How do you stop procrastinating?

How do you stop procrastinating?
How do you get in the mood to study?
How do you stop getting distracted?

Other urls found in this thread:

Work on conditioning your brain. Literally, you have to brainwash yourself into it; there's no other way. You choose how you do it. Meditation works for focus and will improve your reading/studying stamina. Become a brain athlete. Take Ritalin for a boost here and there.

You can't because your poor genes and low IQ prevent you from doing so. Sorry.

Try masturbating after doing something productive, your brain will associate completing work with pleasure. After a while you'll receive the same stimulus (although much lesser) without the need for masturbation.

I reward myself with burgers.

I used to be really fucking fat. At my peak I weighed around 90Kg at the age of 14.
I knew how to lose weight, stop stuffing my fucking face. But I couldn't and I still can't. but i lost weight and I'm no longer fat.

How? If you can cannot resist temptation you must live in an environment without temptation.
And I use the same technique for studying. I always go to the library, I'm there almost daily for hours.
I turn off my phone, switched to linux to stop playing games, try to print out as much as possible to work offline(also helped with memory since you're not relying on easy digital search features). ect...

I don't believe in motivation.

I'll tell you later...

Play eurobeat very loudly.

What is 78? I don't get it

I don't know, why do you think I'm here instead of studying..

I read as much I can of an article or book on my subject, probably lose interest in an hour or less, give up

Next day I repeat the process, probably lasting more hours

By day five I'm probably carried away by reading and making notes

Quit being a little bitch and do it

The number of times I fucked ur mom

>Having sex with women

Does this actually work??


Listen to lo fi hip hop/classical/chill music, drink a coffee, and put the work in front of you.

The other day i had to marathon for 12 hours to finish my final project in Digital logic design and putting myself in an atmosphere like that gets me going

>put on music
>drink coffee
>put work in front of you
>alt-tab to Veeky Forums
It's getting pretty pathetic with me lately. Fuck.

Dont procrastinate and take this 1 question poll to help a friend of mine for a research project. Its about teeth brushing.

>How do you stop procrastinating?
>How do you get in the mood to study?
>How do you stop getting distracted?

>have to log in with facebook
thanks but no thanks

Wake up at the beginning of everyday, and make your bed.

You might be able to circumvent that by telling yourself that after you do x amount of work, you'll allow yourself to go on Veeky Forums, and then once you get the momentum you don't stop.

It's more about self control and making the studying a habit. It's not the actual studying that's hard, it's doing it every day/ every time you need to

This guy gets it.

Yea I know that. It's even better than that because if I have all my work done I will do fun and interesting things, but when I'm procrastinating I'm just dicking about on the internet.
Guess I'll just get to work then.

But dad, that number seem unusually low for 15 years of marriage

Pomodoro technique
When the timer starts, you start
If you get distracted, restart the timer
Don't stop until you can get through a single 25 minute period without being distracted

I usually just pause the captcha when I get distracted