Position requirements?
Just education alone:
>Degree: physical science, engineering, or mathematics that included 24 semester hours in physical science and/or related engineering science such as mechanics, dynamics, properties of materials, and electronics.
That's not taking into consideration other conditions for employment.
Which can be found here:
Now let's see what qualifications she has?
>Kloss attended Webster Groves High School.
>In September 2015, Kloss enrolled in the Gallatin School of Individualized Study of New York University.
Mhm, she doesn't seem that qualified at all, how strange!
Let's not forget her experience as a "computer programmer":
>Kloss is referred to as a computer programmer by some parts of the fashion media, for trying to learn Python
>in April 2015, she partnered with Flatiron School and to offer a scholarship named Kode with Klossy for young girls interested in computer science and software engineering
And her proven ability in computer science?
And people say popsci isn't an issue?
Kloss and the Dunning–Kruger effect:
Other urls found in this thread:
yo, you new to world or something? When did you realise that the most famous and portrayed as successful people are not necessarily talented? You got to create an image and sell it to crowds. People who go deep in their professions might be interested only in their field with no shallow need for fame.
But I thought capitalism was supposed to be meritocratic?
meritocracy is an unobtainable utopia
Any ideology is when taken to an archetypal extreme.
>I thought people weren't supposed to lie, deceive, break rules.
You were born yesterday, weren't you?
No, I'm just tired of the abject hypocrisy of the erroneously successful, despite how egregious many of them are.
That's retarded.
Capitalism rewards people with the talent to make money, or having a skill others can make money with.
She's talented in capitalizing on the "u go grill" fad, and scamming gullible fools.
Capitalism IS meritocratic, until the government steps in and starts enforcing retarded diversity quotas while having the president of that same government agitate the population about that same "workplace inequality" brought by the natural meritocracy
>Karlie Kloss
Literally who cares?
Forgot to add that perfect systems don't exist.
It works for the most part, and it works better than any other system whe can currectly think off.
This is a good answer.
So, do you advocate for minarchism or anarcho-capitalism?
6.8 million people on her Instagram alone.
>this one lonely fag, who deep down has a crush on her and just can't stop posting about her. He even started learning kode with a hope to impress Karlie one day.
>It's another episode of roasties get things they don't deserve
Fuck man, there's a new episode every day!
No, my heart is reserved for Isis Lovecruft.
She turns my elliptical curve into a linear curve.
>So, do you advocate for minarchism or anarcho-capitalism?
I personally advocate for a Technocracy with a minimum interference in the market and social issues.
So, a minarchist technocracy?
>Unironically believing this
In a way yes but not actually. There should be massive state spending but not in the form of welfare, defense spending or infrastructure spending but rather under scientific spending and subsidies for technological companies. The reason patent laws exist is because if they don't then there's no incentive to do any R&D as a company because you can simply plagiarize someone else's R&D, I think that that should be further improved by patents being deprivatized and instead becoming state-owned - the state initiates the majority of R&D funding for the most important inventions, leaving the patent open to everyone inside the nation, while the companies fully focus on production and distribution of the product from that invention.
An example for this thread - the US should take over the expenses for the R&D of the primary SpaceX activities (i.e rockets) while SpaceX should be tasked as a company to utilize those patents as efficiently as possible and find a way to push them to the market for a profit. Taking the burden of R&D from companies would speed up technological advancement significantly and end up highly beneficial to the society of that nation in the long run, sadly the US is neither a technocracy nor will it ever stop funding welfare and the military to the massive extents that it currently does. Maybe there's still some small chance for the EU to transform into one but I'm starting to doubt it.
It does, but the only merit that it uses or rewards is the ability to make money.
This is what happens when society is entertainment-based. Kids grow up reading fiction books/comics, watching movies, playing video games, and believe the world to reflect their fantasies. Shit like the good guy always wins, the character gets the girl, women are put on a pedestal, celebrities are worthy people, people in charge are just and right, on and on.
Huxleyan dystopia, rather than an Orwellian one.
Although, those of us still not brainwashed are starting to endure the latter.
This is irrefutably correct, but sadly not self-evident.
Just like communism, only that communism was never an utopia to begin with.
Damn whoever made that picture has to be really fucking pretentious.
Muh big gubmimt
For telling the truth?
it comes off as really stuck up and pretentious. the point could have been made much faster and without all that pomp
>planetary protection officer
This cunt is going to cause problems in the future, aint she?
>This is what Capitalism idealists think
I'm no supporter of Marx, but you might want to get your facts straight, bud.
maybe it was a joke
Her biggest merit is dating the brother of Jared Kushner, thus making her more than qualified in the United States of Israel.
>planetary protection officer
sounds real to me
gurls can do stem too you friggin bigots :-D BENIS
>fucking lmao man why did Tolkein write LOTR when it could have been down with a few short essays
I ain't reading all this shit but I am assuming she got a science/engineering job without the proper qualifications? Most likely science job because legally she can't get an engineering job no matter how hard she bitches about patriarchy.
once she started reading she stopped going to the gym to do squats I see.
