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Science #91
What are the most anti-brainlet hobbies? I want to optimize my brain's capabilities...
Why don't biologists recognize subspecies in humans?
Calc 2
How can our hands clap together if they have to cover an infinite amount of steps? i get that each step is halved...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
London to NY on a rocket will take 29 minutes
If information is never destroyed, is possible to analyze the entire history of the universe with hypothetical...
But whats the sped of dark?
Is time infinite?
What do you think about concept of consciousness...
Unis should ban premeds
/sci, I have a question. Why do I hate other human beings...
Machine Learning General - good papers edition
Consciousnesses is literally just the firing of neurons and chemical reactions right?
Anyone here study Geology? What's it like and is it comfy? What are field trips like...
Fuck I'm really confused. Can anyone help?
How come that most unhealthy foods are more fun to eat than nutritiously rich ones
Scale of the Universe
What age would you say is too old to go to university? What is the cutoff?
Is there any hard evidence that dinosaurs "evolved" into birds? Besides them sharing certain bio-mechanical structures...
What are some good intro category theory texts?
C programm wtf ?.???
How does the Afghan Hound know to hold its breath underwater?
What mnemonic techniques does Veeky Forums value?
I was talking with my philosophy teacher about determinism...
What's the difference between "Science!" and "science"?
Is chess really an anti-brainlet game/hobby or is it just a useless waste of time that could be better spent reading?
Does listening to Mozart while studying really lead to better grades? Has anyone tried this?
Does Veeky Forums do drugs or abuse alcohol?
Why are Asians so much better in STEM fields than other races?
Outside of the most likely answer being that humans are the only intelligent species in the galactic cluster are there...
Whats worse then being burried alive?
Live in Ontario Canada
Who's your science or mathematics waifu? What's her name Veeky Forums and what does she do specifically?
ALL i wanted to do was be a scientist, Veeky Forums. Thats all ive ever wanted to do but i fucked myself over...
Just got 88 in my physics 2 exam where the class average was 4, and highest score 91...
Is it possible to feel which part of your brain a thought originates from? I often sense such a location...
Why do doctors have to be fucking smart?
Taking CS
What are the top five professional jobs that will likely be mostly automated over the next 50 years?
James Webb Telescope launch delayed; now to launch in 2019
If 0.999... = 1 then [0,1) has an upper bound of 1...
Why is it such a fucking pain to get into medical school...
Why doesn't MEDICINE has it's own thread in Veeky Forums?
What did evolution mean by this?
Kloss and the Dunning–Kruger effect:
Any of you autists taken ukcat? What did you score and did you get in? Also, what were your GCSE and A-level results?
Professor ignorance thread
List and expound on some common traits and behaviours of brainlets
Name up to 10 signs by which you can determine whether an individual is of above average intelligence
You get in a car crash that's not your fault and you couldn't have avoided
You have 5 seconds to respond
Is genetic engineering and "designer babies" a meme Veeky Forums...
Are the "I feel like Rick" posts just a meme?
Are computer science students to mathematicians like engineers are to physicists...
Can you help me solve the starmaze?
Study probability
Be passionate for science
Alright Veeky Forums so like, which one is it?
Why is Waterloo ranked so low? I know rankings are bullshit but like this is so way off from what I thought it would be...
Red pill me on Grothendieck
Von Neumann, Feynman and Ulam
No fuckin' way, sons
"nothingness" can't exist therefore there was always something. prove me wrong
If you can solve this you are a genius
This guy is 196 cm tall
What do you do and how much do you make?
Gender Studies are a hard science. Prove me wrong
Are women simply biologically inferior to do STEM?
Can any physicist tell me what Gravity is?
Who are your favorite thinkers, Veeky Forums?
Do you guys really hate doctors and medical students? Why?
Veeky Forums feels thread?
Artifial Intelligence
The highly rumoured new LIGO discovery is apparently being announced today at 12:30pm EST
After learning about the double slit experiment...
Post your best biology memes
Meme imaginary numbers were invented for problems like:
You guys are always saying that being religious is "following the masses and respecting the thoughts of a superior"
Sci joke thread
Why do all sorts of FTL travel equal time travel?
Why do the planets orbit on a plane?
Could a megastructure like this exist, a "world eater?" If not, how could we create a "world eater" like structure...
