Can anything travel faster than The Speed of Light?

Can anything travel faster than The Speed of Light?

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thing inside of black holes go faster than light




It is possible for spin zero particles to travel faster than thespeed of lightwhen tunnelling. This apparently violates the principle ofcausality, since there will be a frame of reference in which it arrives before it has left. However, careful analysis of the transmission of the wave packet shows that there is actually no violation of relativity theory. In 1998,Francis E. Lowreviewed briefly the phenomenon of zero time tunnelling. More recently experimental tunnelling time data ofphonons,photons, and electronshave been published byGünter Nimtz.

Gotta love quantum physics

Why not?
And what light are you referring to?

There are quantum mechanics experiments that account for non-locality. In particular, information propagates faster than speed of light

Yes, when 2 photons moving at the speed of light from opposite directions cancel each other out. The moment they collide, both origins 'know' there was 'contact'.

Information cannot travel faster than the speed of light.

Anything that happens to go faster than light does not carry information with it.

Sort of

stuff at the edge of the observable universe is receding at 3c from us

Wouldn't quantum tunneling destroy the universe?

yes unless it has mass

Nothing can accelerate past the speed of light, but theoretically things can travel faster than the speed of light.

read the thread before posting

it already happened and the universe still exist so no.

interesting. never thought about that.

depends on what you understand as information i guess. the "thing" that travels faster then light itself don't carry information but you could use it as a morse code for example, to send information faster then c. it all depends on how you look at it.

Tachyons aren't real silly.

he said "takyons" not "tachyons", it's a total different thing!

We all are, relatively.


Gravity already travels faster than light.

actually no, gravity travels at c, the speed of interaction, at which light may travel since it has no mass



No. Spacetime is curved such that the gravitational acceleration is c at the event horizon.

No compelling evidence of tachyons has been found.

No. Shadows are the obstruction of light.

Gravitons should be a mass 0 spin 2 particle, and would travel at c. Changes in gravity happen at c.

In the spin zero particles' reference frame, all the spin 1/2 and up particles have a net negative group velocity greater than the speed of the spin zero particle minus the speed of light.

Just call it entanglement.

All photons travel at c. They "cancel each other out" when they destructively interfere.

Space is expanding faster than c, relative to our reference frame, yes.

No. Tunneling is a result of probabilities. And, stellar fusion wouldn't occur without it. So, the Universe as we know it would NOT exist without quantum tunneling.

Nothing travels faster than c. Photons and theoretical gravitons are mass zero and are limited to c.

Bad news.

how do people measure particles?

like do they see them with a super advanced microscope or something? how are they detected and manipulated?

I've read the thread. Nothing concrete disproves my statement. Tachyons that "have just been traveling faster than the speed of light since forever" still exist in theory.

And nothing except for absurd abstract concepts mentioned in the thread have been explained to be less than lightspeed at one point in time and more at another.

>In the spin zero particles' reference frame, all the spin 1/2 and up particles have a net negative group velocity greater than the speed of the spin zero particle minus the speed of light.
could you break it down for me without too much jargon please?

>Space is expanding faster than c, relative to our reference frame, yes.
Is our reference frame non-inertial? If not, what allows for this?

>Can anything travel faster than The Speed of Light?
yes ur mum at the sight of COCK lol.


No mass increases as you get accelerate . The mass increase makes it harder and harder to go faster. So you would need infinite energy to get to the speed of light
some people think this is the theory of relitivity.
Einstein actually ment booby size vs hight Eg a cup 4ft is the same as d cup 6ft

The love of Christ.

Yes, but not faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.

Yes the universe.

anything travels faster because is not light

The information traveling between two entangled particles when one of them gets measured

a mixture of ways. Charged particles can be detected with stuff like capacitors when they hit them. Particles moving at high speeds can also cause some materials to fluoresce when they hit them. Some more elusive particles can cause other easier to detect particles to be emitted, and using these easier to detect byproducts the existence of the elusive particles can be inferred. To manipulate them, creating an electric/magnetic field can be used to accelerate them if they have a charge. That might not sound like much, but it's basically been the cornerstone of experiments and applications in particle physics for a century now


Space itself and anything else that doesn't convey information.


If we interpret that Bell Experiments nonlocally (as we should, given that the theorem was a nonlocality proof, and a rejection of counterfactual definiteness is necessary to reject locality), then there are causal influences that are superluminal.

>Changes in gravity happen at c.
How do we know that light doesn't travel at the speed of gravitational changes?

really makes u think...

Yes. I am faster than light
*teleports behind you*



>as we should
wow good luck with never becoming anything in physics and having people at the office think you're the "smart physics geek" for the rest of your life. If you're under 16 then ignore this.


Communication between entangled particles.


They don't communicate, though

Feathers are light, right? Try an experiment. Grab a rock, and a feather, and drop them. See which one hits the ground first.

The rock will of course! Therefore rock is faster than light. Therefore lead zeppelins are the fastest thing in the universe.

Only person in the thread who knows what he's talking about.

>could you break it down for me without too much jargon please?
basically, in the reference frame of the tunneling particle (the spin 0 one) all of the other particles are seen to be travelling faster than the difference between the spin zero's speed and the speed of light

>Is our reference frame non-inertial?
yes, because the earth is rotating, but that doesn't matter. Apparent superliminal motion is not a problem, actual superliminal motion is. There are several problems where something appears to be going faster than c but isn't. in this case, the space expansion between us causes those objects to appear to move faster than c, because by the time light would travel the gap between us, extra space has been added that is greater than or equal to the original gap. Thus the light never reaches them nor their light to us. They are "causally disconnected" and nothing they can do can ever affect us so it doesn''t matter any way, since there's no way to have any information exchange because it can't go fast enough. for all intents and purposes they don't exist in our universe


speed of light is not a barrier but simply the speed of light. it just so happens that nothing is capable of going as fast as light.

Except for all other massless particles, gravitational waves, ...

nah you are wrong mate

Alcubierre-White Warp Drive
>For example, these particles must always move at the speed of light.
>Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as waves at the speed of light

Speed of light seems pretty barrier-esque to me. Considering when you "launch" light from something already moving pretty fast you don't add the speeds together.

Finally, some real science.