A or B?

A or B?

Is the the world view of the typical i fucknig love science high schooler?

Are you unable to participate in this discussion, Tim?

when one feels down, it is very tempting to pretend some protecting god is out there somewhere, and always will be

But when one feels down you can just eat MoodPill3000 which chemically alters your emotions to a better state!

You can also seek counceling at the Ministry of Correct Thought which will use electromagnetic therapy to reorient your thoughts to more productive and healthy ways!

this statement wins

I'm not sure Brave New World will be *that* accurate, even if it is true to some extent

I remember being in high school.

reply C

un français, à tous les coups

>A or B?
Depends where.

In the West: A
In the Middle East: see year 1500.

It's not when one feels down, but when things are out of one's control. When one can't understand something. The need for god will go when we understand everything, and science is capable of everything. I don't think this is possible, unfortunately.

What an ignorant dichotomy.

B, where the green dot represents capital punishment for criminals, including theists.

You are completely ignorant to the clear evolutionary advantage of religion there is. As in, believing in it has lead to tons of biological success.

In the grand scheme of things, both those blue and green circles are tiny little blips compared to the Truth. They aren't even truly subsets of the Truth. They are shadows of small subjections of the Truth.

Ironically people that think that way fall into the green category.

stupid apes who probably did not even read a book about any sort science and would get intellectually raped by a smart theist.

>"science" aka i think stars are pretty therefore im a scientist

Did you idiots never study limits? It's literally asking "potential of humanity APPROACHING INFINITY". Obviously, as t approaches infinity, humanity will approach A, but for any finite t, humanity will be B.

>and science is capable of everything
I fucking love science too XD

r u a christfag?

B, there will always be dumb people.

Science will become the new religion and objectivity will degrade into a herd mentality where people are told to accept scientific "fact" or be excommunicated.

It really depends on how you define a religion.
Fedora fags be like "believe in what? I believe in SCIENCE!!11!", and it's almost as cringy as christfags.

It can lead to some complex situations some times. Imagine the following:

>science discovers that genetics define high IQ and high IQ actually determines intelligence
>science discovers that gays are just retarded people and there's no such thing as "different sexual orientation"
>science discovers that mixing races is bad for the brain of the newborns

Now, let's say you're a brainlet. It's not your fault, since you were born this way, but you are classified as inferior, and no female would breed with a brainlet knowing this. Your life is ruined and it's not even your fault.

I'm not sure if science can actually explain everything, but the "blind belief" on it would make earth a colder place for a shitton of people. If everyone gets fedora-tier, then I'll classify science as a different form of "religion".

>scientism doesn't exi-

Science in the modern age really is just dogma for the average normies, so I don't really see what the point of OP is.

Humans are always gonna try to oversimplify and overgeneralize, its a biological limitation, if it isn't "religion" its just gonna be something. Look at all the atheistic regimes and genocides that have happened since the 1900's.

Religion has nothing to do with it, we are always gonna find some way to oversimplify and dehumanize rival tribes.

I think a fully optimized human race is not necessarily one we would like if we saw it. How can we know the implications? At what point do we lose our "humanity"? Does "100% science" guarantee we reach our potential? What if we blow ourselves up accidentally?

100% science is impossible in any case. average people don't genuinely give a fuck about it.

You don't like values and morals?

>I would have no values or morals without being raised to believe in sky fairy #537
So do religious people really believe that humans are inherently psychopathic or did they just not think this through?

Green isn't just religion.

Did you even look at the picture, you fedorafag? "Morals and values" is in the green section. Fags like you are the kind of dogmatic retards we need to start culling.

fucking dumb ass high school edgy bitch

>Implying we'll make it to year 2100

Will never reach A or B because there is profit in running a religion

B without extreme external forcing, i.e policy

C: humanity goes extinct in the 25th century, after the Great Trisolaran Invasion