Pop Quiz
A..user, is your math good enough to go to the same university with me?
Medical Tourism: Stem Cell Edition
So...? i'm waiting
Brainlet here
Is there a scientific reason why the black crime gap is so large?
/mg/ - Math general
How do I know if I'm getting close to death? anything to look out for?
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction...
U are stupid
John Nash
How are there still people that believe the Earth is flat in modern society? Anyone who believes it...
Veeky Forums BTFO
Barcking docs
Whats the consensus on the flu shot?
Is political science a real science? Think about it, they use the scientific method to find knowledge...
Flat Earth Bob
Asked this question no one in Sci no one could answer
How many different values can the function return?
Does Veeky Forums agree with Jim Carrey's views on consciousness and the self?
How many of the red balls can fit in this bucket?
I know this might sound like a silly troll quesion but I am serious:
Scientifically speaking, how can someone be racist if races don't exist?
How far above the surface of the planet do you have to be in order to see that it is spherical?
Chicks dig smart guys after all
Is he legit? or a hack?
How the fuck is the series 1-1+1-1+1-1.... divergent?
Shit teachers
“Set theory is wrong” and nonsensical (PR §174), says Wittgenstein...
99% of people can't prove this for real a,b,epsilon
He's right you know
What's the sequel to this?
Does PHENOTYPE correlate with IQ?
How did schizophrenia survive through the process of natural selection...
What is keeping women out of STEM fields, Veeky Forums? Is it cultural? Or is it genetic?
Someone explain pls
Veeky Forums in a nutshell
"Holistic math"
What do you do after lectures?
Chemicals just sort of came together creating the first life forms
Is there any manga or anime that teaches or motivates you about science...
Is there any basis to the theory that the earth is flat? If so, why spend so much time resources hiding the dome?
How to wake
Space Mission
Name the
Why isn't Katherine Johnson in the discussion
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
At what age did you prove tan - 1x Veeky Forums?
4g/5g causes cancer
Being so retarded that you can't solve this
Question about evolution
Is there any particular reason this isn't feasible?
Just broke a small tritium vial, and got a good deep breath in directly adjacent to it
This piece of shit will be holding back sciences for the next one hundred years
Alcubierre Warp Drive
You do realize that the only reason you value being intelligent is because you're not a Chad, right?
What evidence is there of police bias against blacks?
Anyone else give up on math as soon as complex numbers came into the picture?
Does Veeky Forums listen to music whilst studying? Or do you prefer silence?
When did you realize doing mathematics is really just doing nothing...
How many dice are in this bin?
How can one maximize brain potential or improve it
Cum in a tiny jar
Testing AI's in video games
What do you get in you add an infinite number of sine waves, each with a unique frequency...
Which deceased mathematician would make the greatest contributions to modern mathematics if they were magically...
How do we get more people to study gerontology? Nobody wants to die, but everyone's okay with it for some reason...
The Black Swan
There's too much to learn and not enough time in a single lifetime
Is there anything to evolutionary psychology besides "we're social animals because we're primates" and "we submit to...
Why humanity progressed so much in the past 300 years compared to the past 10.000?
Is being a codemonkey really THAT bad?
Math as language of the universe
String theory
Why do we STILL not have space colonies...
Autodidact and Structured Mathematics Education
Anyone else find it hard to date when you're a STEM student?
Is Neil degraded Tyson similar to john Von neumann
Veeky Forums is the idea of a "vacuous" truth just bogus...
Can you solve this for me and explain
Can Africans ever have a genius iq
IQ test
What kind of research would you be funding right now if you were a multi-billionaire? asking for a professor
What's the evolutionary advantage of death?
Religion ad science is the same thing
Is Climate Change real or fake?
"A team of Scientists" "A team of researchers" "Scientists say" "Researchers say"
Nigga what
She's not even 25 and already a new Einstein, and what THE FUCK have you done with your life?
You have 10 seconds to provide a logical explanation as to why you aren't using meth to become an ubermensch
Verify: Insulin Cheaper in Canada
Wikipedia tells me that Homo Habilis left Africa about 1.75 myo and eventually became Neanderthals in Europe...
Engineered Brainlet Theory
Tfw normally a brainlet, but suddenly intuited calculus while on LSD after years of math failure
Harvard vs Princeton for Undergrad in Physics + Computer Science?
