Are women simply biologically inferior to do STEM?

Are women simply biologically inferior to do STEM?

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They simply don't care as much


They do ok if they are micro-managed, but its rather rare that they are creative and independent. We've had 2000 years of science, and there's been like 10 super-genius women compared to about 1000 equivalent men.

Their brains work differently, making them better at some things useful in science but worse at others. One of the things they are worse at is problem solving, couple this with their general bias towards people rather than systems and most women are not suited for science. Neither are most men, of course, but more men line up in ability AND interest (and you NEED both) than do women.

I honestly cannot tell if you're just trolling or this terribly, terribly misinformed about the subject you're claiming to have knowledge in.

Your ass-blasted passive aggressive comment makes me intuit that you felt personally attacked.

Don't ignore the race of almost every single one of those thousand men.



You do realize that the European physicists of the 20th century Heisenberg, Dirac, Einstein etc stole from ancient African science look it up


>Is [population] simply [trait that becomes apparent from demographics]?




Yes. They are quite literally retarded. I used to think that was a stereotype, and I was even more sure that it was just a stereotype when I was in my Physics class and had to pair up with this girl who was a mechanical engineering major. I thought, "oh wow she's so smart, probably smarter than me!"

dumb bitch didn't even know how to work the computer, and couldn't set up the track or the spring-loaded cart launcher, despite being a mechanical engineering major, I HAD TO DO IT ALL and on top of that she didn't understand the assignment at all, I had to explain everything to her like she was retarded, I had to make every little detail brainlet-friendly, and she still didn't get it.

Why is /pol/ always right

>sample size of 1
wew lad

>on a board about science and scientific reasoning
>draws a massive conclusion based on one interaction in an undergraduate college class at Trash University
Why are /pol/sters always idiot brainlets?

>t. asshurt roasties

Anyway, you're retarded if you think your personal experience is meaningful here

Why do women even bother?

Whatever roastie hahahahaha

women are dumb lol it's been true since the dawn of time



quoting myself roasties prefer big pink cocks

That photo is hilarious. If that iron was plugged in, she'd be melting and burning the skin on her hand.

The vast majority of in-action promotional shots are ridiculous. If anyone cared about ours, you'd note that our eyes should have been burned out of our skulls.


but not this!


t. roastie
I can't imagine a woman even being able to use Veeky Forums though

t. this


but also this





not this

but also this

and this


Hey, please don't say the nono word on the internet, it is very mean and racist.

Why should a mechanical engineering major in mechanics 1 know anymore about random experiments than you do?

i am a women and yes

we are just not that good with logical stuff. sometimes i cry just having to do compulsory first year maths.

>Implying STEM is mentally challenging

I don't know.

She should be mechanically inclined and therefore at least be able to figure out how the mechanical devices work by poking around at them or watching someone else use them.

Yes, now a few years later, I think she dropped out by now. I don't see her around. Could've transferred, but I don't think that's likely.

you ever heard of double major?

Of course not, you numbskull.

you ever hear of not being Mr. TryhardRetard?

I honestly can't tell if you're just trolling or if you're a woman.

Made me chuckle.

>mechanically inclined
Not very common

Most of the women in engineering are in chemical/process eng from what I see.
That said, the valedictorian of my cohort was a female mechanical engineer.

According to the EU they want data science and AI to get rid of every kind of wrongthink on the interwebs.

The entire "women in STEM" movement is stupid for 3 reasons.

1. There is no parity. You only hear about "Women in STEM". What about "Women in construction"? What about "Men in nursing"? What about "Women in trades"? Trades pay well, construction can pay well, and nurses are frequently one of the most common jobs in the USA. My guess is women don't care about these jobs because they're not in chairs most all day like a scientist or programmer.

2. Women are biologically inclined to pursue social or care-giving jobs, such as teachers and nurses. When a man or woman can be anything they want to be, they choose what their biology tells them to be.
15:30 9 month old babies preferred male/female toys, boys to boy toys, girls to girl toys.
22:30 one day old baby boys preferred to look at mechanical objects, and one day old baby girls preferred to look at people's faces.
Just watch the whole video with an open mind:
Anyway, because women are biologically inclined to pursue non-STEM fields, trying to force them into STEM is a waste of money and leads to my rage in point 3.

3. I don't give a fuck about your gender. Are you competent at your job? The only thing that matters is answering this question in the affirmative. Obviously women can be competent in STEM. Obviously men can be competent in nursing or teaching. But huge encouragement for women in STEM is fucking stupid if they're just going to be incompetent or complacent or not even try to be competent. They'll just coast along because they're a woman in a STEM job. It's bullshit. Don't even get me started on how many jobs these women take away from men who can actually do the work. But no. Instead of a competent man, a woman will get hired for sweet corporate tax breaks.

This is why women in STEM is stupid. Based on the video I'd even say women in STEM is a waste of women who would otherwise be more productive for society, and a huge waste of money.

No. Western society has historically passively and actively conditioned them away from advancing in the field.

It's not a question of women being competent in STEM, it is a question of societal programming that has conditioned them into believing they are incompetent at advancing in the field. Women who appear to be incompetent at STEM only are so because STEM has been a part of Western patriarchal culture for centuries, which has privileged white men over everyone else. There is no biological basis for assuming men and women are naturally inclined to certain activities due to biological factors. This is overly simplistic and does not account for neuroplasticity of the human mind and the socio-culture factors that intertwine with this.

Women weren't allowed to have an education for most of that time, to be fair.

What historical civilization of any significance hasn't? All of them did. From ancient middle eastern civilzations to China, Greece, Rome. Why? Probably because they understood what would happen if women would be given free reign. Complete moral degeneration.

And I say this as a happily married man that's looking forward to having a daughter or two.