How much caffeine a day?

How much caffeine a day is safe?

Some websites say 400mg a day. But since caffeine has a half life of 6 hours couldn't you take another 200mg if you took 400mg 6 hours before? Or should you really limit it to 400mg per day/24h?

caffeine is a meme. you'll be a better person if you can do stuff without it.

You can consume way more than 400 mg without any risk of harm. You might just get tremors and trouble sleeping.

Proof for that claim?


As much as you can take without getting a little tunnel vision or head rushing


50mg: placebo tier
100mg: babbys first stimulant
200mg: officer worker tier
300mg: optimum health vs. performance trade-off
400mg: ambitious tier
600mg: who needs body-fat tier
800mg: manic heart palpitation tiers
1000mg: you won't die, but you'll feel like killing yourself.


Maxed out at 1.2 (all at once) grams once in my early 20s on a bet. The day I had was not worth the $20 I won from said bet. Also unintentionally did a gram when I was 28, almost equally not a fun time.

As someone who relies way too much on the shit, I would advise you not do more than 400mg every 2-3 hours. It just feels generally bad.

But as far as safety is concerned, I read once 2g is potentially fatal to a fully developed adult.

the lethal dose of caffieneis around 15 grams for a male that weighs 75kg (~150lbs)

additionally you can get your psychoactive fix for only 5 cents. just go to walmart and get Stay Awake. Voila you can now caffienate almost anything and control the dosage as much as you want.

quit paying so much for caffiene in Star Cucks and Dunkin Dungholes brews

I probably have 500-800mgs a day most days. I've probably hit 1000+ many times.

I like coffee and it spaces out the caffeine intake. Take one pill or drink two cups of coffee over 4-5 hours. I'll take the cups.

I drink roughly 32Fl oz of coffee per day, black, no sugar.
Am I going to die? :P

Also, get some L-Theanine from the internet and take around 200mg if you're drinking more than 2 cups of coffee - it has been proven to potentiate the desirable effects of caffeine and removes the jitters almost completely

i used to work at starcucks and would took shots every hour or so. i regularly consumed 1+ g of caffeine daily, along with taking adderall prn.

it's just like any drug. take some and see how you feel.

take about 600mg to wake up in the morning. take another 400 or so a few hours later.

>not injecting espresso directly into your eyeballs

Totally depends on your weight.

600mg for a 100lb woman would be a equiv lent of 1500mg for a 250lb man.

You're good up to 1 gram a day, unless you're on the smaller side. Personally, I took 600 mg throughout yesterday and was fine

That's not right, it's closer to between 1 and 2 grams. I've heard stories of girls overdosing on taking just a few pills, though obviously men can handle more.

Probably 0. Look at anyone who ingests coffee, especially old people. They end up looking withered as fuck and skin darkened from coffee.

I took two caffeine tablets in addition to my daily 2-3 cups of coffee to work on a research paper once.

Then my gf showed up with more coffee to surprise me because she knows I love coffee.

By the time i was into my 2nd hour on this paper I was literally spazzing the fuck out for no raisin - like I was clapping my hands and twitching spontaneously as I was typing. It was really not fun at all, amphetamines are way more fun

caffeine is rubbish. try roseroot that shit actually works.

Completely dependant on your weight and tolerance.

I have extensive experience with caffeine anhydride, both orally and insufflated (caution: don't do it with pills).

Tl;dr it's mostly your tolerance

I have had 800+mg both ways and I haven't been productive (which I assume is your goal) and my max is 1.5g, it's recreationally fine, but builds up tolerance and its not productive at all.

If you regularly drink coffee (1-2 cups a day), you should start with 200mg/day. Tweak it per your own experiences, take it at different times etc. Taken 6 hours before your usual sleep time will mess with your productivity.

Usually with caffeine, less is more. You need to take occasional breaks because the tolerance *will* build up and then it's worthless for actually doing stuff. Taking too much will make you autistically focus on irrelevant stuff (case in point) instead of reaching the sweet optimum where you're productive.

I just don't get why you would write out the methyl groups attached to the nitrogens, it's so unaesthetic.

the fact that I took minimum 1g per day for two years straight and also the fact that the LD50 for caffeine is astronomically high

That's false

This is a very good post
I used to constantly sip energy drinks in undergrad and I was miserable and couldn't focus worth a shit, which made me procrastinate everything
Now working on my phd i usually have two shots of espresso in the evening no more than 5 times per week and I'm more concentrated, happier, and much more productive

I've taken 2000mg in the space of 6 hours before and I'm still here

Two mugs worth of black coffee, no sugar.

thoughts on Modafinil?