This board
What's Veeky Forums opinion about September 23 and subsequent tribulation predictions?
Level of Math for Biology
Is there a scientific explain as to why fair skinned women are universally found attractive?
Manlet cure in sight
Are people who listen to music while studying brainlets?
Flat earthers
Fun ways to sample items?
Unsafest Engineering
Meyer Briggs Test
Give me your best engineer memes
Does anyone else wonder why nobody else seems to realize how weird it is that there is anything at all?
Extraterrestrial life
What could stop entropy?
I'm a climate change skeptic
Holy fuck, is this real life?
/mg/ math general
There was probably an alien civilization millions of years ago on another planet that became as advanced as our...
I submitted a philosophy of science (theoretical physics) paper on Bell's Theorem to a high ranking journal
Asking all resident math experts
So, do engineers really make less than "real mathematicians" or are you anons just cherrypicking data?
Is CS science or math?
Who are the best Veeky Forums core youtubers?
Uni Thread
Will we ever figure out how to alter people's bodies "at-will" in any way possible?
ITT- Meme future technology that only popsci brainlets obsess over
What are the signs of high IQ?
Natural disasters
Have you ever experienced something you can't explain?
No bullshit I'm not joking
Using rockets to reach space
People say that division by zero is not defined. Well, now I define it
10000 hour myth? Genetics? Early exposure?
Does IQ matter in physics?
Is it possible to solve a system of 4 Unknown variables, given ONLY 3 equations?
How's your research going, Veeky Forums?
32, did bad in high school due to laziness and bad teachers
STEM Bachelor's degrees in 6 textbooks
Negative light speed
Veeky Forums, whats 0 divided by 0?
How much of Nanotech is hype?
Scientists Destroy Life With New Experiment
HAHAHAHAHAH anti science bigots btfo!
I started smoking weed in middle school
Deer Veeky Forums...
Do you guys really believe that the Universe spontaneously erupted from a singularity with no outside influence...
Kinetic Impact Weapons
Black to mate in two
Is there anyone on Veeky Forums without genius IQ who excelled in university just by studying hard?
If you could pick one scientific breakthrough to happen that
Can you solve this test Veeky Forums?
When did you first realize you were significantly smarter than everyone else?
Getting two degrees cum laude
Can we use high school math to determine when america will go to a default?
How do we eradicate the bottom half of the population with sub 100 IQs without causing a social uprising against the...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
What effect has the mass of the sun on the photon's it produces?
The phenotype meme literally destroyed my life
How do I get a doctor to give me a full body MRI just so I can get an idea of what's going on inside of me...
Is a Finance degree technically STEM?
Both science and god?
Hey Veeky Forums first time visiter here and had a question for you. What is the sole purpose of a virus...
"hurr science isn't political. Scientific community is always 100% right!"
Its not a vibrator my baby was just listening to dubstep
Finish postdoc in CS
Accidentally got a good size drop of .1M Mercury (I) Nitrate in my mouth during chem lab...
Is there anything worse than premed students? They're the worst
Let's do a little thought experiment
Would studying Biology be a mistake...
Can sci construct the real numbers from scratch?
What are some powerful equations
Since economics is essentially just applied math, it logically follows that it counts as STEM
How influential are the Ancient Greeks when it comes to science? Are they undisputed no. 1 God Tier?
Long story short - I impregnated a young earth creationist; abortion is not an option. So far...
Muh AI
"perfect arguments don't exi-"
Fields you have zero respect for
Doing math test
A few years ago I picked up these silly Christian tracks from my church...
Without sparking a pol-tier IQ megathread, what do you guys think about the legitimacy of Lynn's research...
Debate on evolution / creationism
What is the evolutionary advantage of sexual selection? Being attractive is not synonymous with fitness
Can anything be proven without a doubt?
Thought Provoking Puzzle
Physics "break down" inside and we can't see them so isn't it safer to just assume black holes simply don't exist?
Only Veeky Forums lurkers comment here
Tfw 117-125 IQ range
Turkey scraps evolution
How close are we to terraforming a planet for future human habitation?
Daily reminder that if you aren't aboard the AI hype train you will be left behind
Undergrad paper
Mfw brainlet
It's startling to see such a highly successful mathematician achieve success in another field," says Edward Witten...
Is there actual AI research going on, or is it all just buzzwords that boil down to applied statistics?
