Personality Change

Do people change or is personality permanent? How much can people change? Give some an anecdotal examples to prove your point if you want.

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>Give some an anecdotal examples
that's all you can get in psychology, since it's not a science

I would say by the time you're 25 your personality is permanently set in stone. Experiences in the formative years will shape it greatly


25 is a good age. Women look best around that age. Most males have bleed off most of their retardation.

Personality isn't much more than a set of behaviors someone performs, so the answer would be yes.

>it's a behaviourist episode

Behaviorism is an accurate philosophy and behavior analysis is the most scientific field in psychology.

A friend of mine changed personalities pretty hard after his parents were killed in 9-11. He was a sorta douchey alpha-male guy before and he wasa navy officer. He left the Navy and 100% of what he posts on normiebook is about how bad his joints hurt or that his bones feel cold all the time.He has 3 kids, never talks about.

I think hes a bitch ass pansy playit on peoples sympathies.

People never change.
People often pretend to change.
But they never change.

You might want to check out Grant and Glueck study, which ran for 75 years. The lead researcher claimed personality wasn't set at stone after adulthood but I haven't bothered to read more on the subject. By the way, tfwnogf is going to kill you.

You're doomed to always make unsubstantiated claims, then.

Actually its well known your personality changes throughout your whole life. I think thats pretty evident too when you compare 20 and 60 year olds

Interesting. Personality is probably more influenced by conditioning than genetics I guess.


REALLY gets those neurons firing.

Most if not all sciences were all anecdotal before we had the tools to accurately identify fundamental constituents.
And they werent even sciences relating to personal experience, like psychology IS. Psychology might always be anecdotal on some level u twat.

So stop calling it science. Pretty simple desu, its field of study is not suitable for the scientific method so why try to shoehorn the word science in.

OP, what is your definition of personality? You can certainly change a lot about your behavior and general goals/outlook in life. See our Veeky Forums bros for instance. After getting my body in shape and feeling better overall health wise most friends would say my personality has changed.

but it is a science and it uses the scientific method

>uses empirical evidence to construct a model that makes testable predictions
>not science

This will be an extreme example.
Suppose a woman reaches the age of 30 and is considered a generally happy person.
In her life she
>has never experienced any major physical or psychological trauma
>has always had plenty of money
>has a lifelong friendship with someone
Now imagine one day she is driving with her friend. She gets into a car accident in a sketchy part of town. Her friend dies instantly but she survives with severe injury, including a broken leg. A group of niggers takes her body out of the car and drags her to one of the niggers houses. She's locked in the basement and used for sex by a group of niggers. She is kept on drugs to keep her complacent, regularly being beaten and having her broken leg hurt worse. She's in this situation for a month before law enforcement tracks her down and saves her, taking her to a hospital.
Because of the poor living conditions she was subjected to and lack of medical care her leg is heavily infected and has to be amputated. She is also sterile now because of the drugs the niggers used on her.

Now after all of this do you think her personality wouldn't change even a little?

No, everything is related to genetics and how you'll turn out is decided the moment you are born. Just like /pol/ said.

This discussion is not very guided or productive.

Let's assume following statements as facts.

a) Personsality gradually changes over life.
b) Extreme events can suddenly change personality.
c) Generally over a short and medium period of time personality is stable.

This is not very interesting. What's interesting is: can I self-select into another personality?

Choosing to be extroverted after being introverted for example.

Thoughts on this?

>can I self-select into another personality?
I believe so, to a certain extent. By mirroring the behaviour of people that already have the personality you want, you'll condition your brain to react like they do in the situations you observed them, and that might even bleed to other situations.
On a deeper level, I think it’s impossible or nearly impossible to change certain traits though. A trait that has been long imprinted in your psyche (like intro/extraversion) and fed throughout your life by your experiences and genetics seems like something static on a fundamental level, only changeable in intensity.

How one views your personality, is the regularity of certain behaviors around that person.


Personalities don't change much after you've grown up. You have two decades worth of trial and error where a bunch of habits become so deeply set that it'd be like trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon to get rid of them later in life.

20 year olds and 60 year olds isn't really a fair comparison because age isn't the only difference between them. The other major difference between them is time period their formative years took place in. When you compare 20 year olds and 60 year olds, you're not comparing people born in 1930 who are 20 to people born in 1930 who are 60 which would be the fair comparison, you're comparing people from two totally different eras who are also different ages. And while I don't think age makes that much of a difference in personality, I know for sure the era you developed during makes a huge difference.

its shown that your personality changes as you age and you dont just have to compare a 20 year old to a 60 year old but compare your parent to your grandparent too.

You don't change, you build on top of long term memories. You can't forget some things, I still remember pooping on the floor as a kid, that memory will always be a part of me, however I have since learned not to shit wherever I want.


You still want to shit on the floor? Cause i shit wherever i want, which happens to be the toilet most of the time.

>he doesn't know what behavior analysis is
>he doesn't know that personality is nothing more than behavior
Shame Veeky Forums is so uneducated on psychology.

>doesn't know that behavioural analysis is not a science but a therapeutic paradigm much like psychoanalysis or cbt are also therapeutic paradigms.

>shame Veeky Forums is so uneducated on psychology
That's because this is the science board, my guy, not the """""scientific"""" topics that can't even reproduce 75% of published literature in their field" board.

on evidence of one flawed study.

Lost it at the begining of the nigger part

Are you twelve?

Well, yeah. It would be whenever I want too. I wouldn't have to find a toilet, just squat (the natural position), take out the toilet tissue and water I carry around with me (so I can wet wipe in public toilets) then litter the used tissues. It'd be more convenient yet immoral so I don't do it.