Data in matter

How much Data can you fit in a Saltine cracker

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a thousand data

idk but you could double it by topping the cracker with swiss cheese.
Hole = 0, cheese = 1

What's the mass of the cracker?

OP here. Please stay on topic

Sorry I don't actually know I came here for Answers not questions.

I can provide you with an answer if you provide me with the required information to calculate the amount of information that can fit in a saltine.

If the saltine was 3.2 grams per cracker. Being that a serving size was 16g roughly of 5 crackers.

3.2g of data in one cracker and 16g of data per serving.


what is your data storage system?

A saltine cracker

About two bytes per cracker, unless you have a large mouth, then only one

I'll head back on over to Reddit and stay there now

about three fiddy

I guess you could store it in the DNA.
How much DNA is in a saltine?

7 DNA per saltine


>How much Data can you fit in a Saltine cracker

Just like the Library of Babel, the Saltine cracker contains all known texts of information that has and ever will be recorded however the data has been encrypted in the form of a saltine cracker. In order to retrieve the relevant data you need the proper decryption algorythm, which doesn't exist.

So the cracker contains infinite data, but all the data is irretrievable.

I probably can squeeze a couple of gb of thumbdrives in there

The entirety of all data on the internet, public and private servers, weighs about as much as a strawberry. So maybe 1/3 of the internet's capacity?

>data from crackers
they don't even know where to find the good shit nigga

1 megaBITE XD

I can fit plenty.
how much data can you fit in it OP?

You just need to calculate the beckenstein bound of a sphere whose volume equals the volume of the cracker.

Sadly, I lack the maths or willingness to do so, but that way lies your answer.

Okay, you motivated me. A simplified formula on wikipedia is 2,5769082*10^43*mass(kg)*radius(meters) in bits, and we know the mass is 3.2 grams (0.0032)Kg.

Now the radius of a sphere is the cubic root of 3/(4*pi)*volume, which must be equal to the height by width by length of the soda cookie.

Google tells me saltine crackers are 5cm by 5 cm, which would be 0.05m*0.05m*height.

So we just need 1 more numbers to know how much data can be fit in a saltine cracker

Pardon the samefagging, I just got motivated.

Oh, and *number

needs clarification. do you mean how much can we fit in a space the size of a saltine cracker or how much data can be stored inside the cracker itself?

Each atom in the cracker is a 1 or a 0

I don't know how many atoms there are in a cracker, but it's a shitload

Cracker is made of molecules, if you change those molecules, its no longer a cracker. You also cant change the molecular alignment, because it would stop being a cracker. You have encode the data in clusters of molecules.


I guess however many qubits you get per atom in each cracker

3 grams' worth.

> How much DNA is in a saltine?
Fucking none.

It's a cracker.

>What is wheat

The wheat has been sheaved, crushed, dried, stored as flour for days, baked, and stored again, possibly for months. How much DNA do you think survives this?

I'd say somewhere along the lines of 2^32
It was something similar to that for Carl Sagan's slice of apple pie. Within an order of magnitude though.