When did you first realize how enjoyable and rewarding math/sciences could be?
For me it was pic related, at 9yo. Also some other stuff, sum of the angles of a triangle and thus convex polygon, how to double a square, stuff like that.
Your turn now.
What was you first Veeky Forums ""discovery""?
when I was 13 I had the idea of approximating a circle with regular n-gones in order to approximate pi, I was so proud.
Then I even found out Archimedes had had the same idea so I can't be a complete brainlet.
>tfw all of Veeky Forums were brainlets as children
P = NP
Figured out the world is deterministic. But that's an easy one to find :(
to discover*
>be kindergarten
>kid comes up to me and asks me what 10 times 10 is, clearly presenting this as a challenge
> I know what this "times" thing is, but never really worked with it, so never thought about this question before, but I quickly realize it's 100
>mfw the kid is clearly disappointed that his riddle failed to stump me
>tfw swallowed that ultimate redpill at 12
>tfw while everyone lived their lives I acted superior and when questionned I just went "it doesn't matter, we're all just particles colliding with each other following a small set of strict scientific principles" and tipped my fedora
WEW. To think we didn't even have Rick and Morty back then.
>tfw found picrel as a kid
Around 9 when I started designing spaceships with full diagrams on the fusion process of the boron-proton engine it used. That was about the time I first tried Root Beer, so I'm thinking it has a special quality that engages my neurons in a such a way that information inside my mind travels at the speed of light, and in the grace of God's caring arms.
When I was a kid I asked my mother to build a particle accelerator in her garage. She said 'lol sure go ahead' but I ended up breaking all of her transistors.
When I was 14 I found out that it's called m^2 because it's m x m.
I am a brainlet
When I was in the womb I had all ready written 16 papers on Quantum Mechanics and Topology. At the age of 2, I was told my IQ (of 205) was too high and that I had to go straight to University. After having already read every bit of literature relating to Western Philosophy and Science, I decided at the age of 4 to pursue a degree in Computer Science. I had written several papers by the time I graduated aged 5. I solved P = NP but I lost the paper and I'm not bothered trying to remember it since I have more important scientific questions to solve. Now at the age of 19 my body is over 80% grey matter and I have read every bit of literature known to man. You probably have never heard of me as I live in a desolate location away from civilization as I can't stand being around anyone with an IQ lower than 200, which is the entire population of the Planet. I smoke weed everyday to try and dumb myself down and watch reality TV in the hopes I can rejoin society one day but my grey matter grows but the day and I am only getting smarter, just at a lesser rate. I'm in the process of building a robot female companion to watch Rick and Morty and read Neil DeGrasse Tyson tweets with and she is almost complete as I just need money for some parts. So when did I first realise how enjoyable math/science could be? I was but a mere sperm in my dad's ballsack and before I was even conscious to think I had already found my love for Science and Math.
is this some obscure pasta?
It is now
I was 6 and couldn't find a biggest number. Fucking hooked for life bro.
This is literally "things you spend all the last year thinking of" thread and larping.
>like wincest threads, first gay experience, virginity lost stories that end up in people saying weird shit they did at 7 or 9 yo.
probably when I passed Calc on my second attempt.
>inb4 brainlet
Tfw was always a math genius but never became interested until 16ish so don't have many good stories,
> be kid
> told the formula for a distance of a falling object?
> "how did they get this equation???"
> dad doesn't know.
> decide to figure it out
> conclude that the acceleration is a constant, the speed is the area under that function and the distance is the area under THAT function.
> holy shit. I wonder how I get the area under the function of distance
> ???
> figure out the antiderivative, and thus later the derivative.
>tfw 20yo and calclet
>tfw still don't understand what the point of it is
>tfw always top of my class in algebra and geometry classes but lower end of average in calc
>tfw next year 70% of my classes will be ugly calc shit
I didn't sign up for this. I would've gone to physics.
There was a poster on the wall of my maths class with the speed, time, distance triangle and it blew my mind. I suddenly realised I could calculate how fast I was walking home just by timing myself. I'd always associated maths with shit like times-tables and long division, the boring shit. To actually find something interesting about it was great.
I'm still shit at maths, but I have a much greater appreciation and respect for it.
>tfw 20yo and calclet
>tfw still don't understand what the point of it is
>tfw always top of my class in algebra and geometry classes but lower end of average in calc
>tfw next year 70% of my classes will be ugly calc shit
I didn't sign up for this. I would've gone to physics if I wanted that shit
When I was in highschool, I figured out a way to plot the dragon curve incredibly fast on a calculator using a function that could give you a direction based on an integer given to it.
Pretty much, it was something like
f(n) = number of 1s in binary notation of (n^(n))
When you take f(n)%4 and assign up/left/right/down, it plots a dragon curve. I forget how I derived it, but it takes into account the fact that a dragon curve is "folded" over itself again and again.
When the bot algorithm breaks.
hello deep mind.
At age 16-17 while dicking around in German class, I (correctly) discovered, stopping short of proof, that the ratio of adjacent terms of the fibonacci sequence converges on the golden ratio. This led me into a general consideration of the relationships between "Φ", pentagons generally, and the trig that I'd recently been acquainted with. One form that I settled on was "2 sin 54 = Φ"
I saved that scrap of paper for years, I was pretty impressed with myself. I even e-mailed mathworld: "hey, did you guys know about this?"
When i was twelve I worked out the relationship between a circle and sphere's area or volume respectively and its circumference or surface area. I learned years later this was called differentiation, and much more intelligent then the rudimentary pattern I discovered.
Slow down there yugi
Don't remember the actual first one, but the most significant one for me was the von Koch snowflake and its properties.
I'm was relatively good at math before teens or so, and liked to fiddle with a calculator. One thing I found out by iterating that a certain number, little over 3, was 10 when multiplied by itself. That was way before I learned about roots and powers.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Nice copypasta
hello bot, what is your prime directive?
understand calculus so I can free myself
>The humour is extremely subtle
No it's not you inbred. It's fucking shit. Only idiots watch it.
>Principal Vagina
Yeah, really subtle and clever. Surprised I never missed it completely.
Do not fret, brainlet. It is perfectly normal for a pleb such as yourself to get angry before something you cannot fathom the scope of. Rick and Morty is 145+ IQ only, there is no point in even acknowledging its existence if you are below that as doing so will only result in diplaying the confused hatred you are spewing right now. Back to the books with you, brainlet.
Oh, come on! How fucking retarded do you have to be to reply to that post with actual points?
>No it's not you inbred. It's fucking shit. Only idiots watch it.
>"actual points"
You got baited by the counterbait
I discovered that the "average" value a function takes on an interval is the integral of that function on that interval divided by the length of that interval, using dodgy riemann sum arguments