Females getting smarter?

females getting smarter or engineering degrees turning into starbucks coffee?

pic-related - NYU Tandon Engineering school for the disabled

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Depends on how they're making it "more welcoming"

One of the political parties at my uni is promising that they will give non-english speakers additional time on exams.

They are being taught soft and roundy geometry of luf D:

Only jobs with men suffer this shit.
Because women are stupid.

Females aren't getting smarter, the media is just telling you they are.

Meh, they should. Either you accept multiculturalism completely or reject it completely. You can't accept into your university non-english speakers and then just throw them into the fire to see how fast they burn. If you are going to accept them then at least give them a fucking chance. That or at least have decency of not accepting any of them so that they do not waste time burning themselves and tell them to go back to their countries respectfully. But Europe/US seems to have already chosen multiculturalism so you better go all out.

Uni political parties are a joke. The biggest one at my school spent two years campaigning on the promise of free laundry in dorms and then accomplished it by integrating a small "fee" into tuition of $100 a semester.


Socialism at it's finest

I mean student governments have always been about giving students as much power as possible without letting them actually change anything. That doesn't change once you get to uni

There's no excuse for non-english speakers not to learn english before starting college. Employers certainly won't be willing to put up with someone that can't communicate effectively

Why are you so insecure? You feel threatened by smart women, neckbeard?

I would say yes. While there are only a few females in pure STEM studies at my university there are a lot in interdisciplinary fields that combine soft science and hard science like economic engineering, economic informatics or neuroscience / neuroinformatics. Most of them are also better in physics and math in comparison to our male students. Feels bad man.

Wow Affirmative action actually worked... Who would of thought.

>school for the disabled
Why do you think they are disabled?

Economics is as much of a pseudo science as political. In fact the two work hand to hand

try to learn english before making sweeping claims about things you don't know or understand

They were born with a various deformities. Not only are their brains smaller, their bodies are not capable of developing as much muscle as a normal human, and they were born with a fucking hole between their legs. It doesn't get more disabled than that. Would you imagine being born with a fucking hole through your arm or hand? Well, they have that between their legs.

i was born with a hole in my butt and one in my face and it's not a big deal

Sure sure but they have an extra hole that is... lets say, very impractical.

Also the main deformity they have is their limited muscle growth. It means that even if they spend their whole life training they would still be mediocre at best and need physical assistance for most things.

That's reasonable, though.

>Meh, they should.

fucking kikes

You are misunderstanding me. I am just saying "be moral to those people".

A moral move would be to not accept them into your university because all they will do is waste time and money and then drop put. It is better for them to find a university that teaches in their language.

But! If you are already accepting them then at least give them a chance to pass their tests. They are already sinking themselves in your ship, the least you can do is hand them a life saver.


The only reason is called affirmative action

Are these all four female engineering students?