>Wikipedia tells me that Homo Habilis left Africa about 1.75 myo and eventually became Neanderthals
Homo heidelbergensis, actually. But the date you mention is synchronicitous - a metacarpal from Kenya dates to 1.42MyaYBP;
>A newly discovered metacarpal from Kaitio, Kenya, dates to 1.42 Mya
>so-called "modern humans", homo sapiens sapiens, left Africa and interbred with Neanderthals leading to the modern non-African races
Non-Africans (And some Africans, like B) are all members of Y-haplogroup BT.
Y-haplogroup BT is defined by the P91-9T mutation, while all A Y-haplogroups are defined by P91-8T - that is, Y-BT=P91-9T, and Y-A=P91-8T.
The thing is that Chimps have P91-9T, which means that P91-9T is ancestral and P91-8T is the mutation. This would be why the remains at Jebel Irhoud, dated to 322KyaYBP, resembled neanderthals - humans and neanderthals split roughly 765KyaYBP, and what we're seeing is a Eurasian colonization of Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africans emerged 37KyaYBP, when these Eurasians bred with an African hominid which was basically a proto-human.
>Also, this supposed h. sapiens sapiens species came from Africa in modern times and yet mixed with Neanderthals to produce offspring that look nothing like negroids?
The negroid phenotype was created 37KyaYBP when Eurasians bred with an African hominid.
>Is this all politically correct bullshit
Basically. But moreover, the truth also defies many scientists' life's work. They won't throw in the towel until they absolutely have to, and sadly they may have to grow old and die before the truth can be known.
Also, I just want to deny any racist motivation in this - R1b is found among the Hausa at a 59% rate, and among the Khoisan at 10%. Blacks are the result of whites from Oceania mixing with an African ape, and East Asians are pure examples of the archaic human strain.