Notes General

How neat are you really, sci?

Usually I'm like this:

-Main shit
-stuff about main shit
-more details

More math I am all over the place. Regular notes like pic relatedjust follows the format.

Handwriting is a hybrid of print and cursive

Quite neat, I think.

not neat at all you're a faggot

>taking notes
>not practicing active listening



Active listening involves taking notes....

it should be
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
otherwise there is no s

>using pencil for science and math notes

Do you switch to Latin letters when you've run out of Greek? :thinking:

I've never felt the need to take notes. If I happen to forget something then all the professor says is in the book. I normally just doodle while I listen.

You guys walk with you heads tilted to one side, too? How hard is it to rotate a fookin image?

sloppy as fuck. disorganized.
btw any tips on note taking? specifically on assigned readings. two problems -
- I can never tell what's important or not
- I have a hard time summarizing or distilling the main points into my own words
basically poor comprehension. advice?

even when I rotate it wont stay the right side up, don't know why

read the passage until you would feel comfortable explaining it to someone else. write down what you would explain to that person in a nutshell. Also for note taking in class if there's a process to complete a problem compartmentalize that process into steps. I literally write "step 1" "step 2" and so on, and with the steps try to write a short word or two on what you did in that step to solve the problem, along with any exceptions to that step if the teacher tells you any.

I'm in aerospace, not ist

I never took notes, 3.8 gpa at a competitive school for Structural Engineering.

get good or go home.

I never really took notes in undergrad.

Just Pour More Concrete 101

Where I work its, "just add another strand."

its pen in bad light

Any tips on getting myself to start writing down my work and thoughts regularly in a coherent manner? Should I just sit down at the end of day and write down the most important things, or just write stuff down while working and then do a postselection in the evening/ the next morning? I am really bad at this, but I am beginning to notice that I sometimes "rediscover" thoughts which I could just have looked up if I documented them at a moment of clarity, but in these moments I always tell myself that I will remember it easily afterwards.

No it doesn't. If you listen properly you remember it. That's the point.

My notes are garbage. I cant understand my own handwriting half the time, not even sure why i bother.

How do i write like this??

>having bad handwriting
Just go to fuckin med school where you belong you brainlets

My s sucks

Just practice until you get rid of all your bad habits. Pic related, copypastas are great if you need something to write.

Notes from my last semiconductors class

Is that a particular method?

you know that Veeky Forums likes to rotate the images back sometimes right?

>how smart person take notes

DiffEq notes

work in progress scribbles from my thesis
my actual notes are slightly more organized

I take notes of my notes and then summerise them again sometimes. I'm fucking retarded