Can you help me solve the starmaze?

Can you help me solve the starmaze?

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This is pretty amazing.

can you help me understand it?

I ching I can help with this puzzle.



At first, reading that 9-diimensional mumbo jumbo, I thought this was going to be a shitpost on the tier of cuil theory, but it turns out this guy is actually onto something niche yet fascinating. It's worth the read, and the author clearly has great pattern recognition. Thanks for the interesting topic, OP.


7:4 ratio is the Bee's knees

When i said help, i ment "me dumb dumb man in art career, me need help undersyand weird thingy" so please start with the most basic shit.

Dude. This shits pretty crazy stuff. If you wanna start somewhere maybe look into topology or things like fibration to understand the dimensional parts more. Look into mazes and geometric puzzles. Maybe learn some math idk

All good suggestions to read, but the only math background you need is simply understanding the mechanics of the terminology that the author used, which isn't topology.

Wat? You realize a 9th dimensional hyper cube has a lot to do with topology right? And that learning topology would help you to visualize how the maze itself is constructed right?

oh god


>art career
Don't worry you are in the right place, science is now progressive and has now expanded its horizons to include art as a science.

STEM is old and outdated (lol) it is all about STEAM now.

some guy created a "maze" based on an old electronic handheld toy, the "maze" is based on patterns and is pretty fucking weird.

the deffinition of sciene and art has really deteriorated over time.

>My ultimate goal is to create a memory palace so vivid that I can calculate shortest paths by just seeing the answer
>not having a 9-D hypercube memory palace

when will brainlets learn

This is pretty cool. Have you ever talked to a mathematicians about this?

As I'm currently 6 chapters into my topology book, and I've skimmed already to see what I'm in for, I can say with certainty that hypercubes are irrelevant to most topology.

I can do it in 13. Not gonna try to get it down to 11.`