U are stupid

>90% of math phd's can't solve this problem, can you?

Well, can you??

>inb4 do your own homework
>inb4 "ehe, well, could not be buterd with pening it down in my sketchybookie but i figure the solution is easy so i dont bother hihi!"

The problem is find the value of h btw

Sqrt 2


>mathematicians hate this

Sorry sqrt 7/sqrt2

All wrong

This problem is found in a math textbook for 3rd graders btw...


Guessing 2

>line labeled 4m is shorter than the line labeled 3m
I will never have another pet peeve as strong as this one

It's a trick question, the answer is no

Anticipating a response doesn't make that response wrong. Do you own homework.

Are you assuming i'm 8?

the answer is 1.59244
solved graphically, made linear equations for both lines found the intersection
scam method but it fucking works
op can go fuck himself for tryna be r u d e b o i

Hi i'm OP.
This is correct, good work.

4m is the whole line all the way to the vertical line on the right. Same for 5m.

Sqrt (4^2 - 3^2)

Moving the "4m" line down so that aligns with the "5m" right end gives us a new triangle with two known legs and known height. From that we get enough angles to know all inside angles of the triangle whose height needs to be found.
With the angles and the base length, we can get 'h'.

I get the same value as
So I'm guessing it's correct.


>inb4 do your own homework
>inb4 "ehe, well, could not be buterd with pening it down in my sketchybookie but i figure the solution is easy so i dont bother hihi!"
Calling out these responses doesn't make them any less valid. The problem is easy and you should do your own homework. It is only basic trigonometry.


That picture just sums it up, doesn't it. The difference between physicists and political scientists is that only one of them is pretending to have answers. Other one will happily admit ignorance where appropriate.

not enough info to solve
need at least 1 angle

where n is defined as the answer to this question.

OP you some dumb shit?