Undergrad paper

do you think an undergrad paper can be published? pic not related

In theory, yes.
In practice, no. There is massive publication bias.

okay, thanks user

Mate, if you're undergrad your time is better spent taking some different classes and expanding your horizons than trying to get published. Just wait a year.

I did it. If your advisor is cool, he'll let you be first author too.

it should depend if the undergraduate paper contains new insights, groundbreaking ideas, or other high quality original research

Its happens quite often that an undergrad will get a second author paper. First author undergrad papers are very rare, and 9/10 first author undergrad papers are complete trash anyways.

Yep, worked for me. It's actually relatively common in math, less so in physics I suppose.

awful advice

nice! in what field?

Yes it can happen.
There was this girl in my uni who wrote a paper about coding theory and it got published

I was published as an undergrad as second author. It's quite difficult to be first author.

nah, this is how jews get credit for their peers' work

What is the process of writing a paper? i've written two but on my own.

I was published twice as an undergrad on the subject of fuel cell materials. I was extremely lucky to be published, and it had nothing to do with talent, just who I knew. I imagine a lot of undergrad research that gets published is like that.

A paper I co-wrote with my supervisor got published when I was an undergrad

in what setting you decided to wrote a paper with your supervisor? you just come up to them and tell them you wanna write this paper just for fun? reason

Yes, I published as an undergrad. As long as you're creative enough and motivated enough you can get something out.

again, how did you manage to write it? just wrote it on your own and then showed it to someone?

Worked with a grad student, wrote most of it myself in latex, submitted to a journal and went a few rounds of revisions until they finally were okay with it. just went up a few months ago.

oh i see..in what field?

Mathematics. Paper was in the realm of algebra/combinatorics/graph theory

nice...another question i have is can you publish papers from another field of study? i.e. im a second year undergrad in physics but i enjoy writing papers on mathematics. Is that "allowed" even if i havent given some specific physical application?

I had a paper published in undergrad. It's basically a matter of who your advisor happens to be, and having an undergrad publication is really pretty meaningless.

Interesting, studied something similar last semester in terms of optimization

It's a good thing for grad school or if a job you're applying for is even just tangentially related to it.

Yes obviously it's allowed. But the odds you'll be informed enough to get a decent result are slimmer.

what do you mean user?

>It's actually relatively common in math
How is that common in math if whatever knowledge you have as an undergrad in math is from one century ago, if not two?
