HAHAHAHAHAH anti science bigots btfo!

HAHAHAHAHAH anti science bigots btfo!

I aint reading all that shit nigga

>hahaha having such contempt for other people that you actually desire them to die is funny xD

>A joke is now intent for murder

If the price is cheap enough flat earthers really will be a space tourism market

damn. thats some funny shit OP. thanks. had a blast

A true flat earther would never agree to be shot into the sky because they'd be afraid they'd be wrong, they'd use the excuse they're afraid to hit the firmament though.

The nazis mocked the Jews endlessly for their stereotypical looks and other jewish traits. Whites also mock blacks through ooga booga jokes and the like too. It always starts out as a joke but before long it gets serious.

I'm sorry, what was that?

Yeah but they were right about the jews

And njggers are monkeys.

Dying isn't enough


And both Nazis and Whites are right

Is that supposed to be Elon Musk?

Flat earther genocide when?


>a SJW website about gayming is now a speaker for science

Can someone fucking kill me? Why do literal wastes of human space who consume popsci, play videogames and do drugs think they even have the right to speak about science? Everyone who is actually a scientist hates those people. If anything, Elon would send them in that rocket. Get fucked.

>wannabe art major Hitler was so butthurt about being out competed by Jews that he literally had Germany go on a Global temper tantrum that cost Whites +40 million of it's own people and Jews still in the end to this day out compete everyone in business, education and STEM.

>American Whites so butthurt about subhumans actually making gains and lel black President that they vote for the worst political candidate in history who insults the America's allies and get into bitch fits with baby tier dictators. All while China is making economic and scientific gains, developing a time table to rid themselves of gasoline vehicles and exporting and expanding the development of sub-sahara Africa allowing said sub-humans to make even more gains.

>Jews never mocked nazis
>blacks never mock whites
You are literally wasting oxygen, shit for brains

>wannabe art major
Why is it always the art majors that go batshit fucking crazy? Maybe we should modify universities so that liberal arts classrooms become execution chambers, so that every year the people who sign up to learn liberal arts go in and then get immediately gassed, making sure that we never have a new Hitler.

>wannabe art major Hitler was so butthurt about being out competed by Jews that he literally had Germany go on a Global temper tantrum
you gotta appreciate his dedication though. most people would just let go of it, a few nuts would go on a school shooting spree while he managed to rally an entire country (not even his own) to get behind him for something so pitiful. he was the original eric cartman

>(not even his own)
What? What kind of (((conspiracy theory))) is this?

Jesus christ fucking mouthbreather Hitler was Austrian you flaming faggot shiteating retardedcuntsucker

>Hitler wasn't german
Hmm... I wonder (((who))) is behind this post

they will claim the windows are digital displays

You're attracting /pol/

the funny part is that the universe as a whole is a box, which is even more stifling than a flat disc

Before this day is through, someone at /pol/ will turn the Elon Musk guy into Hitler...you can guess the rest of the layout.

I mock your mom every night

A lot of people who voted Obama voted for Trump because they hate Hillary and the absolute fear the left has of criticizing Islam.


Thats pretty much everyone throughout history though, I would definitely off the anti vaxers and flat earth people if I could.

>SJWtards trying to talk on behalf of /pol/
autism on the rise

>decades and decades of polish jokes
>no pole genocide

Czemu Naziol idzie razem z owczarkiem? CO DWIE GŁOWY TO NIE JEDNA HAHA XD DOBRY ŻART

i don't know if this was meant to be ironic, but god damn my sides

>Jews mocking nazis
Was this before or after the Nazis forced Jews to live under inhumane conditions for years only to ultimately slaughter them violently by the thousands (or millions)?

ahaha stupid poles everyone can kill them all and nobody cares about them like the gypsies

Is that Fry?

So you want to waste valuable resources just to murder some idiots who believe the earth is flat? That is incredibly petty.

It would be far better to tell them to fuck off and use the same rocket to launch a spsce probe.

it feels good to see your problems float away like that.

>one guy baits /pol/tards
>hordes of /pol/tards come out of the woodwork and shit up the thread

For all of the "triggered" jokes I hear /pol/tards make they sure are quick to be offended by anything.

>Average /pol/ poster doesn't even know where his favorite sperglord was from.

Hitler wasn't a speeglord. He was a fucking Mastermind of his time.