So, is fluid intelligence actually malleable?
So, is fluid intelligence actually malleable?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, it deteriorates with age and lack of exercise.
Are plastic neurons actually dynamic?
I'm sorry maybe you're saying something that makes sense and just using field-specific jargon, but it sounds like you're talking nonsense.
Are you fucking retarded? It takes a single Google search to find out what fluid intelligence is. By "malleable" he means what the damn word means - can fluid intelligence be changed?
Cmom underrated thread
With exercises like dual n back you can build a better fluid intelligence
I thought that shit was debunked.
It is true brainlet, fluid intelligence can be exercised and dual n back increases cognitive functions by the time
No it can't, retard.
yes it can, restart
Sources pls
it hasn't been, but if it does anything then it doesnt do much, and you have to be doing it all the time in order to get any benefit
It's better to spend your time more productively, like doing an engineering or english degree
Only downwards, you cannot increase IQ. Let's hope Kurzweil is right about his predictions, and we can all cybernetically enhance our brains. It would end many of ours problems.
It is definitely 100 percent debunked and does nothing for your brain. You are better off playing videogames and wasting away that way. However real exercise does improve brain function, pick up a sport or go jog.
sounds like pseudoscience
>Hurr Durr psychology is pseudoscience xP
Wow fucking slit your throat retard
no, seriously, it sounds really fucking dumb, like freud-level retarded
you can't build fluid intelligence. if you want to build your intelligence, the obvious thing to do is improve your crystalline intelligence. knowing many past patterns will help you identify new ones even if you're not particularly intelligent
wrong, it's not confirmed but it's far from debunked
this is what happens when u got source, good boy
Crystalized Intelligence = Accumulated Knowledge, Vocabulary, Experience & Wisdom
Fluid intelligence = Speed of Learning, Calculations, Reasoning & Processing Information
With Ageing
Fluid intelligence slowly decrease & deteriorate
Crystalized Intelligence slowly increase & improve
Intelligence = Fluid + Crystalized
The Overall IQ keeps constant because
when Fluid IQ drops & Crystalized IQ rise
One ballance another
i can't tell if you're being sarcastic but i love you regardless
gross oversimplification, and iq has actually been shown to you age
We are 100% plastic in our abilities until old age. It's only that we become less motivated and have less energy as we age.
IQ is constant in theory. But Actually the IQ can change
In Childs:
IQ increase a lot during Childhood under proper Education.
IQ decrease with Bad Nutrition & Abuse.
IQ can drop radically after Brain Damage, Injury,
Stroke, Disease, Dementia, Schizophrenia, etc.
Even Psychological Conditions such as Stress or Depression
can cause (temporary?) bad perfomance in IQ tests
Drug Abuse also led to drops IQ over time.
g factor is constant in theory, iq is not.
That guy is a Less Wrong mega autist don't listen to him.
i know what he is, less wrong is the best place to discuss.psychometrocs on the internet. you're probably too dumb to post there, and you justify that by demeaning those wgo poat there
You call me dumb but you can't even type lol. Less Wrong is a website for pseudointellectuals and autistic people who think they're the next Einstein, plain and simple.
my shitty typing is a mechanical defect but your pea brain is an inherent physical and genetic flaw. people on lesswrng rarely discuss their own intelligence and there is a lot of sincerity and very little pretension when it comes to discussion there.
last thread about this topic wasn't very fruitful
>100% plastic
so we can all be geniuses if we really want to? sounds like pseudoscience
its absolutely true though, but many people fail because theyre just not smart enough to make the cut, y'know?
oh wait
Nice pic you fucking degenerate numale
not this pseudoscience bullcrap again
I want to know what the original says
Probably something about white guilt.
>white male
>minority female
Take a guess
>thinking these are even close to accurate
The real version of that pic would be of the guy forming the last member of a 14 man relay team while the woman would be running the track alone.
If you don't believe me go to Freeman Dyson's wiki page, click on his Academic advisor and keep clicking the first Academic/Doctoral advisor of every previous person.
It will literally lead you to the farther of Gottfried Leibniz and 3/4 of all the listed advisors consist of a team of German ubermensch. That's what a real advantage fucking looks like, no amount of free AA, good gpa and willpower is going to beat that shit. You would either have to utilize Jewish networking and Jewish intelligence to compete with that or be a complete freak of nature like Tao to compete with that.
It's no wonder the Chinese fucking cheat and Indians do obscure shit.
>being jealous of not being Freeman Dyson
>Freeman Dyson
He has to be smart af because if a twig breaks and hits him, he dies.