For instance, multiplying pi by itself and then performing the same operation on the product for many iteration until I become tired, I find very relaxing.
Is this normal?
I enjoy continuously doubling numbers, does anyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
>multiplying pi by itself
Not possible. Since there are infinite number of decimals in pi, it would take infinitely long to square it.
>multiplying pi by itself
Do you realize that its decimal expansion is infinite?
You're autistic and you didn't need to make a blog thread.
I obviously truncate it, you pedants.
I do have a clinical diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome.
But, I was just wondering if anyone else did it?
>I obviously truncate it, you pedants.
3, 9, 27, 81, 243...
I think so
>tfw only know that word because of programming
It's not normal. Please visit your local church.
When I was in elementary school I used to calculate powers of 2 just to pass the time. I got up to some pretty big ones on paper, but I don't think I could go higher than five digits in my head.
truncation produces unique decimals, which aren't pi. Kys.
Fuck I did this too man holy shit. I only did it on my mind though. Like when I was on gym class and shit.
But I did do some things on paper. One thing about me is that I really liked multiplication. It just felt good to multiply, and I liked the fact that on paper we could multiply really big numbers with the classic algorithm taught in school. In particular I liked to get a notebook, go to the back of it and then just write something like 999999999999999 times 999999999999999 and actually carry out the multiplication until the end.
I had forgotten that but you brought it back to my mind. Fuck man I really loved multiplying :)
i do that too OP
>whip out calculator
>press 2
>press x^2 a bunch of times
Fine, 'derived from pi', you penis.
It's pretty great for some reason, isn't it?
You have to do it on paper, otherwise you don't get the buzz.
These anons understand the appeal.
Perhaps it makes you feel intelligent.
Perhaps you do this as a compensation for your failure in school? Maybe you know deep inside that you have nobody to talk to about your intellectual inferiority complex, so you bury them deep inside with these compulsive behaviors? I suggest you try self-harm, it might help you bury them deeper.
End yourself autistic fuck
Psychology isn't a science.
Nice try though, Sigmong Fraud.
How about you look deep within yourself and consider why you took that intro psychology course?
Perhaps it was to aid you in understand why you try and project your intellectual inferiority complex onto others?
>*understand = understanding
Thats not doubling, its squaring, you plebeian brainlet.
>3(1) [is a1}
>3(1) [is a2]
>___ [is termination line]
>6(2) [is product of the multiplication of a1, and a2 and is a3]
>6(2) [is a4]
>___ [is termination line]
>12(4) [is product of the multiplication of a3 and a4 and is a5]
>12(4) [a6]
>[Incomplete extract]
I too enjoy this doubles phenomenon
>I do have a clinical diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome.
Literal autism, as always.
What are you smoking?
I work out powers of natural numbers in bed before falling asleep... I also like the triangular numbers: 1, 1+2, 1+2+3....
I find it relaxing to do in my head but a bit pointless to do on paper
You're not understanding, might've been my liberal use of multiplication.
>3+3=6 [2 lots of 3]
>6+6=12 [4 lots of 3]
>12+12=24 [8 lots of 3]
Now to explain my notation:
So take 3(1), it is 1 lot of 3.
Then you add it to another lot of 3.
The answer being 6(2), or 2 lots of 3.
Pretty sure the derivative of pi is 0
Check these dubs
Taking a derivative is differentiation, not derivation. stupid
I enjoyed doing this when i was twelve
you'll like this then op
I don't know if that's actually the right vid but its related at least.
Do your doubling thing but then calculate the digital roots and look for patterns. 1, 2, 4, 8... but also 3, 6, 12, 24. doubling 3 will alternately produce digital roots of 3 and 6
There are ways to converge to pi^2 just like there are ways to converge to pi. You guys are autists who don't know math.
If i need to stop myself from cumming too soon, i start doing binary multiplication in my head starting at 512.
It really helps.
yeah op i have ocd i count in fours it's fucking irritating
The joke
Your head