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learn about real numbers, junior
then come back

That should be an identity sign, not an equals sign.

I like him

dude what ?

identity politics, now in math too

>over-bar notation

>"real" numbers

shut up rube


&0.33... \\
3 & \overline{)1_0 \;\;\;\;\;} \\
& \;\;\;\underline{9} \\
& \;\;\;1_0 \\
& \;\;\;\;\; \underline{9} \\
& \;\;\;\;\; 1 \;\; etc

The acceptable notation is 0.333... or better yet 1/3. Most professional mathematicians wouldn't recognize those special snowflake notations.

pi = 3.14159...

see the problem?


>the proof for this a metaphor

>repost it to save time while you sage it
retard alert, you can't sage while posting an image, thanks for the bump though

>or better yet 1/3.

>don't do nuthin'
if only you thought that before shitposting

> 1/3 + 0.33333...
If mathematicians are supposed to be smart why havent they fixed this, huh? Why do we even have you around?

>i would rather write down repeating digits indefinitely rather than notate one digit with a line, saving myself time, effort and brainpower

What does 1-1/ω equal to?

what's this?