If IQ is simply a test acording to sci, why all the high archievers in phylosophy, art, music...
B/c you don't need exceptional verbal ability to do well in scientific fields generally...
AI is streaming on Twitch
Equating the technicality of surgery to plumbing
In 2100, what technologies will still be considered sci-fi?
Is creating a portal gun actually scientifically and physically possible...
Can Algebraic Geometry solve all of them?
Times you felt retarded
Why are people uncomfortable about acknowledging the fact that people with genetic disorders should not reproduce...
Mars candidate team ends 8 months of isolation
What do you think would be the best way to move the ISS from its current place in low Earth orbit to a Lunar orbit?
Does 0.02^(365) REALLY make that big of a difference?
Are quantum computers a meme?
Why do people become atheists when it takes more faith to be one than it does to believe in god?
Relativity of Causality
Who are your favorite cranks?
Do matrices ever show up outside of linear algebra?
So user you're majoring in Mathematics?
The Veeky Forums space programme
A car is traveling at 80km/h. If it's speed had been 100km/h it would have traveled 30km further...
How much caffeine a day?
Is there ANY way to forcefully provoke hunger
I enjoy continuously doubling numbers, does anyone else?
Why does EVERY student have the Apple Mac?
Ughhh linear algebra is so hard!
Technology class in middle school
Let x be a real number s.t. x/x=x & x-x=x
Be me
Hello world
Are "elite" schools a meme?
What is a common way to simplify this by getting rid of x?
How do you break free of biological bondage? I'm obsessed with sex and it's ruining my life...
So here's a little game
What's worse, Premeds in bio classes or Engineering fags in math classes?
Where are some good places to get free Veeky Forumsence books?
Tell me about your Veeky Forums-related experiences with women that are smarter than you
Can we have a small probability theory discussion involving Minesweeper...
If you're IQ isn't at least 120 you can ((NEVER ))post on Veeky Forums again
Veeky Forums iceberg tier
I have literally almost given up of my dreams of research due to Artificial Intelligence videos
About what percentage of scientific research and its answers actually benefit humanity?
Math dummy
Why is Mars the current objective when it would be easier and more practical in the long run to build a moon base?
Holy shit so linear algebra goes from difficult to easy as fuck when you understand it from a geometric point of view...
How can we know if another animal has consciousness?
You should be able to solve this
Fucking rejections
Guys help how do I solve this?
What IQ will I need to understand this?
Neural nets control snakes and evolve
Why don't we use a base infinity number system?
When did you realize that the "scientific method" is literally just glorified trial and error?
Why do boomers hate common core so much...
"Maths is just applied philosophy"
What 25 technologies has man yet to achieve?
Not becoming a physician
Why doesn't Veeky Forums like STEAM? Artists are just as smart as you people. Probably even smarter
Does Veeky Forums believe that global warming is bad for the planet? Just curious
Is math the comfiest field to pursue a PhD in?
How high does one's IQ need to be to avoid falling for a placebo effect?
True or False?
Is the number 3 or the number 7 a better number?
Is Mythbusters Veeky Forums approved? Who was the better host, Adam or Jamie?
Why can we not have a legitimate discussion regarding the intellectual disparity between the races?
Take a shot with the professor during office hours
How to fix leaky gut?
What's the consensus on carbon dioxide being a greenhouse gas? Are there respectable scientists that deny it?
Animals are exceptionally malleable. The russian fox experiment proved that
How do we deal with overpopulation?
Veeky Forums should be able to do this, but I bet most of you can't
Be me
Do you think we will achieve a practical alcubierre drive or some other way of effective space travel in the next 100...
When I was 19 years old i got a felony for a DUI and selling marijuana...
Quantum 'physicists' literally invented an infinite amount of universes because they couldn't deal with the...
A question:
Blue Squares
Photographic/Eidetic Memory
Veeky Forums...
If math is sooo goood how come there exists paradoxes in it?
Would this even work?
Immortality Possible?
How does Veeky Forums feel about the number 0?
Mfw I fell for the physics meme
Veeky Forums Meta Thread
How many numbers are between 0 and 1?
Gravity is mediated by gravitons
Hahaha whoops, looks like I calibrated the mirror wrong by 0.000002mm. Everything's fucked now
Volume: denoted by v
Explain this shit IQ faggots, how the fuck are there engineers with IQs below 100 and doctors with IQs of 105?
