>Professor uploads his lecture script
>it was written with MS Word
Professor uploads his lecture script
Focus on the content, little brainlet.
that's not easy, if the formulas look like shit
> "formulas"
MS Word is no free software. Free as in freedom. You practically have to download their botnet to even read the file or half the shit wont show because the file format is proprietary. Whenever people send me word documents I tell them this and that I can't even read the file and they should send pdfs or even txt files instead. it activates my almonds that people use this proprietary shit and i sperg about it and wont do whats in the doxument until its pdf. i export everything as pdf too. way more universal and easy to access for everyone.
>>Professor uploads his lecture script>it was written with MS Word
Is it any wonder why our students are lightyears behind Asian students when our science undergraduates are concerned with pointless shit like this?
>Whenever people send me word documents I tell them this
ANd people are laughing at you--look at this poor asshole that can't even afford to buy MS Word.
communist detected
MS Word is alright, OP. On the other hand: What really really sucks, is Apple iWorks. You can't open its files with nothing else. Not even on a Mac.
>not just using free as in free software to read .doc files.
>demanding people use a different proprietary software instead.
Sure thought this out didn't you.
>Go to small state school
>Most of the math professors graduated with M.Sc. in Applied Math. All of the Ph.D. professors have doctorates in statistics or math education.
>All lectures, all assignments, all class notes are written in MS Word.
>School hires new professor, Ph.D. in Pure Math.
>His first linear algebra assignment was written with Latex.
Feels good as fuck, probably the second time I've seen Tex at this school.
You cannot get around the fact that 99% of the world completes 99% of their written work in MS Word.
>Collaborating on a manuscript?
Shared Word document in Outlook or Google Docs.
>Submitting a manuscript?
MS Word template.
>Sending a copy of a manuscript for internal review?
MS Word so they can leave comments.
The only way you can escape it is if MS Word is the wrong tool for your manuscript (math) or if you are some combination of autistic/working alone and you prefer latex.
>he can't afford or pirate MS Office 2007
kek Normies are so cute.
My mathematical physics professor
>uses pdf to teach during class
>it's the entire textbook scanned and stored in pdf format
>uses the scroll bar to navigate through the ginormous pdf file
but she was a sweet old lady that gave me an A even though I did terrible at my exams. so it's ok
Dumb frogposter.
>tfw all lecture material is written in comic sans
I'd write my shit in notepad.
Show me thoses stats or it didn't happen
They're right here: What, are you blind?
I actually came across a paper written in word once. Supposedly it was relevant for my research at the time, but I have no idea since I never read it.
I just use AbiWord if I need to open a .doc or .docx
AbiWord's free, open source, can open and save documents in .doc .rtf .tct or .txt, and it actually works better for me than Microsoft Word despite looking a bit primitive.
>tfw i write all the documents for my classes in MSWORD with Computer Modern font
>getting the lecture script
Holy fuck are Americans this dumb? ahahahaha fucking BRAINLETS PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS
>obsessed yuropoors at it again
You can put it into google drive and read it from there. That's how I got by.