.
The author is a perverted old cuck who uses social justice to try and have sex with deluded young female fans who think he's a genius, when he's really just a pretentious Stephen King/Charles Dickins hybrid.
I genuinely enjoyed house of leaves, but I find myself unable to get into anything he wrote after it.
I dislike how he started putting more focus on making something that was difficult to read in a literal sense rather than making a story that makes you want to trudge through the typographical bullshit.
I read it in high school but I was a pleb and stopped paying attention to the Johnny storyline about halfway through since I didn't like it. The Navidson Record was pretty cool though. I loved the chapter on the SOS signal
Currently reading
There's nothing wrong with that
Would have been a brilliant book if a better writer had attempted it. A lot of the writing in this thing is really cringeworthy, especially the Johnny Truant sections.
I liked The Fifty Year Sword or whatever it was. Only Revolutions was a bit funny at times...haven't started The Familiar yet, but I do have Volume 1.
ordering it this week because book club with friend
along with fifty thousand other books! so excited >.
Old school typewriter ASCII
i've read the first like 200 pages two or three times then for some reason get sidetracked or lose steam and end up not finishing.
pls motivate me to finish this book lit
The Johnny Truant narrative is underrated, the part where he finds out his life has already been written down was the biggest mindfuck in the entire book.
... um.. i'm gonna pretend i didn't read that..
It's enjoyable but there's just so much I felt tired after a few pages everytime I read it. Worth it though.
The first 1/4th is legitimately creepy and very good
The next 1/4th is bretty gud
The rest of the book kinda falls apart under the weight of its own ambition, but I am glad that I read it and I would still recommend the book to people
Damn. Best book ever if that's how you found it
I'm gonna have to buy a copy and do something similar
I liked it.
The part where Navidson takes a sabbatical isn't so great (since it focuses mostly on Karen) but the ending is p. decent.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I got sidetracked and felt like reading something lighter every now and then just to break up the dense misery of that book, but I really did enjoy it. I looked at another book of his I saw in a store and somehow it just immediately felt like too much typography. Oh well
Reminded me of a less erudite Jorge Luis Borges with the ability to sustain a thought for longer than 12 pages.
I thought it was great. HOWEVER, i though Johnny's part took way too much space, after finishing the book i honestly wish i had just ignored Johnny's story and focused on the other parts since Johnny's plot just took me out of the atmosphere completely.
Got it for three quid in a used book shop but I'm yet to read it, reading these responses it seems to be a pretty worthwhile purchase.