Be me
Are black holes a potential source of infinite energy, supposing that the power could be harnessed in some way by man?
Uni thread demographics
Meme science and engineering feats that will never happen in our lifetimes ill start
Without googling, looking at your notes, or reading other posts in this thread
If you guys are so smart solve this
Benefits of 40k titan
Females getting smarter?
What do you want to invent, Veeky Forums?
How would a portal gun work/could a portal gun actually work in real life
Is learning LaTeX a worthwhile endeavor for undergraduates?
What is this math symbol called
Drag and weight
Did this guy seriously fucking invent his own mathematics to solve an unsolvable problem?
Does space really go on forever? It seems far fetched when you think about it, but then again it doesn't
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Where does innovation happen
Well, Veeky Forums, do you want to try and launch a rocket into space for shits and giggles?
Frothy urine. No other symptoms. Recent and regular/invariant...
Nobels are announced next month
Are there any psychological diferences between the races?
How do you guys deal with the general stress and sadness of grad school?
Daily Reminder: Nobody is seriously working on life-extension medicine anymore
Get Bachelor's in Mathematics
Can anyone explain quaternions?
Why do so many millennials believe in horoscopes,pseudoscience and astrology?
Carpe diem Veeky Forums
My gf is convinced that the earth is flat
Hello! I'm having exams tommorow and i can't complete this truth table
NSI 189
Veeky Forums YLYL
Can any comp-sci explain if this is true or not?
Know those screens people put on their cars so their kids don't get too hot from the sun...
Where do the laws of physics come from?
Did you get a minor in college? What was it?
Sci, we're reaching a massive paradigm shift, and we can either accept reality or fervently deny it...
Even Stewart acknowledges how brainlet-tier his books are
STOP using the axiom of infinity
Why didn't any animals evolve to have wheels?
Microbiology lab
*adresses you directly*
/Linguistics thread/
Quantum State Vectors - Dirac Notation
"im a social scientist"
Can someone smart explain trannies to me, why do they exist?
How do you faggots study all day? 2 - 3 hours and I'm spent. On a rare occasion I'll get up to 4 or 5
Chess thread
Will we ever get to the point of giving people pills that can make them lose weight...
Math majors and working mathematicians come in here please
If incest is illegal, why shouldn't breeding between different races also be illegal...
Where were you when the oil age ended?
How deeply have you been washed by a foreign adversary user?
Dolphins have about as many brain neurons as humans, some species having up to 1.5 times more neurons than us...
Prove to me that a = a
If a human was born 10 times the size of other humans, and somehow didn't die...
Are pure math degrees for autists, or are applied math degrees for sellouts?
Chemistry General
Why doesn't this shit ever work?
/b/ was barely able to crack the 120's, /g/ was in the 130's on average
Why has no one figured out how to create one simple unicellular lifeform from inorganic precursors yet?
What does this mean? What would happen if the cost decreased to $0.1?
This is Pluto
/mg/ - math general
How can I not pee for 6-8 hours
Veeky Forums I see lots of people blaming the recent hurricanes on global warming...
Your... research proposal is lacking. rewrite this piece of shit
TFW born too soon to experience humans evolve from TYPE IV to a TYPE V civilization,aka, Mormon-God status
Can someone please explain to me how magnets work?
Why isn't science and intellectual inquiry at the forefront of the public mind...
"Do you believe in science?"
Book Thread
Expanding Earth
What do?
proof omitted
Maybe this is a stupid question but can you get diabetes just from eating badly for a few weeks...
Scientific "Cummunity" condemns Hero Doctor Zhang
James Watson on science
Girls Who Code
Is it theoretically possible for us to ever develop scientific or technological means of stopping a Hurricane...
Is anyone else basically a drooling retard when it comes to even simple mental math? Please tell me I'm not alone...
Veeky Forums POLL: Time to see the demographic of people on Veeky Forums
The best language to learn?
Why do engineers need to counter capitalism? Isn't engineering literally building something to a price
Ridiculous ideas
Taking first semester Quantum Mechanics and our first assignment is some pretty basic stuff related to the braket...
How come you can't divide by 0?
Why 73 is a prime number?
Will we eve have cities looking like this?
What mathematical subfield do you think is going to make the next biggest change in human history?
