Is there any reliable way to increase your IQ?

Is there any reliable way to increase your IQ?

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Read books, solve problems.

true. books helps. also study a wide range of subjects and apply scientific logic to them makes theories, discards any bad theories.

Doing nothing and lurking Veeky Forums

genocide many people with lower IQ so that once the IQ test is recalibrated the next year you'll score higher


Also exercise and eat healthily and don't smoke or drink too much

>genocide many people with lower IQ
higher IQ*

Survive infancy.

Do the same IQ test everyday, my score went from 105 to 132 after a few weeks of training.

IQ is not static. Your score will vary a lot depending on your mood and health, so if you are healthy and got a good night's sleep you will do better than if you are not healthy with poor habits.

Nope, IQ is determined by your genes. Nothing you can do about it.

Devise a new IQ test tailored for yourself.

Your first couple scores on an IQ test are the only valid ones. You can study and try again and score higher but it doesnt mean your IQ has changed, because practicing defeats the purpose of the test. Its supposed to test your ability to come up with solutions to problems youve never encountered before. I tell you this every week when you make this thread, just accept that your IQ isn't as high as you thought. It means nothing anyway, based Feynman was a 125 and still one of the smartest people in recent history.

Your IQ is still 105. I could literally train a monkey to score a 135 if i had him retake the test hundreds of times.

but you can increase your intelligence even if IQ isn't a perfect test of it no?

It is not fully determined by your genes. Nutrition and stimuli play an important role too. Obviously it's pretty much static from adulthood onwards, but only 50% genetic.

I fear you might would try to have sex with that monkey.
And I wonder to what kind of exceptional scoring you could drive a human who is already at 105.

The IQ-lets have tricked you into thinking there's actually something you can do. Don't believe them, they are just frustrated about their own IQ.

Depends, im sure in some places the genetic contribution is very high, in others its very low. Feel like 50% is just the mean of a gaussian you get from sampling heritability scores across different contexts. Its more of a summary statistic than an actual accurate description of something.

If given enough tries a random number generator could score above 150. A human with an IQ of 105 is essentially a monkey with less hair, so about the same.

This monkey probably already has higher than 105 IQ

that chimp was trained for the test iirc when a human trains for the test they end up performing better than the chimp


The fuck you talking bout drinking and smoking is amazing even though its bad for your health

So to be clear, there is no transfer from practicing IQ tests into fluid intelligence?

Experience real life,
study different fields,
talk with actual people from all classes

Learn how to use mental abacus and Method of loci, do intense aerobic exercise, start using images to think instead of using an Internal monologue (inner voice ), play rts and games that need a lot of multitasking and focus, learn drawing (3D object manipulation is important for iq tests),learn programming and math that has real life applications

What does sci think of this brain training routine?

The Dual N-Back game from Brain Workshop.

People become smarter when they don't rely on intuition and instead think deeply about problems. This isn't a person's natural approach since it takes so much extra energy. If you take this too far though you just become extremely anxious about every decision you make.

No. There has not been a single method demonstrated to increase general intelligence.
All training programs just turn out to make them better at the training tasks, which never generalizes.
The only thing that works is not being malnourished, which basically isn't a problem for anyone in the first world.

Op here, dual n-back is a meme. infact there has been only meme suggestions so far ITT like reading books improving yourself et cetera
how about some drug that makes you grow neurons and synapses?

Only this, once a working version is done.

I have hope we'll be able to increase our IQ's artificialy within our lifetimes.