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I love it when real life things are so fucking big they look 3D animated

yeah dude it's totally not 3d animated cgi it just looks like it


Agreed. People who think otherwise are wrong.


Same, its some cool shit. My favourite so far is the gif of the moon transiting the earth.









F you magnificent beast. We have the same age. I hope you will be utterly destroyed and not contaminate your moons.

>Discovery of still-unexplained red streaks on Saturn's moon Tethys.

why is everything in space so lifeless and dull. how some people can find this interesting is beyond me.

I wonder if Cassini's break up could be seen from one of the Saturn's moons?

I sincerely hope you are baiting.
if not, fuck off.


So the moon really is made out of cheese. I always thought that that was a brainlet tier joke.

maybe one of the closer ones? It's going to be very bright but there's huge distances involved plus atmosphere will be blocking some of the light when it does burn up. So probably not.

wow a lifeless ball of rocks. i sure am excited

what are you on about?

the moon looks like blue cheese in that picture, brainlet+eyelet+autistlet

That is Enceladus. One of the few potentially life-bearing worlds in our system. Its not rock, its ice. Under the ice is a global ocean. You are a pleb. I am triggered.

wow a frozen ocean on a distant planet with nothing on it

it's one of saturn's moons, not a planet and stop responding to that guy he's a complete brainlet

Ok i'll post some enceladus things to keep it interesting. first : scale

then the sexy moons

dry surface of enceladus

mmmmm cheese

A model of the interior of Enceladus: silicate core (brown); water-ice-rich mantle (white); a proposed diapir under the south pole (noted in the mantle (yellow) and core (red))

what's cooler than beeing cool ?



>inb4 80y+ before the next probe is sent out if ever

>You will never experience a Titan rover in your lifetime

I'm sorry I'm kinda stupid but
Why are they killing it?

Almost ran out of power


Its almost out of fuel. They don't want to let it drift aimlessly because it could collide with one of Saturn's moons. We think there's a decent possibility that there's life on at least one of these moons. Cassini was not properly sterilized before launch, so we do not want to allow Cassini to hit one of these possibly-life-bearing moons and contaminate it with life from Earth.

>tfw Titan Mare Explorer was axed

Why even live?

It's been a blast

it will return, soon
once industry comes to the moon, the costs of scientific missions will drop through the floor and result in fucktons of missions to everywhere

Anyone from Eastern time going to watch it live at 1am ? can't be the only one ! What a ride she gave us :)

bumping while I wait. 6 hours to go lads

Enceladus is truly best moon

See you on the other side, Cassini

RIP Cassini, you gave so many planetary scientists PhDs and funding one might say you built the contemporary planetary science community

This song goes to you, Cassini.

>You know, it's sort of amazing how as human beings we can so quickly hate and despise one another for arbitrary differences in appearance, attire, or minor cultural differences...
>And yet I can so instantly anthropomorphize what is essentially a computer built in 1997 in the space of a 6 minute long video, to the point where I become teary-eyed and feel like I'm watching the end of a Pixar movie.
>That's really not meant to be a political statement, either. I just think it's amazingly weird of us.
>By the end of that video I was like, "Farewell, brave explorer! You shall not be forgotten! " like it was Magellan or someone being laid to rest. I was legitimately feeling proud for the accomplishments of device with the computing power somewhere around the level of a Playstation 2, if even that.

This thinking will grind to a halt any kind of space exploration. Why spend money to pollute space when you can spend it on me?

I know what you mean

user I sat there teary eyed watching the livestream thinking "holy shit what am I doing with my life working for some soulless corporation, I need to devote my life to working for JPL" but then I saw they pay shit tier and it's really hard and yeah...

Man fuck humanity, fuck us all, why can't we just get alone, kumbaya by the fire, it doesn't work - fuck it. FUCK THIS. Fuck bigotry, fuck anti-intellectualism, fuck racism, fuck sexism on both sides, fuck patriotism, fuck EVERYTHING except pure humanism and quite frankly "sentience-ism". All life is precious and we throw it away. I need to go vegan. I'm turning into a liberal hippy faggot. But I can't escape these ethical conclusions.

Will we get pictures of Saturn atmosphere?

Nope. Cassini's transmission capabilities are far too low bandwidth to support any sort of real time video.

>Fuck bigotry, fuck anti-intellectualism, fuck racism, fuck sexism on both sides, fuck patriotism, fuck EVERYTHING except pure humanism and quite frankly "sentience-ism"

Unfortunately thats not going to happen. You're stuck with those things and humanity is too and its going to kill us as a race.

Just gotta make the most of what we got.

Humanism isn't worth anything because humans are shitty beings by default; Hobbes got it right in 1651 and bright eyed idealists keep making us learn the same painful lessons of human nature over and over and over again.


Clean feed is up. So far just some folks having coffee, talking about tearing up the ceremonial anomaly plan, etc. Systems leads reporting in also.

Where at? Youtube livestream is still saying 30 minutes


Shit man I remember watching this thing get launched on tv back in '97 and all the hippies protesting about its thermoelectric generator.

Next Cassini-Huygens tier mission when?

Europa Clipper maybe but I doubt that will be as spectacular

JWST is gonna be fucking sweet though

I want more moon explorations. ESA are launching JUICE in the early 20s so that should be good

If you you think it was bad then just wait until someone even suggest doing it again.


Is there no audio, or am I just missing something?

>those LQ textures

Nice CGI.

Jk, I actually love space.

Not too much happening of interest so far beyond Mission Control ripping up the last contingency plan without announcing it first. A little awkward but funny. A lot of smiles since they verified the carrier signal was good and strong earlier.

It comes and goes when they decide to hot mic certain things. The feed with commentary is supposed to come up at the top of the hour (use the Public button).

pretty sure its a composite of a bunch of real photos. Doubt CGI but definitely heavily edited and colorised

Will we ever see a human being land on another moon or planet in this lifetime? I'm losing hope lads.

>Have you five-by
>>have you five-by also
Five by what? He needs to know if he's clear or garbled. l2radio m8s


What's the point?
Its much cheaper to send robots

We have more important things to do here on earth.


Cool, thanks

where are the 2D videos all the ones I can find are meme shit 360 videos

You'll see a genderfluid black woman first fuck a dog on mars then shit cum on a crucifix on livestream from your gulag.

The future is here old man

How do they project that screen into the 360 degree view?

I want to know.

The "media" button has just live mic audio.


Yep, the "main public presentation" if you will is on the public channel. Just listened to all the systems checks on Media; everything's bueno so far.

Also, if you want to see when the signal drops:

I've got a bottle of wine I will chug a toast from once it drops.

poor fella tearing up. I want to hug him.

Won't be a dry eye in the place soon.


Planetary protection hysteria will not allow people to set foot anywhere beyond leo. Probe sample returns are very likely off the table as well. Lets hope at least the occasional orbiter will be tolerated.

It's actually DSN Goldstone station communicating with Cassini not Canberra as this woman said 3 times already.

A bit of video from Canberra's op center was shown. Also see the 43 on the spectrum analyzer? 43 is in Canberra.

It's Canberra, click on CAS

Oh God this chick is so awkward/cute. Hnngh

Then something's wrong with this website.