>not becoming a physician
It's like you want to be poor.
Enjoy teaching high school algebra classes for $60K/year with your math PhD.
>not becoming a physician
It's like you want to be poor.
Enjoy teaching high school algebra classes for $60K/year with your math PhD.
Enjoy being in school until you're 32 and spending 3/4 of your salary on malpractice insurance and paying off student loans
>dealing with sick people
>dealing with the general public
>putting your fingers in people's butts
Leave it to a premed student to not understand the concept of lost earning years and compound interest.
premeds can't into math
Premed fag here, already in too deep. At the point of no return.
>first 1-4 years out of 11-17
>too deep
not too late brother
$400k is a shit ton of money, even with a decade head start at $150k average you won't beat that
If you want to make real money you don't get a job, especially not one in medicine. If you insist on going into med school you should probably just become a derm and cut moles off old people in boca raton. You can easily make millions working 9-5 without the hassle of working in a hospital not to mention residency is short and piss easy.
I wish I'd been a dentist. The practices where it's just two dentists and the assistants always seem so comfy and flexible with nice hours and good money.
>I wish I'd been a dentist
Why does every wanna be med/dental fag only care about numbers like some autist and not realize how disgusting these careers are?
>Dealing with denture breath all day
That stuff doesn't bother me at all, honestly.
really if you want money, and only money, become a CPA. All it takes is a BA in accounting, then certification, and you'll EASILY pull 6 figures out of undergrad from a cushy ass job. But most people find it extremely boring
That only works if you have (jewish) connections.
If all you want is money I don't see why you would get a job at all. Why not go into business. Swindle some foreign investors hype your product with international accounts grease the right palms and when the stock triples on take over rumors you're worth a billion dollars. If you're really ethical you can pay off your investors and still be worth more than any doctor will ever be.
>he doesn't have (((connections)))
Only BABs are allowed to post on Veeky Forums.
Dude that's because healthcare in the US is a lucrative business. I can assure you that a physician anywhere else in the world doesn't make such high figures. Also that would explain why universal healthcare make the system go bankrupt.
I vote for the socialists to end this inequality.
>interacting with humans
But what if you find teaching in high school satisfying? Personally, I would be very satisfied to teach in a very good high school with intelligent and motivated children. Inspiring the next generation of intelligent people is awesome and praiseworthy work. Did you not have any good teachers?
I thought physicians studied physics?
>Dude why aren't you going into X, you'll make a lot more money lol
Fuck off normie retard. Have fun being a miserable and worthless sack of filth because you decided to go into a career for vain reasons and not because you actually want to help people or contribute to society. Want to know why we hate engineers so much? Because most of them are fucking brainlets ("haha my calculus courses were soooo hard!") who got into the field for the prestige and money.
That's cool, I guess. Whatever makes you happy. For me, that's having tons of money and free time in which to spend it. As a teacher, you'd certainly have a lot of free time at least. As for me, I'm hoping to do what this guy said: I'm gunning for dermatology, the cushest specialty of them all. Not for robots and autists though. An average derm sees like 40 patients in a day. And you need to be able to make people feel comfortable because they'll be getting naked in front of you. Yeah, some of the lesions can be pretty gross, but I grew up on /b/ since 2006. Enough said.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy helping people. It doesn't have to be a dichotomy. I can be motivated by a desire to help humanity as well as a desire to make money. The only people in my med school class who continue to spout the altruistic "medicine is my calling" BS are naive brainlets who will end up as primary care docs. The big boys like myself see it for what it is: a job, just like any other.
Enjoy pursuing a career with no ability to conduct novel experiments or creative ventures because you're looking at some old faggots nut cancer all day.
Yeah because doctors are never are involved with medical research. It's not like you can go into an academic position with any speciality and also.conduct research along with medical.practice while still making money. And what the hell is a MD/PhD? Those obviously don't exist.
>That's cool, I guess. Whatever makes you happy. For me, that's having tons of money and free time in which to spend it. As a teacher, you'd certainly have a lot of free time at least. As for me, I'm hoping to do what this guy said: # I'm gunning for dermatology, the cushest specialty of them all. Not for robots and autists though. An average derm sees like 40 patients in a day. And you need to be able to make people feel comfortable because they'll be getting naked in front of you. Yeah, some of the lesions can be pretty gross, but I grew up on /b/ since 2006. Enough said.
My parents are rich as fuck. I don't need money.
>work for days without sleep, end up as an addict just to stay awake
>he is concerned more about compensation.
I need power not money, my goal is to participate in the decision making process.
I'm not united statian btw
medfag reporting.
if you want money, don't pursue fucking medicine.
do comp sci or finance.
my finance buddies started making 150k + bonuses right out of college. same with comp sci friends doing algo trading.
my ex-gf did comp sci and was making 250k with less than half of the education that i have to go through to be starting at something in that realm.
i do medicine because i genuinely like it but if you want to make money do something else.
Nah that's bullshit. A doctor can easily make half a mill a year with the right practice. Even the lowest tier of physicians, the plebiatricians, are making over $200K average. No other field has that as the FLOOR. Your friends, if they actually exist, are at the top of their field. An **extremely** small percentage of finance and CS majors will ever break 200K, whereas virtually all doctors make that. Not to mention job security...those finance guys and programmers get fired at the drop of a hat all the time, whereas you basically have to try to get fired as a physician. And lastly, all the CS and finance guys are doing is making rich old faggots richer. As a physician, you are directly alleviating people's suffering and sometimes even saving lives. Last time I checked, with the exception of Veeky Forums autist hambeast chicks, no girl's panties got wet because you wrote a computer program or traded a bond. Try telling a woman that you're a pediatric surgeon. Her panties will be flying off faster than the speed of light.
my point is that i have to spend more than double for the amount of education to make a base salary somewhere near what they make (let's say internal medicine which median income is like 120k or something last i checked).
i live in NYC so i assume everyone is probably at the top of their fields, well the people i'm talkign about (that do exist) aren't exactly at the top of their fields but i suppose there is a certain threshold that they must reach to work here in this city.
my major point is that these CS and finance people make six figures from graduating at 22, while i have to go to 4 additional years of medical school and THEN a residency which is anywhere from2 to 7 or even more years to be making anythign close to that amount.
Non-medfag here, but I agree with this. The only counter-argument to becoming a doctor even if you like the things you learn is the working schedule, most doctors I've met have very little or no free time to speak of, plus the fact that you're only gonna start working at 30+ years of age. Other than that, you can't beat medicine when it comes to money and prestige.
What if you're not about that cust life tho?