How to fix leaky gut?
>inb4 bla bla that's pseudoscience
>inb4 natural medicine quackery
How to fix leaky gut?
>inb4 bla bla that's pseudoscience
>inb4 natural medicine quackery
Crystals and homeopathy
You also need to fix your chakras
>"Hurr Durr I went to medical school and I can tell you that the only thing beneficial to the human body is synthetic chemicals produced in a lab which are completely foreign to the human body and cause more symptoms than they cure"
That's pseudoscience and quackery.
>cause more symptoms than they cure
citation needed
>how do I stop the nutrition I eat from passing through my intestinal walls
Also that pic.
I didn't know the digestive system was in direct proximity to the blood brain barrier.
>hurr durr I didn't go to medical school so I know better than those """"doctors"""" with their years of training and their decades of evidence based studies that this made up meme disease is totally real why wont you just confirm my stupid bias or are you really such a brainless shill?
as if i needed more confirmation of your 2-digit IQ
Leaky gut doesn't exist
People who went to medical school have no idea the underlying mechanisms which cause most drugs to work. And you think you do?
>synthetic chemicals
i bet you think synthetic diamonds arnt diamonds? Synthetic doesnt mean what you think it means in regards to drugs, or chemistry in general.
The only metric that matters in medicine is money. Medical science is not rigorous.
They may not know the underlying biochemical or molecular biology mechanism for a drug's action, no. Leaky gut, however, is a thoroughly physical explanation. It presupposes gaps in the intestinal lining through which matter can slip. Such gaps, if they existed, would be easy to confirm with microscopy. They have never been observed.
Consider this. The Amerindians only had homeopathic remedies, no modern medicine. And ~90% of them died of smallpox.
All Europeans had in the middle ages was homeopathic remedies. And 1/3 of them died of the plague. Nobody dies of Bubonic plague anymore.
>People who went to medical school have no idea the underlying mechanisms which cause most drugs to work.
Do you know who does know? PHARMACOLOGISTS, FAGGOT
You know, the people who DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE the drugs
pharmacologists do not do the research that elucidates drug pathways nor creates new drugs. you design and manufacture them true, but based on research done by actual scientists (biochemists mostly)
>implying research pharmacologists aren't primarily chemists and biochemists
you fucking what?
research pharmacologists are involved in kinetics and dynamics, not the primary research that goes into understanding the exact mechanism a compound will have on other biomolecules. No one identifies as a "research pharmacologist" except brainlets who want in on thinking they are primary researchers.
That's not a citation
>pharmacologists do not do the research that elucidates drug pathways nor creates new drugs
incredible backtracking
are you retarded? you're the one who said pharmacologists design and manufacture drugs, which is wrong. Very little science involved, they are glorified lab techs, testing what actual scientists develop.
>leaky gut (aka double-digit IQ sindrome)
Only the 12 gauge lobotomizer applied to the cranium and consuming 100g of orgone crystals per day can save you from shit getting in your brain through the bloodstream.
bitch nigger the original argument was that pharmacologists know what drugs do and how they work and affect the human body
you may be right or wrong about what they do as a profession, but my point still stands and basically you're mum is a harlot
but they dont know what drugs do, that's my point. they have a vague idea but it's simplistic at best. Not my fault you're regretting your career choice man, i bet you think MDs do science too (they dont)
>Hey guys how do i troll Veeky Forums?
i'm a mathfag phd student i don't understand what your genuine issue is faggo
sounds like you just have a superiority complex against pharmacologists for some reason
>i bet they dont even shrink down in the magic school bus with mrs frizzle and watch the drugs affect the body in person! what frauds!
literally retarded. They know what these drugs do and how they are dispersed and metabolized. Quit acting like you know what you're talking about.
superiority complex? I just dont want people thinking those people do anything a lab tech cant do. they dont solve original problems.
gl with the 300k starting brah
>gl with the 300k starting brah
i'm doing financial math so if i get lucky i'll be making somewhere around 100k+ starting assuming i don't decide to stay in academia