I took a political alignment test (ethics, specifically) and I ended up matching 100% with this old bag of bones
Where do I start with Hobbes? Is there anything I should read prior? Is his work very difficult?
I took a political alignment test (ethics, specifically) and I ended up matching 100% with this old bag of bones
Where do I start with Hobbes? Is there anything I should read prior? Is his work very difficult?
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God damn, the more I read about his views the more surprised I am I haven't read him before
I'm having a hard time finding things we disagree on
What test did you take?
>100% with Hobbes
You must be a real sort of asshole. Do you have any friends at all?
Heads up though, it's a terrible test
I have a few close friends and a partner, user
Please don't be rude
Start with De Cive (On the Citizen in English), Cambridge Texts in Political Thought is that best edition. Then move onto his magnum opus Leviathan.
And yes, Hobbes is 10/10
Thank you, user! Should I be expecting a lot of work reading these? I'm no stranger to dense work but I'm also an incredibly slow reader regardless of difficulty
The modern world STILL operates according to Hobbes' ideas.
You know what you must do, OP.
You must become the Leviathan.
You must become the State.
I promise you I will
In De Cive Hobbes uses a geometric method ala Descartes, which might be confusing at first but fairly clear once you get the hang of it.
>tfw got 100% St. Augustine
Although I wasn't trying very hard. Feel like I should sit down and actually think about those questions first.
Did Hobbes understand the significance of these quints?
Got 100% John Stuart Mill and 98% Ayn Rand
Read your Greek, Roman, and English history. Especially read Thucydides. Hobbes translated it after all.
Probably not actually
>matching 100% with an astrologist who said that not really being all that crazy about the chick you're boffing perpetuates evil
I got Kant and im kinda sad about it
Post the link
>check 'Doesn't matter/Dislike all answer choices' for every question
>mark all as 'High Priority'
>100% Thomas Aquinas
Well fuck.
This post made me laugh harder than it should have
I disagree with Hobbes on several things, but I still think he's great. Leviathan is definitely one of the best philosophical works in the English language.
>100% Kant and 100% Aquinas
Can both even be synthesised?
You are now aware that Thomas Hobbes is an anagram for SMASH THE BOOB
>Now I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark.
Best last words ever?
>Implying most people SHOULDN'T listen to an arbitrary ruler
based augustine
Kant, Aquinas.
Augustine, Aristotle, Aquinas, kinda surprised me
>100% Aquinas
>0% Rousseau
Not bad
Augustine and Plato. Nice.
Based Augustine.
Jean-Paul Sartre (100%)
Ayn Rand (84%)
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (77%)
Not familiar with Sartre. What does it mean?
Kind of means you're a douchebag, honestly. Also:
>Ayn Rand
Are there a bunch of theists on Veeky Forums or can you land on Augustine and Aquinas just because of similar ethics
Veeky Forums is a Catholic board.
Veeky Forums is a Catholic Marxist board
t. protestant
Muslim :^)
>100% Nietzsche
I tip my fedora to you lastmen
I did the "doesn't matter" answer for every single question and got 100℅ Thomas Aquinas....
Well, nothing matters but the face of God after all.
>Aristotle (100%)
>Jean-Paul Sartre (88%)
>Ayn Rand (85%)
>Thomas Aquinas (68%)
>Immanuel Kant (66%)
>John Stuart Mill (65%)
What sort of Absolutist relativistic abomination am I?
holy shit, witnessed
Why did I get 100% Epicureans
same here, was not expecting this
Found the bluepilled Rosseau apologist.
Hobbes is a faggot
>m-muh social contract
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (100%)
William of Ockham (85%)
St. Augustine (84%)
Jean-Paul Sartre (82%)
David Hume (78%)
I got kant
U mad consequentialists? ?
And let me guess.... (you) are going to be the king/chief central planner in your authoritarian utopia??
It's a decent test.
>Ayn Rand
What did they mean by this??
>I took a political alignment test (ethics, specifically)
It's not a political test, it's an ethics test. Politics is a proper subset of ethics.
The best political system is limited government headed by a hereditary king while the economy is run by self-organised guilds and other forms of cooperatives. FIGHT ME
>Your top result is
Jean-Paul Sartre
what does this mean lads?
am I a cuck?
That you probably wanna read the Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle inspired Aquinas after all.
Yes, redpilled philosophers are Nietzsche, Rand and Hobbes. Those need to rank higher.
Sartre as 100% match,
I like it because i'm currently very much into his works
Nice test 5/5
Jesus fucking shit Veeky Forums, remember when you were a Marxist board? reading the greeks turned you into reactionary traditionalists.
Fuck offerino.
what's wrong with wanting to stop the moral decay of current western civilization brought by the (((elite)))?
Fucking nice dude
>quoting literally the only thing he knows about Hobbes and dismissing it because he thinks it makes him sound intelligent
Veeky Forums
Sartre is the ultimate boss. Check this for a short insight. marxists.org
you're not wrong
the limits have to be a function of self-restraint though rather than a constitution. build trust to avoid problems related to sovereign debt etc. dont act capriciously.
I view myself politically as a capitalist/libertarian, but still 100% with Sartre.
What's wrong with me?
>limited government headed by a hereditary king while the economy is run by self-organised guilds and other forms of cooperatives
This is called Catholicism.
Honestly I think that Sartre's political views were not consequent with his ideas on man in general. He just wanted to be a communist comrade but his philosophy doesn't provide grounds for that.
truly, there is a god
This test is shit. It gives me Aquineas 100%, Bentham and Spinoza.
Haven't read Aquineas, but I dislike Bentham, and think Spinoza is right but of lesser importance.
Meanwhile my favourite philosopher, Hume, has 20% of what I have, and yet I agree with most of his findings.
Either the test severely lacks the nuance required for philosophy, or the people who made it have completely misunderstood Hume.
How are we the only Platos?
And 34% William James! Ffs I love William James
Bentham and Mill. Wasn't expecting that.
You can agree with a philosophic finding and not subscribe to it.
So this is what you get if you answer "Doesn't matter/dislike all above answers" for every question. I guess Aquinas was just on that next level ethics.
Stop projecting
Mercantilism fucking sucked
I DO subscribe to Hume though, but then again I agree with Witt that many of philosophers' supposed differences are simply semantic squabbling and an unwillingness to understand each other.
Only one I really disagree with is Kant. and even then I don't think he's generally wrong, just inefficient in how he sees the world (same applies to Hegel)
That's the point.
And nobles approximate to bishops
And many academics subscribe to Marx while enjoying their umteenth bottle of champagne.
Most of the terrors of that age (Holy Roman Empire yeah?) were plague-induced. Can't really blame the political system for medical backwardness.
Plato was high for me but not first. I got Kant even though I btfo of the question about the categorical imperative. I think the test doesnt count 'new testament' answers towards Plato which is dumb.
Ah, now you've named a philosopher I objectively don't subscribe to. But Marx talks about a system that'd require violence to establish, you can subscribe to the belief that the system would be good, but decline the sacrifices necessary to establish it, that's perfectly consistent.
Got 100% with John Stuart Mills. Any suggestions?
>implying there's some kind of paradox here
Being a Marxist means you have specific set economic positions. Has nothing to do with whether you drink champagne or not.