Star Trek teleportation paradox
/IQ/ - IQ general
Should i drop engineering and become a web developer?
Taking notes and studying
Can curved spacetime become knotted?
Could someone please explain why pic is wrong
Hey sci
So, is fluid intelligence actually malleable?
What's the science behind this?
"Lets assume a massless rope of infinite length inside of a vacuum..."
Do CT scans cause cancer?
So what about an "infinite set"? Well, to begin with you should say precisely what the term means
Is natural/organic shampoo actually better to use, or is it just a meme? Are there any benefits?
How did an inanimate object evolve into the first living thing?
13 years of my brain's most plastic years wasted on glorified daycare (public schools)
Where my Biofags at? What do you do? What would you say are the best subfields
Asian Facial Structures and Emotion
If you can't effortlessly multiply any 2 digit numbers together in your head...
Daily Reminder: Aubry de Grey is a retarded shithead and isn't even bothering with immortality anymore
Calculus Texbooks
I still don't get why multiplication is commutative?!
Math as viewed by a highschooler
Come home from uni with my bike
Is race real, Veeky Forums?
Whats the biology behind women being worse than men at video games? SMore specifically, at esports...
The Chinese are massively investing in AI research and tech...
Killed millions of people by preventing effective drugs from being sold to consumers
Find a flaw
Tfw struggling in Calc 1
Mother Nature vs Humans
Math Olympiad semi finalists
The science of /pol/
What is the science in Computer Science?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Can you call yourself good at math if you're good at calculating and solving problems but can't prove anything worth...
If you woke up after 1000 years what would be your first science question?
Why do Flat Earth Theory believers exist?
Is physiognomy truly a "psuedo-science" or does it hold at worse, statistical merit?
Does the "soul" really exist?
Hello everyone
Dear sci-chaners
Do animals have the capacity to lie?
Really makes you think
AI can recognise FAGGOTS by just their face
Vitamins cause cancer
Tell me a number between 0.999... and 1
What's the science behind this phenomenon?
Is there any way that we can stop or control the overpopulation? It's for a school research
How do you become a professor and is it worth it?
Climate Change
Chess thread
Is it possible to create AI so it can invest money in stock exchange and other types of investment?
Simple Question
Sup, this has been bugging the shit out of me for days now, can anyone help?
Can anything travel faster than The Speed of Light?
What drug do you use to get some sleep?
How do we defeat entropy?
Things brainlets believe
Not listed as a prime number
Why do Veeky Forumsentists lab monkey away their lives while people like Martin Shkreli are millionaires?
21st century race for space
Does anyone have any real experience of MENSA? What is it like? Picture related
Confronting pseudoscience and "alternative medicine"
Special Relativity
Where can I get textbooks without shekels? LibGen doesn't have what I need
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
Why is it the more science you learn, the more things seem meaningless? Pic unrelated
SpaceX launches X-37b space shuttle
Why don't we just nuke these hurricanes?
Nuclear Power
If you woke up one day and discovered you'd time traveled backwards two thousand years...
Why the real numbers don't exist
Jewish math
Why do electric cars only have 1 gear?
Book on puberty of boys catches flack for stating that girls grow breasts to feed babies and to look grownup and...
Lebesgue integral ?
Damn this science stuff is making me addicted... I've already read AT LEAST 50 books...
Can you log in?
Thoughts on Numberphile, Mathologer, 3Blue1Brown and other math channels
What's the minimum thickness of a line? i mean, it can't exist without some thickness right? if it has zero thickness...
Name ONE(1) integral you can do that wolframalpha can't
If atoms are defined by their number of protons...
What's the most efficient way to study?
Why do upper level math books put stupidly hard problems for exercises ?
Attending classes
Why do ALL ingredients in toothpaste and mouthwash end up being toxic? We already know about the Fluoride bullshit...
How do i reduce my IQ
Have no problems with calc 1
Give me all of your mathematics memes Veeky Forums
Makes me a tad "nervous" tbqh fem
Why is the next NASA spacecraft, The Orion
To Canadians, British, Irish, Australians, New Zealanders, Jamaicans...
Name some hobbies or interests that are straight sentient being IQ. i'll start:
Why and how are pi and nested square roots of 2 related? How to derive Vieta's formula from this for example...
Anyone have experience with DIY transcranial stimulation devices?
