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So what
Good look trying to get there in our lifetime.
Pro tip: You can't.
heh.. watch this kiddo
*opens wormhole*
>what is time dilation?
are we in for another memestar?
>So what?
So, it demonstrates that these alium hunter projects can sometimes find something interesting, even if it isn't aliums.
Tuh, that's what you think
>kills self
Even if it was aliens they are probably dead. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, and 3 billion lightyears means it took 3 billion light years to get here. Plus dwarf stars jave been shown to emit radio waves before so it could just be the star and not aliens. I'm not saying it's impossible, just unlikely.
>radio technology 3 billion years ago
they're long dead
I find it highly improbable that a signal sent by an extraterrestrial civilization managed to travel 3 billion light years while at the same time mantaining its detectebility to modern Human technology.
maybe they're long here.
Why are you all so cynical? Don't you want to make contact with aliens?
how old is this fake news?
I also want your sister to suck me off but that's about as likely as humanity contacting aliens.
>durrr we're gonna make better radio receivers in the future
>3 billion light-years
>>what is time dilation?
Accelerating at 1g halfway, then decelerating at 1g, you could visit the ancient ruins, but it still takes 42 years ship time one way.
>tfw will never live enough to ever receive something intentionally sent to us by aliens since it will take billions of years until they become aware of our existence due to the radio signals emitted by us
>tfw no face related to this post since all I have is this bitbean meme
At least I hope we reach a time in my lifetime where we start hearing the first radio signals by an ancient alien civilization. After the first "true" signal happens it's very likely for us to get more signals daily. Still highly unlikely but still possible.
>it is so far away that any civilization would have been extinguished several times while light travels there
An ancient signal could still be encoded with useful information even if there is no way to go there. Have you never seen Contact?
this is why you learn combinatorics kids
>strong evidence of alien life
>answer to one of the current biggest questions mankind has about the universe
>a clear and obvious sign that there is intelligence equal to or greater than that of humans
Good luck getting there lmao
>Implying no space travel given a different set of evolutionary boundaries unlike any human could possibly imagine.
Technologically speaking, we are pretty fucking close to space exploration and humans are quite young.
inb4 it's alien spurdos.
It's probably just a burst from some star, pulsar, deskstar, black hole, magnetar, whatever with some weird orbit or eccentricty.
>we are pretty fucking close to space exploration
This. Every time some physicists somewhere detect a signal and aren't immediately able to explain how it was generated, you can guarantee at least one trashy tabloid will run an OMG ALIENS CONFIRMED story because they know retards like OP will swallow it up every time.
ready for anal probing yet, user?
>3 billion light years away
The only way we'd get there is if it was Andromeda, which we will intersect with, but that distance means it isn't.
For us, at best, that was the ping handshake for their inter-universe internet protocol. Otherwise, its an intergalactic internet.
You misunderstand one thing. The amount of power needed to make that sort of broadcast can only be done by harnessing the power of a star. No other smaller power level will reach very far in space let along from another galaxy. There's a chance that was their first signal and we are in for a ticket to watching their civilization as their intergalactic internet takes shape.
>they become aware of our existence due to the radio signals emitted by us
That literally can't happen at our tech level.
>they collected over 400TB of data from recording it for a day
How many fucking hard drives do these people have?
>Ayys should
Probe UrAnus
so is this a 3 billion year old signal that came from a long extinct sentient alien race?
no, just a strikingly uniform set of radio waves. It is more likely to be any number of astronomical bodies engaged in some event rather than an advanced alien species.
If im not mistaken, I don't think they actually know of any viable natural sources for FRBs in general
psssh...nothing universal...kid