>She has been dating businessman and investor Joshua Kushner since 2012.[75][76]
So she is dating the wimpy kids brother and now got all that jewish privilege.
>jewish privilege
Back to Berkeley.
Once a jewish professor knows you are jew as well they do everything possible to help you out compared to goyem. Need a letter of recommendation from a jew professor as a goy? “Ah i’m busy but i’ll try”
Need one when you are a jew? “I will have it done even if i have to do it on shabbot!!!!”
>Just education alone
>she doesn't seem that qualified at all
b-but practically every board on fourchins and reddit and hackernews and other forums have all told me to apply anyways even if I don't have the right degree!
The fact that Marx loathed the utopists doesn't mean he didn't commit the same mistakes.
one of my few gripes is how nobody went back and corrected the mistake in that draw-a-rectangle video
in fact she has a bunch of orbiters who vehemently downvotes and shouts at anyone pointing it out being wrong
>tfw no karlie to peg you
shes a big girl
She probably never actually applied. These instagram """celebrities""" have no talent or positive virtues, including industriousness, yet they constantly shit out an image of being the next titan of industry.
The MO is this:
> change into 50,000 outfits on a holiday so that you can post the photos throughout the year making it appear as if you are permanently globe-trotting
> occasionally wake up and get dressed at 5am to upload a photo so people can see the timestamp
> NEVER allow any photos being laidback with friends, drinking or eating junk
> don't have any real friends to ensure they can't post candid photos of you
> use cocaine non stop to help you do the absolute minimum you manage
> post an occasional "omg cheat day pizza" post designed to signal how you also have the virtue of being down to earth despite also signalling contradicting virtues
> if you are a guy use Test-E for body, if you are a girl don't do anything at all and reveal this by sharing videos of yourself doing waste of time meme workouts.
This. Anyone who spams online about what go-getters they are can be safely assured to be either lazy liars or have a "benefactor". If you work a proper job, eat well, exercise and have one hobby that's your time gone. You don't have time for 10 holidays a year and chai lattes every morning with friends.
My day is:
> get up at 6:30
> work by 8:30
> leave work at 5:30
> gym until 7
> cook and eat until 9
> do housework/ or relax with girlfriend until 10:30
I don't even pretend to have as time consuming a job as many do. Most of these girls are literal prostitutes.
I've never met anyone seriously contend this before. Regardless of opinion on jewish people generally, they are widely accepted to be hugely nepotistic.
no, she just posted a pic on Instagram and now everyone is complaining
You are too young.
STEM begin attach ugly nerd people, glass girls unfashion,fat and quickly, some asians and Indian girls.
Feminist and companies contract Kloss to make marketing campaign for STEM, show pretty,white,young,fashion and cool girl programming and make science, don't care if another people make her job don't care if couldn't write line of code or calculus, she begin cool propaganda.
She just lies as begin her job.
Sometime weird how nazi propaganda methods begin so popular.
>forgetting PRISM
>I'm not stupid, it's the fucking nepotistic kikes that kept me from getting into grad school!
Go-getter are usually self employed or on commision, 9-5 is garbage until/unless you rise through the ranks. I do freelance software and my average week is less than 20 hours of work, but I also have spike with weeks where I put in over 100 hours. Though I am not a go-getter with piles of hobbies, spend most of my free time pissing around the net.
>For telling the truth?
It is not even close, it is just critical theory wank by some dumbfuck conspiricay theorist. The world actually works, not every hobby is a trivial waste of time, fitness and self improvement is not just an exercise in self improvement, being informed on current events is vital to political participation.
If you want in depth journalism it is widely available. The idea that media is just horoscopes and celeb gossip is horseshit.
How is the world reduced to passivity? People are exercising their agency everyday in what they choose to spend their time, money, and labor on. Is he implying that democracy should be about citizens micromanaging their society?
Right, I need to read Neil Postman and Guy Debord to get the truth... Throw out your TV man...
Fuck faggot and get off Veeky Forums with this commie shit, I bet you are taking a degree in the Social 'Sciences" or some otherfaggot shit.
This is kind of how research works currently, it's just blown up to an extreme level. Your system has the inherent problem of the companies acting on those government patents not necessarily being able to patent-protect their own methods for making things efficiently to turn a profit. This means that the government would have to choose specific entities to act on its patents, which would result in a strict command economy that I'm fairly sure you're not advocating for.
This is aside from the fact that spending on defense and welfare has a tremendous political and economic inertia that's pretty hard to disrupt without serious consequences.
>Baiting with a comic relating Postman's arguments
The dude's just another pretentious academic who thinks he's somehow figured it all out by virtue of his high IQ and career standing. Amusing Ourselves to Death is just him wanking himself for some 150-odd pages about how people are bumbling retards destroying print media.
*exercise in vanity
Why apply for a job if you don't meet the minimum requirements?
Is this a thing in america? Like how did she even get an interview or is NASA HR not very good at vetting potential candidates?
It is pretty common on the experience part where most jobs entry level jobs say they require 3-5 years of experience doing x
So in america you just say have worked a particular job but not have the qualifications and if you have say 3-5 years experience in it you can apply?
That's a normal thing?