Can drugs help to find out or see more about the own person and the life, universe, etc...
Will consuming these nuts really reduce my chance of dying in a car accident?
Steins;Gate inspired me to become a theoretical physicist
How do monkeys process thoughts without a written language?
Why scientists don't think about covert racism?
Is there any reliable way to increase your IQ?
Why doesn't the scientific community take UFOs seriously...
Tell me about evolution again Veeky Forums
Is Khan Acedamy good for self-teaching myself math?
Will the western world every be as supportive of space exploration as it was in the sixties...
Deriving Quadratic
What's the best way to get rid of a headache. I want to work but my head hurts a lot
Where does my consciousness come from?
Really makes me think....why are so many parts of archaeology forbidden?
How do l imagine 4 dimension functions? Seriously l can't...
Which periodic elements could a human drink in liquid form without dying?
So how the fuck do I become immortal? No, don't give me that "just take these supplements that don't do shit" bullshit...
Lost my YLYL folder
/mg/ - Math general
How do I come to terms with the fact that males will always have superior logical and analytical skills...
Genetics Thread
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this is the best invention?
I failed my university Calculus exam today for the second time
Abiogenesis Thread
Tolerable Space Movies
"A-user ... be AWARE of AI, it's REALLY dangerous ... but my botnet of self-driving cars will be fine tho...
How did you learn that your intelligrnce was actually pretty average or slightly above average?
Personality Change
You'll never be high enough IQ to leave a lasting impact in your respective field
I'm a newfag to this board; what are your views on climate change?
LSD Near Death
Ghost and then [untitled]... the emotion apex of the album...
What are irrational numbers
Is this guide any good?
Help me with my hw
Isn't chemistry just physics?
It's alive!
If electrical engineering is in STEM, why isn't plumbing...
Hurricane Irma Bugout plan for a poorfag
Tfw you studied mechanical engineering and you'll never get an amazing job at google or facebook because you are not a...
0.(9) ≠ 1
Why is it possible to remember something forever but impossible to forget something forever...
Be me
How are you people dealing with the saturation in STEM, especially in the US?
How does one get better at converting word problems into solvable mathematical equations?
Can a brainlet with 100-110 IQ get a bachelor in Engineering?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What is a good country to get phd where there is no discrimination against white males?
Professor uploads his lecture script
Good day, brainlets
A or B?
Facebook thread
Atmosphere hate thread
What does a 160 IQ mind think like?
Academic career in theoretical physics
What are your opinions on chemistry?
Is diversity a good thing Veeky Forums?
Is it possible to replace all the organs in my body with artificial ones so that there's less of a chance of dying?
Is it possible to get the same number twice if you random a number between 0-infinity?
How do you accept the fact that every member of your family is intellectually weak and scientifically illiterate?
Adult with 4th grade math skills
Isn't all engineering just applied mathematics? Hell isnt even physics just applied mathematics...
Let's say that in the future machines become so advanced that human labor isn't needed anymore...
How is the Blank Slate so popular?
Affirmative Action and Scientific analysis
I still don't understand evolution and I don't think any one really does either
What is going on here? I have a simple function y=sin(2pi*x)...
Is Mars our future or will we all be long dead before we can visit there?
Why do we experience optical illusions like the necker cube?
Are there any good websites/books/forums that have a large archive/repository of maths questions ranging from end of...
16 whole minutes
OC meme
What is so special about this guy
Scalar energy has been known since the 1800s and has been able to be used since 1904 when Tesla was able to transmit...
Why do you guys deny race realism
Can we get a science humour thread?
French Thread:
Is there an evolutionary advantage towards homophobia?
Literally what the fuck is this?
Can you prove their isn't a time-thought continuum?
Masters in Mathematics
A question about race determination by looking at the lower jaw
Normie Misconceptions
Is it worth it to learn a foreign language to read math and science papers in those languages?
The length of a coastline is infinity
How bad is incest with your cousin really?
'Whoever leads in AI will rule the world’: Putin
Has anyone here taught themselves the Mind Palace method for memorizing stuff?
Moon is coldest known place in the solar system?
Whta stem degree has the best/worst long term future prospects?
How viable is this Veeky Forums?
What is the function of common core and what will it do to the next generation of Americans?
To humans, TIME is obviously a very different dimension than space or charge
Does moon phase have any relevance to anything in life...
