do you think any of those guys spent their time ranking their colleagues in a autistic list?
why is fourier god tier?
Interesting. Not a single black
>god tier
Cool bait list.
>Tesla in God Tier
Not OP.
We hate him because he is popular(and because brainlets use him often).
But his list of achivments is great so I don't see problems with him being top tier.
edgelords detected
what happens to objects about 10^-8m going at 3*(10^7)m/s?
Really? Tesla?
Who are some genuinely shit tier scientists? I don't remember his name but there was this fuck face who one day got a brain fart that we should make babies sleep on their stomachs. Everybody believed him even though there was literally no reason to and SIDS went into rise.
Where is this Brain Bull?
The one with that [math]\mathbb{PHENOTYPE}[/math]?
One of the humankind's most massive brains. The living legend.
Ed Witten.
seriously? you put that manwhore plagiarist first?
cool source
>has darwin
>does not have linnaeus
>has fucking marx and jung on a list of scientists
really makes you think
>Karl Marx
>on the list at all
this really rapes my monkeys
Marx's theory was considered scientific in it's time. Popper's work of falsifiability helped show it probably wasn't. He's a legitimate inclusion (on an illegitimate list).
>has fucking marx and jung on a list of scientists
and Meme Philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Satre),
Meme Pseudoscientists (Freud, Jung, Skinner, Harlow),
a College Dropout (Nikolas Tesla) and
astoundingly also a Elementary School Dropout (Thomas Edison).
Benjamin Franking was a notable politician but a mediocre scientist.
Da Vinci was more Engineer & Painter than Scientist.
The list has a lot of people who are not scientists. Or should not be included in top lists.
>the philosophers that laid the foundations of empiricism
>Meme philosophers
Actually even though the list is bait, a third of Aristotle's written work was treatises on zoology.
You know that most things that Aristotle wrote in Physics, Chemistry & Biology are completely wrong.
You know that most things that Aristotle & Plato wrote about Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Astronomy (Flat-Earthers incoming) are completely wrong.
Oldest scientist ever is Al Haytham. Kys
>Heisenberg Maxwell Schrodinger
>Mid tier
>putting susskind before dyson
do you even know any qft?
Faraday should be above God tier to be honest
>Al Khwarizmi, literally the fucking father of Algebra
>mid tier
To the trash it goes.
where's my boy poincare??
>Al Khwarizmi
He copy-pasted the indian numeral system and solved linear and quadratic equation (only with positive quadratic coefficient), just like babylonians had done millenias before. Overrated AF.
By what metric?
Some of these are obviously fucked, good to see some recognition for Heaviside though
Yeah his logic and reasoning only held up for nearly two thousand years. He invented logic, literary criticism, wrote defining texts on politics, rhetoric, poetics and we only have 1/3rd of his total body of work. Not to mention that his physics was approximately right in high friction systems. The world will never have another as bright as Aristotle. Gauss and Archimedes come close
>implying sociology is a science
>Nikolai "Atoms Don't Real" Tesla
>anywhere near God-tier
Where are the females?
Please don't
I haven't been to this board in a long time, but I remember why. Count your own achievements before diminishing the work of men far greater than you'll ever be.
Where the fuck is Rutherford?
Where the fuck is Linnaeus?
Why the fuck is Locke there?
>Darwin not god tier
>putting brainlets like Sartre, Marx, Freud in with otherwise respectable people
>Tesla god tier
My favorite is Lord Kelvin. Heat pumps are neato.
no grothendieck?
My personal favorite is Winogradsky. Too bad he's not on there though. He made a lot of important discoveries in microbiology and contributed many important ideas in biology in general.
There is a problem, OP. I can't seem to find James Clerk Maxwell in the category I am looking at.