What's the difference between "Science!" and "science"?

What's the difference between "Science!" and "science"?

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the former is the cool results, the latter is the boring shit and multiple fail attempts to get those results



I think somebody made a meme for this

Does anybody have it

looks like a meme already

Science! - Bill Nye

Science - Isaac Newton

science takes years and fails at the end.

Science! Is the romanticised idea of science, things like r/futurology.

Holy shit that sub is like the social media version of tabloids
Futurism is cancer

What about Michio Kaku he isn't a bad guy

science! is science * (science-1) * (science -2) * ... * 1

he's a sellout, it is like Kanye West started doing jingles to get Trump elected

toppest of keks

One is an extremely popular and boring religion, the other is an academic field filled with intriguing tedium and minutiae.

Science! is illegal and mostly done during wars

Science! has no math in it.

Science! = Science * Science-1 * Science-2 * ... * Science - (Science-1).

What point are you trying to make

or if it does have math, it is written like this

speed = distance divided by time


>What's the difference between "Science!" and "science"?
Science! = science + hubris

that`s easy!

Let`s see...

Crazy how these Ivy League twats can say such stupid stuff.

An uppercase at the beggining and a sign in the end

They often debate people who are much less intelligent than they are as well

I've never seen Dawkins debate somebody on par with him

science is something you do with your bros
science! is something you do on social media

science = research and study
Science! = applied science

Science! is what pushes kids into STEM
science is what weeds kids out of STEM