I was hanging out with a girl today who researches cancer. I tried talking to her about Peto's Paradox...
Expanding Earth theory
Stopping the Yellow Stone Super Volcano
What are the negative effects of male circumcision...
Why is my bio class filled with women, I thought women didn't go into STEM?
Is there any point in learning math (on a personal level) if you don't really enjoy it?
Biologically illiterate idiot here. Three questions regarding balding
How dangerous is it to eat food that was microwaved in a container with plastic...
Is there any scientific explanation for this?
Mathematics was invented not discov-
Tensor product
Hey Veeky Forums, I still don't get how the sum of integrers can be -1/12, do you think you can explain it to me...
I recently changed my planned major to computer science, and I want to have a bit of a head start...
What is the best philosophical mathematics book ever written?
What would be the smallest size for a "terran" planet which supports life,has gravity etc?
Stephen hawking afraid of AI
What contributes more to longevity and life-long wellbeing, physical activity or nutrition?
What's the point of this, evolutionary speaking?
Does anyone else find it sad that we are constantly raided by science denial because these people are so afraid of the...
Is there any scientific reason why humans love living in cities?
Essential Textbooks thread
If bacteria is "everywhere" then why aren't there visible bacteria cultures on the walls and floors and ceilings and...
Preservation and heads
Hi Veeky Forums any PhD fags here? Considering getting a PhD after I finish my bachelors
Brainlet who wants to learn electronics here
How does Veeky Forums deal with anxiety? Any working scientific methods?
Can I hold my breath untill I die ?
Scientifically speaking, why are things cute?
If you think about it, it's crazy lucky that the moon goes around the sun at roughly the same rate as the earth...
Calculator thread
What if the Heimlich maneuver doesn't work?
Is sociology a science?
I know I'm omnipotent because I know I'm omnipotent, not because I know I'm omnipotent
It is speculated that Pi may be an 'infinite' number because the sequence of digits following its decimal point is of...
How to Restore BRAIN Functions?
Fluoride etc
Disproof of Qunatum Mechanics
What was you first Veeky Forums ""discovery""?
Since we don't really have a formal/rigorous study guide for mathematics I thought I'd make one...
Why did non-avian dinosaurs grow to such gigantic sizes...
Holographic principle
Tfw you failed at life because "studying is for brainlets"
Math ability is genetic
Deep Sea Science
Will there ever be a cure
I am 33. Stage 2 brain cancer. High IQ 132
I understand that 0.999.. equals one
Why tho?
SF Concepts/Themes
Double digit percentage of C
Data in matter
Enroll in an anthropology class
Making Sure
Can We Get A Celsius Hate Thread Going?
Look at my FUCKING Linear Algebra syllabus:
What is the meaning of life?
Imaginary number
Just read that it is not known for certain how quickly you stop feeling pain...
What's the best drug for PE and does xanax help with social anxiety?
ITT: How do we fix psychology?
Pi is an infinite number
Go into interview at large pharmaceutical testing company
Is math related to science ?
If I drink water with my food, how does my food still get digested when the stomach acid is diluted by the water...
What's wrong with Khan Academy, Veeky Forums?
Should science-fiction authors be allowed to write characters with IQs higher than theirs?
Lets talk about black holes again
Tell me Veeky Forums, do you believe in a higher power?
Racist AI at it again
Is there life on Enceladus and Europa? And how likely would it be to find life?
Can anyone tell me where can i find a serious IQ test online?
What are your scientific thoughts on Ecofeminism?
Notes General
How do you deal with Exams Stress?
Meme physics, pseudoscience, and quackery general
>"Social Sciences"
Be in mech eng
Why is our planet the only one in the solar system with life and diverse climates...
Does being fat have a negative effect on intelligence?
Would Hawking Radiation be faster for a black hole of higher dimensions?
First day of class
NASA plans to prevent Yellowstone Supervolcano from destroying the US
When will this meme die?
Fuck this movie
Why do you study what you study?
Go to college
How the fuck you survive uni? I had my first day in school (STEM ofc) and it was already depressing as fuck
Why haven't the scientific method been used to arrive at the optimal societal/economic/political structure?
Redpill me on Monster Green Energy™
Do you need high IQ for medical school?
How can someone be this intelligent? Is he the von Neumann of our generation?
Pack up nerds
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games