Are there any good websites/books/forums that have a large archive/repository of maths questions ranging from end of high school to grad level maths that actually require a decent amount of thinking and work?
If you can't think of any post miscellaneous maths problems around the same level (bonus points for those sweet integrals)
Are there any good websites/books/forums that have a large archive/repository of maths questions ranging from end of...
>Are there any good websites/books/forums that have a large archive/repository of maths questions ranging from end of high school to grad level maths that actually require a decent amount of thinking and work?
Apparently this site is banned in the UK for some reason?
These have some interesting backstory as well
Any of those Math Olympiad books that focus on solving problems.
I believe Tao has a good one, so does Zeitz with his Art & Craft of problem solving though they aren't grad level.
If you truly want one volume of text(s) that can do this then get The Art of Computer Programming by Don Knuth. There's countless number theory, algebra, combinatorics and other problems in there. Hell even the chapters on historical notes have 30+ difficult problems ranging from research problems to highschool level "Finish this 6th century algorithm so it halts" and the books contain worked out answers too so you can see where you fucked up. The beginning 2 chapters also will give you a crash course in these topics, with books he advises for further reading if you don't understand what's happening.
For example, Vol 5B is a free draft on his website entirely about probability/stochastic calc/martingales, and it contains 500+ worked out exercises.
Holy hell, by the sounds of it, this is exactly what I need. Will definitely check out, thanks for sharing the knowledge user!
> Jewish problems
Almost kek'd before I actually read it. Seems like a good set of problems, thank you.
The books are extremely difficult in parts, like the grad level shit in Vol 2 when dealing with number theory and some of the intensely difficult combinatorics problems in the huge 4A vol but the only official pre-reqs to reading it are "Some expose to calculus" (Knuth read Thomas' Calculus version 2) and "the ability to write a program or two" which at that time meant assembly language programming.
To satisfy #2 you can always watch these lectures (they will be populated as the term goes on)
Here's a good review of Vol 1
Alright, thanks for the warning. Would you suggest starting with The Art of Computer Programming or Concrete Mathematics?
10/10 will solve.
Thank jew.
Start with TAOCP and nothing else (vol 4a is entirely math btw, almost no MMIXAL used) because in each volume Knuth will refer to CMATH if you need additional info, so you'll end up reading it anyway as you go if you need to (you may not need to). I actually got a job specifically because I read up to Vol 4A which contains highly sought after skills for genetic research labs. I work in a local university research lab developing algorithms to generate all possibilities so they can identify immediately what will and won't work. I have zero biology knowledge I simply abstract them into permutations represented by numbers and I started doing TAOCP like you did because I liked to do problems and exercises that increase with difficulty. Note I get paid shit as research in my country is not insanely funded like the US but it's only 4 hours a day, I have a comfortable life and work is fun I get to hang out with PhDs even though I'm a certified brainlet who dropped out of college.
What is the answer for the Jewish problem?
Thanks, I was having a hard time trying to find the final solution, this really helped me.
Acceptance of goyims inferiority
Conducting research in a research lab is more or less my goal at the moment (still young though, I guess). How long did getting to volume 4a approximately take you?
Pirate it on and see how far you get, skip the bit shifting introduction chapters if you want and go straight into combinatorics. (This assumes you have some kind of discrete math intro, either Chapter 1 in TAOCP, CMATH or anything else)
If you get far then buy the book, the quality is mind blowing and you will always want a physical copy around to flip through later for reference. There's no programming/MIX involved really except for some of the exercises where Knuth uses it as additional insight/optimization information. The algorithms are all in pseudocode that you can rewrite in any language. It's highly recommended to start with Vol 1 but honestly it took me 1 year per book, reading it everyday for about a half hour, sometimes longer (an hour or so) and trying each exercises. 4A is huge.
The Parallel Algorithms book noted above is a good place to start too, as vol 4a assumes you have 3 prev volumes of algorithm experience. Many of the exercises refer to previous one's as well, or refer to CMATH chapters.
Note you can also skim the math if you want (and be a shitty programmer) and just read and implement the algorithms yourself in any language. You don't have to dive deep into analysis or optimization or understand the proofs Knuth has given that each algorithm will halt, that the algorithm truly generates all permutations you can just trust his expertise but all the true insight comes from trying the exercises.
>Parallel algorithms book
Oops, it is here (free)
Unfortunately lingen is quite heavily blocked in my country, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a digital copy elsewhere. Starting Vol 1 once I find one!